Part 1

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Waking before the crack of dawn, Matthew was busy getting dressed to catch his plane to New York- his home. Pulling his black coat over his white shirt, he tightened his black tie and fastened his dress shoe laces. Straightening again he looked at his reflection in the large rectangular mirror while buttoning his coat at the front. Noticing a stray away hair falling out of the perfectly gelled molded hair on his head he lifted his hand and fixed it before returning it to his side. Stand straight as an arrow, his broad muscular shoulder and arms filled the coat with no difficulty, causing it to stretch to its limit. His ocean blue eyes roamed slowly down his body, making sure nothing else is out of place. Pleased that everything is perfect and where it should be, he tucked a white silk handkerchief into the coat's pocket and picked up his briefcase of the foot of his bed and exited the hotel room, closing the door with a 'click' behind him.


"Mommy I don't want to go to school today!" Hayden whined while pulling his men in black blankets over his head.

"Sweetheart come on, you know you have to. How else are you going to become one of the best men in black agent?" Hailey's eyes sparkled with cleverness. She knew that would always work. And yet again it did just that. Haiden's eyes peeked out and looked at her.

"Come on hurry or you would be late!" She raised from her kneeled position and stood, pulling at his sheets.

"Mommy do you think I am too short to join?" His eyes filled with worry, something she tried very hard to keep away from him.

"Sweetheart, you are not going to be this short forever you know? One day you are going to grow so tall that you might even be the tallest agent they have." She smiled encouragingly at her six year old son. His body so small but his dreams so large.

"Really mommy!" he pushed his sheets and sat upright on the bed.

"Really really baby." with that Hayden was out of the bed in a heartbeat. He dashed out of his room and into the bathroom to get dressed leaving his blankets fallen halfway on the floor. Hailey smiled and shook her head at his energy. He was so full of spirit that just looking at him made her happy.

Picking his blanket of the floor she dusted it and folded it. Made his bed and packed his school bag.

After a few minutes, Hayden appeared at the kitchen entrance, in a clean shirt and pants ready to eat. Hailey turned with the frying pan filled with eggs and poured it into his plate. Looking at him her froze on his head. He had not dried his hair.

"Hayden go dry your hair." She commanded in the best and most sternest voice she could muster.

"I did mommy. " He hopped to where she was and climbed onto the stool to have his breakfast.

" You did, did you?" she raised a brow at him while folding her hands on her chest.

"Yup." He answered absentmindedly as he devour his food. Hailey placed the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and approached him.

"So you are telling me that if I pass my fingers through your hair I would not get a drip of water on it?" This stopped Hayden from chewing abruptly. He looked at her and saw that she was not joking. Swallowing he wiped his mouth with his hands and stood.

"Give me a minute...I need to use the toilet." He raced of towards his room.

"I thought so." Hailey called after him, smiling at herself. She knew he was off drying his hair in hopes that she never knows...


"Oh God not again. Hayden hurry!" Hailey urged as they ran across the street towards Hayden's school. The bell rang for the second time. Only one more time before the front gates closes.

"I'm trying mommy." Hayden gasped. His tiny feet struggling to keep up with his mother's movement.

The last bell rang as they stepped inside the gates. "Have a great day sweetheart." Hailey kneeled and wiped the sweat off Hayden's face and kissed his pink cheeks.

"I will mommy." He smiled and he took his book bag and lunch bag from her hands.

"Go go." She gave him a little push towards his class while waving at him.

Before long he was gone, around the corner and out of sight. Hailey stood as she realised that someone was approaching with a grim expression on their face. It was the principal.

"Miss Philip. I am Gregory, the principal, may I have a word?" He stretched his hands towards her and they shook briefly.

"Yes of course." Hailey knew what this was about. She had have this conversation before.

"Miss Philip-"Hailey stopped him. She never liked to be called by her last name. People only called her mother that.

"Hailey please..." she smiled politely.

"Hailey, I recall that I have already spoke to you about the importance of punctuality?"

"Yes, I apologize. It would not let it happen again." Hailey felt horrible. She was not being a good parent.

"You said that before. Please don't let this happen again. You would not like the consequences..." With that he spun on his heels and walked away, leaving Hailey with his words.

She looked at his retreating form and sighed. She really needed to get her act in order and her priorities straight. A beeping sound suddenly erupted into the silence. Looking down at the wrist watch she realized she was late.

"Crap!" She swore as she spun around and dashed towards her work place... hoping that they too would give her another chance.


The lights were dim as men filled the chairs around the stage. Today was a busy day. Hailey changed into what she liked to call- 'her costume' and walked out onto the stage. Her high heels clicked as it came into contact with the floor. When the audience saw her they burst out into a cheer. She smiled and placed her hands on the metal pole while spreading her feet shoulder width apart. Nodding to the DJ, a beat burst out of the hidden speakers and filled the room and over the audience's voice.

Finding her rhythm, she began to sway...


To all the single parents out there... I salute you!

Mel. XOXO  

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