Chapter 37

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Katie opened the bedroom door where Ally was staying in Sandra's house. Rach was sat next to Ally who was slowly towel drying her highlighted hair.

"I'm going to nip to the shops and get us food" Rach excused herself as she gave Ally's arm a light squeeze as she exited the room giving Katie a quick smile and leaving the pair alone.

"You ok babe" Katie asked as she stepped into the room hearing the front door close she knew Jane and Tiff were most likely arguing about something downstairs.

"I don't know what to do" Ally mumbled as she rubbed her swollen eyes. She felt numb, she gave Sandra what she had wished for but instead of feeling happy she done right by a dying woman.

She felt guilty and horrible for what she did only hours ago, she remembered feeling nauseous as she drew up the lethal dose of morphine.

Syringe after syringe she placed them in the tray as she slowly made her way into where a weak Sandra was praying to herself.

"Are you sure about this" Ally asked feeling like emptying the contents of her stomach all over the floor.

Sandra gave her a weak smile and she nodded her head. They didn't exchange much between them.

Ally told Sandra she loved her and respected her and Sandra's simple words were be happy and stop running away from your past.

Ally thought about Sandra's last words and she sat back crying watching the morphine take over Sandra's body, it was a peaceful death while Sandra smiled until her very last breath only a few minutes later, leaving a sobbing Ally gripping Sandra's warm hand as she checked for a pulse but that was it Sandra was gone.

55 years old and her life was no from this cruel world while Ally had to live in she sat crying she realised how precious life precious Katie was to her...she couldn't bare the thought of anything ever happening to Katie...

"Look everything is sorted don't need to worry about anything now" Katie said as she broke Ally from her painful flash back.

Ally's blood shot eyes connected with Katie's as Katie sat next to her and gripped her hand in her own.

"Where's Jane" Ally asked

"Downstairs" Katie replied

"You should go be with her...I'm just going to wait for the funeral directors to come and then I'm going to stay with Rach until the wedding" Ally replied as Katie's grip tightened.

"I'm not going anywhere..I'm staying with you Al" Katie replied leaning forward and placing a kiss on Ally's damp cheek.

"But she'll get suspicious, the last thing I want right now is Jane wanting to kill me..let's just wait until after the wedding" Ally sighed as Katie shook her head.

"I don't care if she get suspicious...she's going to find out sooner or later..I'm staying with you babe no matter what" Katie said as she wrapped her arm around Ally bringing her close as she held her.

Katie couldn't imagine what was going through Ally's head right now. Sure she done something that could land her in prison but Katie wasn't going to judge what Ally done.

She knew how close Ally and Sandra had become and honestly even though she was a medical professional if someone she loved begged for a way out she probably would consider it.

"Babe..I want you to know it's going to about how Sandra one will ever know ok" Katie said as she pulled back allowing Ally to face her.

"Sandra was dying and as far as the Coroner is concerned I've signed it off that it was the progression of the cancer so there won't be any postmortem" Katie said as fresh tears streamed Ally's cheeks.

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