Chapter 10

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"Jesus" Katie panted as she lifted up the sheets over her exposed body, her body numb from the pleasure Ally had just given her, she smiled as Ally struggled to catch her breath as her eyes clamped shut showing her after sex sex face. 

"You are going to kill me one of these days" Ally groaned brushing her sweaty hair from her face as Katie giggled against her neck. 

"Why is the sex twice as good now" Ally chuckled as Katie shot her an evil glare "I mean it was amazing before but not it's like...bloody hell" Ally said her thick English accent making Katie laugh as she planted a kiss against Ally's collar bone. Katie glanced at the clock it was already after 11pm, she pushed back the sheet as she scrambled to find her discarded clothes.

"Just stay" Ally sulked as she watched Katie put her top back on and flattening her ruffled hair in the mirror. 

"I've got an amputation first thing tomorrow" Katie replied as she slid her jeans back up her toned thighs and reached for her converse. 

"Yeh and I've work tomorrow too..we can go in together" Ally replied as kneeled forward draping her arms around her wife who tied her laces as she sat on the edge of the bed. 

"Ally" Katie sighed as she turned her face to meet a sulking brunette 

"I need an early night" she added brushing Ally's chestnut strands of hair from her face as she leaned forward placing a gentle kiss against Ally's nose "anyway I'm sure Rach is due back soon" Katie mumbled untangling her body from the brunettes as she stood up gathering her stuff in her hand bag. 

"Fuck Rach" Ally snapped harshly her face remaining saddened as Katie continued to get ready to leave. Katie swung her handbag over her shoulder as she wrapped her scarf around her neck and stepped towards the bed where Ally sat with her sheet wrapped around her. Katie felt guilty she could tell Ally's eyes were pleading with her stay but she needed to go..she wasn't ready for the whole sleep over they may have been sleeping together for over a month but Katie still wanted to take things one knew about them except Sandra who true to her word had not mentioned another thing to Katie after that day in the corridor. 

"I'll see you tomorrow" Katie whispered as she gave Ally a sweet kiss cupping her cheek "bye" she pecked her wife's pouting lips and headed for the door..that was it..she felt bad but she needed to go back to her own place. As she opened the front door four eyes widened as they glared at her. 

" hi" Shel smiled as Katie returned a warm smile. 

"Hey Shel" she replied as she felt an evil death glare from rach. 

"Rachel" she smiled as she stepped around the short dreadlocked girl and proceeded to walk to the stairs..Shel and Rach didn't say another word..katie did of course hear a muffled voice followed by a door slam seconds doubt rach was about to bombard Ally for answers..


"I mean a month" Ally snapped as she leaned back on the swivel chair "am I overreacting...I'm overreacting aren't I" Ally babbled as a flushed looking Sandra glared at her in disbelief in her chair...Sandra was all ears for her nurses when it came to sorting out a nasty surgeon or changing their allocation but this..listening to Ally talk about her amazing sex life with one of the surgeons Ally happens to be secretly married to was NOT in her job description. 

"I er I don't know what to say" Sandra said nervously picking up files in her hands and she shuffled them in a neat pile as Ally's eyes furrowed. 

"I mean it's just sleep...why can't she just fuck me and then sleep over or let me stay"Ally scowled. 

"Alison" Sandra gasped wide eyed she really didn't not need to hear this. 

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