Chapter 5

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A week had passed before Ally seen Katie again..Ally thought after Katie's ultimatum that that would be the last Ally would see of her wife. Katie's words haunted Ally..she meant nothing to her when Katie meant everything to Ally. Ally knew she needed to move on..she was never going to have her old life back. A life she had no control over well now she had control over her new one. She had spent the week working 9-5 hours out in the check in area ensuring she stayed well clear of any operating theatre she couldn't face seeing Katie. It was now a Friday evening when Ally was finishing up for the week..the only good thing about covering Margaret's hours is that Ally got the weekends off..she couldn't wait to go out tonight. Drink, dance maybe even have a little flirt she was definitely going to get bladdered tonight..she needed it after last weekend. She needed to let loose. 

"Enjoy your weekend kiddo..I know I will" Tam wiggled her eye brows as she passed Ally who was changing at her locker 

"Oh yeh..anything exciting planned" Ally smiled placing her hoodie over her head 

"I've got me a hot date with the new hot surgeon" Tam replied a little too excited for Ally's liking as Ally's heart sank deep in her chest..Tam was a player..she was a short haired aneasthist nurse with lesbian written all over her with her piercing and tattoos..Ally gave the short haired girl a quick smile as she muttered a good bye and left the locker room. The last time she had felt this much pain in her chest was when Katie gave her their divorce papers. Sure Katie was single and had every right to do what she wanted but was it really necessary that she went out with one of Ally's coworkers..Katie was throwing this in Ally's face and it made Ally's blood boil.. 

"Ally" speak of the devil herself Katie jogged up to Ally slightly breathless, her bright blue eyes staring into hers 

"Hey" Katie said clearly a lot less angry than when they had last seen each other. 

" I wanted to apologise for last week" Katie said chewing the inside of her cheek as Ally's stern face glared at her 

"What I said" Katie sighed feeling guilt eat her up inside, she had wanted to talk to Ally all week but she knew she needed to give them space. Give Ally some head space about her coming to work in the same hospital 

"It's fine" Ally said staring at Katie as her teeth gritted 

"I've got to go" she mumbled stepping forward as Katie stepped to the side blocking Ally's way. 

"Al look I really didn't mean.." Katie trailed off as she was interrupted by Tam calling her name as she came their way. Ally stared into Katie's eyes full of sadness she wanted to beg Katie not to go out with Tam..beg her to come home with her and give her another chance..tell her how much she loved Katie and wanted to spend the rest of her life with her..but her heart broke a little more now knowing Katie had moved on from their was over..they were over 

"Al" Katie whispered as she seen how upset Ally was..she wanted to know what had happened 

"Enjoy your night" Ally smiled weakly as she brushed past Katie this time Katie didn't stop her..Katie sighed as she watched the brunette walk away...


Katie glanced around the busy club as Tam went to get them drinks. They had just went to an Angus steak house..Tam spoke mostly about herself throughout dinner which Katie didn't really mind since she didn't have to talk..she wasn't in the mood to be out tonight..All she could think about was how guilty she felt for how things happened earlier with Ally. She tried to apologise but then Tam coming a long she had clearly told Ally all about their dinner plans..Tam had hounded Katie the past 3 days between surgeries to go out with her..she finally agreed for her own sanity of hearing Tam beg one more time..dinner and drinks she thought..why not it's not as though she knew that many people in London. She thought it would be no harm that was until she seen Ally's hurt face on the corridor after work. Katie missed not seeing Ally all week..she had seen her a couple of times ordering take out lunch from the staff canteen and then was gone..Katie had never felt so torn about her feelings, at least in Gambia Katie thought at the time she hated Ally so it was easy to be nasty to her wife. Now Katie felt bad for turning up and turning Ally's life upside down. 

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