Chapter 23

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"Lets go" Ally chirped as she clapped her hands continuously throwing her small suitcase on the couch. Rach appeared from her room texting on her phone as Ally rolled her eyes.

"Babe you seriously need to detach yourself from Shel for at least an hour" Ally teased.

"You are worse than me when I was married" she added as Rach laughed clicking send and sliding her phone into her jeans.

"I doubt that Harris" Rach replied as she grabbed her overnight bag hanging it over her shoulder.

"This is going to be amazing..I can't wait" Ally said excitedly as she held her plane ticket and passport in her hand.

It was the day of Rach and Shel's hen party, Rach, Ally and a few of Rach's other friends were flying to Manchester early for some one on one time whilst they met with Shel and her mates later that evening before heading for a meal and then onto a club.

Ally really was excited for her trip to Manchester. She had spent many weekends with an ex girlfriend in Manchester when she was in college and couldn't wait to get back to the night life.

Ally put her passport and plane ticket in her handbag as a Rach strolled over to the door answering the knock.

"Are we going to get shit faced or what" Tiff burst through the door as Ally looked at her confused.

"Come on bitches let's go we've got a plane to catch" Tiff squealed as the three girls laughed their way out of the flat...


Ally's back collided with the cubicle door as Katie quickly shifted the lock tightly as Ally moaned feeling Katie's tongue roughly against her own.

"Fuck Al" Katie hissed as her hands glided under Ally's top brushing her fingers against the toned skin. There was no denying it anymore she wanted Ally since she seen her in the airport.

"I was jealous" Katie whispered as her lips pressed against Ally's pulsating neck causing her to moan as Ally's hands slipped under Katie's dress pulling the surgeon further into her.

"Every time Tiff spoke to you..I was full of rage..the way she looked at you...the way she made you laugh..the way.." Katie hissed as Ally's fingers slipped from beneath Katie's dress and pressed against Katie's lips.

Asmuch as she was enjoying hearing how jealous Katie was..she needed her...needed to feel her inside of her...

"I need you" Ally whispered breathlessly as Katie groaned and crashed their lips together, Katie's hands unbuttoned Ally's jeans as slid down them her ex wife's thighs.

Brushing her fingers lightly over Ally's soaked thong Katie groaned pushing her body against Ally's.

"I've missed you so much" Katie mumbled as she bit down on Ally's lip as her fingers pressed against her clit through her underwear. Ally moaned as her fingers were tangled in Katie dark flarey hair.

"Jesus" Ally moaned as Katie's fingers pushed firmly inside her, Katie groaned at how wet Ally was for her.

Steadying a pace as she pressed hard against Ally..Katie's eyes remained firmly on her ex wifes as she watched the effects of her touches. Ally's head pressed firmly against the cubicle door as her body clenched to Katie's touch.

Katie's free hand encouraged the brunette to remove her top, Ally shift her top off quickly dropping it to the ground as Katie's hand pressed firmly over Ally's bra as she pushed the material exposing Ally's erect nipple.

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