Chapter 12

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A flood of panic washed over Ally as she reached out to the empty space beside. Her head banging she dashed out of her room stumbling towards the dining table where Shel, Rach and Katie stared at her mid breakfast.

"Sleeping beauty is awake" Rach joked snatching a slice of toast off the plate Katie held offering some to Shel who politely declined. Katie gave Ally a warm smile..despite Ally's churning stomach to the small of breakfast and a whopping headache Ally was squealing inside that Katie had exactly slept over last night, beside her, in her bed.

"Yo numpty" Rach called out as Ally jumped in her spot.

"What" she grumbled.

"I said sit down for some food" Rach pulled out the chair beside her beckoning her friend to sit beside her

"So I was wrong about wifey over here" Rach pointed at a smirking Katie "and we are cool now as long as she continues to make a brekkie like this" Rach said as she stuffed her mouth with sausages.

"Yo how does an American know how to do a full English" Rach whispered her mouth full of half chewed food whilst Katie was busy in the kitchen.

"I guess I trained her well" Ally smirked as she held her head in her hands. She remembered her and Katie were talking last night about everything, she needed to pick up where they left off. They both had stuff they needed to say to one another that remained bottled up for over a year.

"Here" Katie smiled as she placed a home cooked full English breakfast plate in front of her. Ally heaved as she stood up.

"No, excuse me" Ally said holding her mouth as she ran straight for the bathroom whilst hearing a rupture of laughter echoed from the kitchen.

"You look rough" Katie said sitting on the edge of the bath as she held a glass of water out for a pale faced Ally.

"I'm such an idiot" Ally breath out as she rested back from the toilet bowl wiping her tears and mouth in the hand towel.

"Yeh you are" Katie smirked.

"You are loving this aren't you" Ally snapped throwing the dirty towel at her wife who squealed and ducked for cover. As Katie's laughter died down, the silence eased between them.

They were back having a physical relationship for over a month know, Ally knew an emotional relationship needed to be formed to at least try and forget about the past.

"We need to talk" Ally finally said standing up she reached for her tooth brush as Katie remained sitting on the ledge of the bath.

"I know but I've got to go to work for a while" Katie replied as Ally rolled her eyes brushing her teeth.

"One day, can you just not go in for one day" Ally mumbled with her brush in her mouth as she looked down on her wife.

"Ally it's my job" Katie replied slightly irritated

"Not everyday Katie, you need a break too" Ally said wiping her mouth as she placed her tooth brush back in the cup next to Rach's.

"To what get so drunk that you are puking your guts up the next day" Katie shot back as Ally's eyes widened.

"Ok since when did this turn into an argument" Ally joked but Katie was beyond finding this one bit funny.

"This is one big joke to you" Katie mumbled as she stormed out of the bathroom.

"What's that suppose to mean" Ally shot back offended. Anything between her and Katie was definitely not a joke.

"Nothing" Katie mumbled once in Ally's room she quickly gathered her stuff in her hand bag.

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