Chapter 33

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Hey sorry it's been a while. I've just been busy but I promise by next week I will have more time to finish this story up!Thanks for reading xx

"What" Ally laughed Rach's stern look away, as she quickly turned her back to face the kettle mouthing shit to herself.

Rach would know when was lying, she always knew...always.

"Alison" Rach snapped getting to her feet as Ally sighed slowly turning around.

"Don't call me that" Ally muttered as she couldn't even look at Rach who was now in front of her glaring at her.

Hearing her full name in that tone reminded her of being in trouble with her mother or Katie and she wasn't about to admit it but she knew Rach wasn't going to let her off the hook that easy.

"What do you want me to call you...a home wrecker...a liar" Rach snapped as Ally hushed her not wanting Sandra to wake up.

"So come on..out with it..tell me I'm wrong" Rach pushed as she paced a few steps in front of Ally and back again.

Ally knew she could try her hardest and lie through her teeth but she knew herself she was a bad liar and what was the point.

She should have told Rach but she couldn't, she couldn't bring herself to telling her best friend that she was seeing Katie behind one of Shel's best friends back.

"Who told you" Ally asked timidly as Rach stopped in her tracks their eyes connecting Ally felt nervous as she could see the fury in Rach's eyes.

"No one..I could practically smell the sex off Katie this evening when she came out of that toilet...I seen the way she looked at wasn't like an ex wife was suppose to look at their ex spouse...she was looking at you the very same way when she walked back into your life 3 years ago...Don't bull shit me anymore Ally" Rach snapped as she pointed her warning finger at her friend.

"Sit down and tell me the truth NOW" she snapped as Ally shifted uncomfortably and done what she was told.

She chewed the inside of her cheek just thinking back on the past few weeks. She should feel guilty but she didn't, sh felt her body react to images of how Katie had made her feel over the past couple of weeks.

The kissing, touching..god the touching but most of all..the love, she loved Katie..more now than she ever did and maybe they were going about it the wrong way but she couldn't help how she felt.

"When did it start" Rach sighed as she sat down opposite her friend. She appeared slightly more calm as Ally began playing with her fingers nervously.

"Rach we don't really need to do this..I"

"When" Rach snapped causing Ally's body to jerk to her voice.

"We kissed but.."

"When Ally" Rach snapped

"My party, in Ruby's that's when we first slept together" Ally mumbled as Rach groaned raking her fingers through her short blonde hair as her elbows rested on the table in front of her.

"Ally" she groaned.

"Why" Rach snapped looking up at her friend

"Why after all this time"

"Because..." Ally could feel her tears prickling her eyes

"I love her Rach..I've never stopped loving her" she sniffed.

"I tried convincing myself I could just come here and be apart of your wedding and Katie would just be in the background but deep down..the back of my mind I knew I wanted to see her..wanted to be with her because I love her..I haven't stopped loving her since the first time I met her and that's the god honest truth" Ally cried.

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