Part 48

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Hailey POV

A few days had passed and she had not seen or heard of Matthew. At first she thought he was busy with work but as the days passed she realized he was not even returning home. Where was he? She went by his room every morning and every night but still no sign of him...there was only one person who knew where he would be, if only she was around as well. Merry had been just as gaseous as her son. Around the same time she had stopped coming home as well..something was wrong. She could feel it in her bones....

The house has been quite and all the maids and workers seemed gloomy and deep in thought. No matter how much she asked, no one said a word to her. They just shook their heads and said nothing was wrong... but she knew better than to believe them. 

Only one person she could turn to now... Making her way towards his room, she knocked on his door waiting for him to answer. After a few seconds, the door flew open, revealing a boy that resembled Alex. However the boy that stood before her had red puffy eyes and an emotionless face whereas Alex always seemed happy and full of life. 

The moment his eyes met her concern ones he shook his head, silently telling her that he was not going to talk about it as he began closing the door. She quickly pushed her feet at the door, causing it to stop where it was. Alex looked down at it and back at her, exhaling loudly. "Hailey please, now is not the time..." He said tiredly as he left the door open and went back into his room.

"Then could you tell me when is the best time? No one is not saying anything and....Are you going somewhere?" She asked as her eyes dropped on the suitcase on his bed.

"Hailey....I can't-" He began looking at her with painful eyes but she cut him of.

"I know... you can't tell me. It is all I have been hearing!" She raised her voice, tired from the way everyone is treating her. Alex please. You are my last hope. Please tell me what is going on. Where is Merry and Matthew?" She looked at Alex with pleading eyes.

Alex stared at her for a moment before exhaling loudly again. And at that moment she knew she won.

"I am going to tell you but if anyone asked, you did not hear it from me." He looked at her, making sure she nod her understanding. When she did, he went towards his bed, sitting on the edge. She followed him, sitting next to him, being patient and giving him time to tell her.

"Merry and Matthew are in the hospital." Alex said the words slowly and carefully while looking into Hailey's eyes making sure she understood what he was saying. 

After a few seconds of silence, Hailey shot of the bed, looking down at Alex in shock. But somehow he looked at her as if he knew that this would be her reaction. 

"The hospital? Why...what... what happened?" She asked, panic filled her voice. 

Alex looked away. "It is better to hear it from the source." 

Knowing she would not be able to get anything from him she exhaled loudly, trying to calm her ragged breathing. 

"Which hospital?" She asked, already walking towards the door. 

"The Royal London Hospital." 

Hailey nod her thanks, running out of his room, down the stairs and out the front door. Not waiting for a driver, she jumped into the closest car she could find with the key in the ignition and sped off down the driveway and onto the street. 

Her vision blurring as tears began flowing down her cheeks. Wiping at it, she pressed on the gas, jolting the vehicle forward. 

Please be okay...


Merry POV

Her phone rang out, disturbing the quiet of the waiting room in the hospital. She quickly pulled it out of her purse, wiping at her tears so that she could see clearly who was calling. Seeing Alex's name flashing on the caller identification, she pressed the green icon, pressing it to her ear. 

"Alex." She whispered. Her throat hurting from the hours of crying. 

"Miss. M, she knows." Alex said hurriedly. 

Merry jolted up from her seat, ignoring the curious looks for everyone else in the room. 

"What how?" She questioned.

"I'm sorry Miss.M." ALex did not have to tell her for her to know it was him...

"Oh Alex....what did you do..?" Before Alex could answer she ended the call, hurrying towards Matthew's room. 

Opening the door, Matthew greeted her with a warm smile but it soon faded as he looked at her face. 

"What's wrong mom?" He asked worriedly. 

For a second her eyes drifted at his body that had all kinds of testing cords that monitored his heartbeat and blood pressure and a bag of drips hanging above him connecting to his wrist, before returning to his face. How had her perfect baby become so broken so fast?...

"Mom?" He asked again, turning slightly on the white bed to face her.

"She knows honey....Hailey knows..." Merry whispered, looking at her son as horror flashed on his face. 

He suddenly jumped out of the bed, pulling at the needle at his wrist. 

"No what are you doing!" Merry yelled, hurrying towards him, trying to stop him. 

Somehow he managed to pull the needle out of him, pulling at the rest as well. "I can't let her see me like this." He said, unmoved by her words or movement to stop him.

Finally getting free of all the machines, he took a step forward, stumbling. Merry's hands shot up, catching him before he hit the ground. Steading him again, she held onto his shoulders, shaking him. "Are you crazy! You needed to stay here. You could become more sick!" She shouted, not caring if anyone heard her as warm tears stream down her face. She could not understand. Why was he doing this to himself.

"Mom." Matthew said, holding onto her, causing her to stop shaking him. For a moment they both started at each other as if they were having a silent conversation. "I love her."

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