Chapter 14

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Ally rested back against the pillow on the trolley as she was being wheeled down an all too familiar corridor. She was normally the one chatting away to the patients about the news or the weather as the nurse who was looking after her was doing now she soon realised that none of her patients were actually interested in what Ally was saying.

She was nervous even though it was only an operation on her foot, she was still nervous..she had cried herself to sleep after Katie had left last night..only managing to drift off for a couple of hours before spending the remainder of the night wide awake staring out onto the city lights. She was mad a Katie yet she craved having her around, were they ever going to get past were they were now..snapping and fighting with one argument riling Ally up so much she had managed to break her fucking foot by kicking the stupid radiator in her flat.

"You alright Ally bear" Tim asked glancing down at her as he wheeled her towards the theatre. Tim was an elderly porter who she knew well who transferred many of her patients back to recover or back to their wards. She gave him a soft smile as she nodded.

"Well look who it is" Sandra beamed as she glanced down at the brunette "how you doing pet" she asked sympathetically as she held onto Ally's hand.

"Mortified" Ally mumbled as Sandra just smiled knowing that the entire operating staff were fully aware of Ally's admission.

"Theatre 3 Tim" Sandra said following the trolley into the spacious sterile room.

"Right guys you know the drill..5 minutes before Mr. Jones will be here" Charlotte one of the orthopaedic scrub nurses declared giving Ally a quick wink and busying herself with preparing equipment.

"I'll see you in recover sweetie don't worry it'll be over before you know it" Sandra said as she placed a small kiss on the brunettes forehead. she watched as Sandra's face lit up as Sandra's eyes remained fixated towards the door.

"About time you got her" Ally's boss said as she headed for the door leaving the brunette to turn and see Katie stood by the theatre door, scrubs on and a surgical mask covering half of her face. The staff were scurrying around the theatre each preparing their own duties as Katie made her way over to her wife.

"Hey how you doing" Katie asked softly pulling down her mask to her chin as she gripped onto the bed railing..Ally's eyes connecting with the sparkling rings on Katie's left hand caused a jolt of excitement race through Ally's body.

She was still annoyed with Katie's snappy behaviour over the past few days but who was Ally kidding of course she was excited to see Katie was actually stood here and wearing her wedding ring.

"What are you doing here" is all Ally could manage as her eyes remained fixed on the sparkling band that wrapped Katie's slender finger.

"You didn't actually think I was not going to show up did you" Katie frowned..her face displayed hurt rather than the anger she had been displaying the past few days.

"Thanks I know I haven't said it but it means a lot you being here" Ally sighed as she played with her wrist band. She chewed her lip as she reached under her gown..maybe deep down she knew Katie would turn up or she just took a chance but she revealed her long chain that her own wedding band and engagement ring dangled from.

She had kept it around her neck the past few days. It was comfort to her the past few days even if Katie had been keeping her distance. Katie smiled warmly as she helped the brunette take the chain off and let it drop into her own hand. They remained quiet for a moment while the staff prepared the machines around Ally.

"I've been a real shit this week Ally" Katie mumbled as she held onto the chain tightly

"I've said stuff that I don't mean and I'm sorry" she added making eye contact with Ally's worried brown eyes as she entwined their baby fingers together.

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