Part 6

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Hailey cuffed her hands to stop them from sweating and shaking. She couldn't help but wonder what was his problem. Cassy was one of the most beautiful girls that worked here- hence no one ever turned her down. Everyone that came here was looking for something or the other, but this stranger just sat in the dark, looking at everyone and everything. She felt a chill run down her body. What if he was dangerous? What if he got angry with her for approaching him?

She hoped that if she must be turned down it would be in a kind way for she was doing this so that she is not fired....

As she got closer, his features became clearer and clearer to her. He had the most perfect symmetrical face. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick. His eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green .This close, she could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin and strawberry lips made him look devilishly handsome.

His choice of clothes however made him seem out of place. Men usually came with casual wear but he was dressed professionally. Looking at the other men busy with other girls as she passed by, she knew she was right. Yes, he was definitely out of place.

Again she wondered why a handsome man as himself did not take interest to Cassy....Bringing the question back to her. What was wrong with him?

As she got closer and closer, she realized that his attention was now on her. His Blue eyes dazzled like dew in the dawn of day. They were nothing less than breathtakingly beautiful. His jaw clenched as he realized that she was coming his way. This made her cuffed hands tighten.


"Hi." Hailey's voice was low as a mouse's whisper. Her throat constricted under his glare. His jaw still clenched. She had no idea how to start... usually it was the men who do most of the talking...

She decided that because he did not seem like most men, she would not treat him as such...Ignoring his death gaze she continued with a smile.

"I see you are all alone. Would you like some company?" Hailey asked hopefully.

"No." His answer was short and quite frankly it hurt somewhere deep within. He turned away from her as if she was invisible... at that moment she wished she was.

Looking behind her, she saw her boss looking at her. She knew if she walked away, she would be fired before she even got to the changing room. Taking a deep breath she started again.

"Maybe you are looking for something special? If you tell me what it might be maybe I can be of some assistance." She couldn't believe she said that out loud. She made it sound like he was looking for a part to fix something or something specific at the grocery store.

Shaking her head at her stupidity she looked at him again. He ignored her yet again, refusing to turn her way. Taking another deep breath she gave up. She turned on her heels and began to walk away when suddenly a hand grasped her on her shoulder.

Thinking she had made some progress finally she spun around with a smile, only to find a blond tall man standing behind her- Mr. Grumpy sitting behind him like a stone.

"Hey beautiful." He spoke, stressing the word beautiful.

His breath stunk of booze and his neck had lipstick stains on them. She couldn't help but feel disgusted. Some men really didn't know when to quit. But her job was her job so she had to 'play' along.

"Hey handsome." she moved closer to him wrapping her hands around his body. She could feel a pair of cold eyes on her but she didn't care. He had his chance....

"I'm Syler...What's your name gorgeous?"

His breath made her feel to puke and block her nose...

"You already said it handsome, it's Gorgeous."She smiled sweetly at him.

"Enough Syler, lets go."

She heard a voice say, looking over to Mr. Grumpy she realized that it was him that spoke. He was staring at her with such disgust.

"In a bit Matthew, we just met and-"

"No. We are leaving now. I have had enough." Mr Grumpy- Matthew spoke low and threateningly as he yanked Syler from Hailey's arms and they walked away towards the exit. Hailey was stunned. She had never saw someone quite like him before- arrogant, blunt and... isolated.

Before exiting Mr. Grumpy turned back and looked at her and in a split of a moment she could almost feel like she saw him look ashamed. But that was only a blink. It was not enough to be sure.

As the door closed behind them she whispered to herself. "Bye Mr. Grumpy."

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