Chapter 15

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Finally it uploaded...the last one was too graphic lol and its locked.Anyway enjoy...Im off for a few weeks travelling but its not the end of this story so I will keep writing and hopefully be able to update while Im away...if not I will post it in may when Im back. Flashback is first in this part so it continues straight from the previous part...thanks so much for reading and for those who like comment and means a lot xxxx

Ally's back collided with the unfamiliar wall as her heart raced, she groaned in pain as her neck was being sucked harshly..she knew it would leave a mark and that's the last thing she wanted.. 

"Don't leave a mark" she moaned as her hands became entangled in the long locks..her eyes flickered open to the timid light in the corridor of the bar..the rush of excitement and tequila has made her head become fuzzy..feeling a tongue now brush against her ear..she felt weak at knees  

"We shouldn't be doing this" she moaned at the sudden realisation that this wasn't the time or place for what was about to happen as she felt her belt buckle being tugged open along with the buttons of her black skinny jeans.. 

"It's fine" a whisper tickled her earlobe as Ally yelped feeling teeth bite down hard against her skin as an eager hand slipped quickly past her damp underwear. 

"You're so wet"  

"Jesus" Ally groaned as she two familiar fingers force into her causing her further against the wall. 

"No not Jesus it's your wife" Katie mumbled against Ally's neck as she quicken her pace..listening to her wife's moans she was secretly relieved that it was her who was sucking on her wife's neck in the corridor of the old navy bar..Katie had felt angry and nauseous when she seen her wife storm out of their house earlier that night..Ally's tight skinny jeans and low cut grey top paired off with knee high boots..Ally really did look sexy and Katie feared how angry and confident Ally had stormed off earlier that night...she trusted Ally of course she did but when your wife is as hot as hers, there was always something in the back of her mind..Something that made her feel on beautiful and smart Ally was, Katie knew a lot of people thought the same as she did and she sometimes she feared she would never be enough for Ally.  

"I'm sorry about earlier" Katie panted. 

"Shhhhhhhh" Ally hushed as she pulled Katie's face back to her neck riding against her wife's touch...Katie smiled against her skin as began sucking hard on her neck once again. 

"Babe you know I love that but...Jesus" Ally gasped at her wife's movement "you can't leave a mark..I've got work" she moaned as Katie removed her lips and jerked up capturing Ally's didn't take long before Ally could feel herself about to cum...the pent up frustration of her wife's behaviour..she was certainly making up for it now..

Ally had phoned Katie in tears asking her to come pick her up..Katie slid into the bar stool next to her wife 20 minutes later..they remained quiet as Katie entwined their fingers on the bar..Ally sniffed silently not flinching to her wife's touch, Katie quickly took her wife in her arms  

"I love you" Katie whispered against her wife's hairline as the smell of tequila hit her nostrils she knew Ally had consumed quite a lot.  

"I'm so drunk" Ally mumbled as her arm snaked around her wife's waist..suddenly feeling angry or alone had washed away as Katie held her..this is what she craved..her wife's comfort after a long day at work and to feel loved. 

"Nooooo really??" Katie joked as Ally's face came to meet hers..Katie smiled at her wife..she wasn't having a hard time and wished she could just open up to her wife but right now she just needed to get through this on her own..she needed to get Lynne away from her wife for good. 

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