Chapter 6

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Katie smiled as she seen Denny waiting by her car at the train station. Denise was Ally's younger sister. She was 22 now all grown up. Katie and Denny had always gotten on so well, Denny had came out to Gambia and stayed with Katie and Ally for a month one summer.

Katie loved the sisters relationship, they fought, cried, laughed and most of all loved each other. Ally was good to Denny, she always looked out for her little sister. When Denny dropped out of a business course in her first year of college and said she wanted to do hairdressing, their parents were not pleased and refused to fund Denny's fees Ally being Ally with her heart of gold sent her younger sister more than enough to keep her little sister going and now Denny was a qualified hair stylist and running her own little salon in Brighton.

"What are you doing here" Denny squealed with a mixture of apprehension and joy in her voice as she gave the American girl a tight squeeze.

"I'm looking for your sister" Katie replied as they broke apart, Denny looked up at the dark haired girl.

"She's pretty upset" Denny said as Katie nodded, she knew Ally confided in Denny.

"I know but it wasn't like that" Katie replied, she wasn't going into details about it.

"I don't know if it's a good idea you coming here" Denny warned

"There's certain things that Ally has kept from Mum and Dad" she added as a confused Katie opened the passenger door climbing in.


Ally was lying in her old bed upstairs while her parents watched telly down in the living room. She hadn't spoken much to her parents since returning a few hours ago, her mum of course snapping at her for not telling her she was coming to stay.

Ally lied saying she had planned this a while back but must of forgotten to tell her parents she was coming. The truth was she needed out of London, her heart ached since she found out Katie was going out to dinner with Tam. Ally wished she could just go out to a random club right now and pick some random girl and fuck them, use them until she got Katie out of her head but she couldn't do it.

Ally had told her close friends that tonight she was going to stay in and catch up with her family. Four words had been muttered from her father since dinner and that was only to change the channel to sports so Ally made an excuse of being tired and went to her room.

She wished she was one of those girls who could sleep with anyone. She had plenty of invitations over the past few months but her heart was never in it, she had a couple of snogs here and there but she knew her heart was back in Gambia where her life was.

Now she felt stupid, how many girls had Katie been with since they broke up? Katie clearly didn't appear to have any problems with moving on from Ally earlier when she was going on her big date. That was it Ally thought she was going out tomorrow night with her friends and picking up the first hottie she found.Lacey's was the club she spent many a drunken night growing up in Brighton.

"Alison" her mother shouted up the stairs as Ally groaned, now what.

"What" Ally shouted as she huffed still lying in her old bed.

"Don't say what to me, get down here now" her Mother snapped.

"Bloody hell" Ally muttered as she pushed herself off her bed making her way out of the room, stomping down the stairs in a t-shirt and tiny shorts she opened the living room door stood in her living room was Katie who had the biggest grin on her face. Shit shit shit Ally thought as panic rippled through her, Ally's father Jim stared at her waiting for her reaction.

"Hi...erm..what you doing here" Ally smiled nervously hoping to god Katie wasn't going to blow her cover.

"Well don't get too excited to see your wife babe" Katie chuckled as she stepped forward and leaned in placing a kiss on Ally's cheek. Ally blushed as Katie's arm slid around her waist. What the hell was this, Ally gulped as her Mother came rushing in with her finest china she placed it on the coffee table.

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