Chapter 9

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"So come on, who is she" Sarah asked as her and Ally wheeled a patient to recovery room after assisting in Mr. Barry's orthopaedic surgery.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Ally laughed as they positioned the bed against the wall. Ally handed her patient over to the recovery nurse while Sarah waited for her smirking the entire time.

There was definitely something different about Ally now..her brown eyes had a sense of sparkle that Sarah had not seen from her co-worker before, she noticed Ally was a lot more perky than she had been the last few weeks around the theatre.

"Come on Ally just tell me, I know you by now and trust me you have hot sex written all over your face" Sarah said causing Ally to laugh as they walked back towards the nurse's station.

"You seriously read into things way too much" Ally mocked brushing her shoulder against Sarah's as they took a seat. They sat at the nurses' station as they both caught up with paper work. Ally couldn't hold her happiness. She smiled allowing her fingers trail over her necklace were her wedding ring dangle under her scrub top, was it really that obvious? If Sarah could sense something how come Rach hadn't said anything.

"Girls" Sandra greeted her Nurses as Sarah and Ally said hello in unionisation.

"Ally I'm short a nurse in a liver transplant this morning" Sandra said, Ally groaned knowing she didn't have a choice in the matter..anything to do with the liver was definitely meant she wasn't going to be out of before nine o'clock tonight.

"Ok" Ally shrugged as she dropped her pen and continued to write some notes.

"Sarah" Sandra now gave her attention to the blonde

"Some of these are not signed by Ms. Thomas, I need you to get her to sign them before I can file them away" Sandra said handing Sarah some files as her eyes locked briefly with a wandering Ally's. Ally cleared her throat and continued her work.

"No probs" Sarah smiled taking the files and placing them next to Ally who tried to focus on her work until Sandra had made small talk and disappeared back into her office. Five minutes later and Ally couldn't take her eyes off the yellow sheets beside her.

"I can get Ms. Thomas to sign them if you want" Ally said casually causing Sarah to glare at her.

"I don't think that's a good idea after Monday do you" Sarah asked cautiously remembering how awkward the surgery was after Ally had stormed out and Katie's thundering attitude for the entire surgery.

"Seriously it's fine, I should probably apologise to her anyway" Ally said nervously hoping Sarah would believe her.

"Ok cool but if Sandra asks, I did it" Sarah warned as Ally grinned hopping up from her chair as she gave her friend a pat on the shoulder and left the nurse's station.

"Ally" Sarah called out as Ally raced back blushing as she took the yellow sheets Sarah held out for her. Sarah smirked as she watched the other nurse chirp down the hallway..

"Come in" Katie shouted as her pen tapped gently against her paper work.  The Surgeon stretched back in her office chair as she sighed loudly into her hands. She felt stressed after her two hour meeting with other Surgeons this morning, her office door closed as the presence kept quiet she peeped between her fingers instantly feeling her heart race as Ally stood leaning against her office door in her scrubs.

"Hi" Ally smiled shyly as she watched Katie stand up in her pin skirt and blouse, it was nice seeing Katie all professional looking every now and then. Katie smiled as she slowly made her way over to Ally who didn't move, her eyes just roamed over Katie's tanned legs and tight skirt clinging in all the right places. Ally gulped as Katie's face remained blank as her hand reached out tracing lightly over Ally's scrubs that parted at her hips.

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