Part 15

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Merry POV

"Wonderful my dear! I can't wait to see you. I will send a car to receive you soon." Merry spoke, ending the call. 

She smiled widely. She knew she was good but everytime something goes her way she could not help but be amazed. Now all she had to do was share the good news with her son. Bending slightly to the left just enough to see him still engrossed in his thoughts, she smiled wickedly. 

Let his steam some more. 

Going back to the task at hand she called to her maid, Grace. The grey haired short woman appeared in a blink of an eye. Dressed in an all black dress with a white a white apron around her waist.

"Yes madam?" She nod respectfully at Merry.

"I am expecting a guest later this evening, would you please make sure the guest room is ready and comfortable." Merrry smiled as she gave her orders.

"Very well madam." With a quick understanding nod, Grace disappeared, getting back to work.


Half an hour later, Merry took a bath and was already dressed. She decided that her son had suffered enough. Making her way towards him, she stopped by the doorway. Folding her arms on her chest, she leaned onto the door frame, composing her face in the most upset expression possible. 

Sighing loudly,she waited for her son to look at her.

It worked! Her son's eyes raised immediately at her figure. Jumping up from his chair and making his way towards her. 

"What is it mother? Is everything okay?" His voice shook with concern and worry. Merry was having a hard time hiding her smile. 

Forcing it away, her face stayed still as a rock in a storm.

"No my son, nothing is alright!" She threw her hands up in frustration. 

Her son grasped both her shoulders with his hands, squeezing lightly. Staring into her eyes. 

"What's wrong mother?" He asked once more, his brows knit together in confusion.

"It's Hailey...." Merry sighed dramatically. She shook his hands away and walking over to the chair he once occupied, she dropped herself onto it exaggeratingly.

"W-what happened to Hailey mother?" Her son's eyes darkened with unrecognizable emotions. Walking over to where she sat, he knelt down in front of her. 

"S-she said..." Merry spoke agonizingly slowly as if each word pained her deeply, breaking her heart.

"Y-yes mother, go on." Her son urged her to go on. His breathing violent,his heart refusing to slow. 

"She said-" Stopping she wiped a fake tear away. "She said she will be here soon." 

Merry turned to him, her face serious. Waiting patiently for her words to be processed and for his reaction to show.

He looked at her emotionless. His face was now a white sheet. Slowly he rose to his feet, towering over her.

Finally after a few seconds he opened his mouth.

"Mother! You devil!" He yelled happily at her. Eyes sparkling like the stars in the midnight sky.

This caused Merry to burst out laughing. 

"Got you!" She yelled back as she jumped to her feet. 

He swiftly went towards her and wrapped his arms around her tender body, pulling her towards him.

With her head resting on his chest, she could hear and feel his heart hammering away in his chest. 

After a few calming breaths he spoke. 

"I love you till death and back mother."

Merry pulled away and looked up at her son's handsome face. Oh how he resembled his father more and more as the days go by. Reaching up and touching his warm cheeks with her hand she smiled. 

"I love you beyond death, life and this world Matthew." 


Matthew POV

My mother is so evil!

Matthew smiled to himself, as he stood at the balcony, looking over at their estate.Noticing his horses running  at the far distance, his smile grew. He couldn't wait for her to be here. Standing where he was and looking at her new world. His world. Would she like it here? He wanted to give her everything that would make her happy. A place she could call a home. To raise her kid or even more if she wanted.

"Matthew why are you so hell bent on helping this woman?" A voice asked inside his head. 

His smile faded slowly. That's a question he kept asking himself since the day he first saw her. He had no answer nor was he closer to one. 

He knew deep down that his intentions were good so why would the reason matter? 

At that very moment, a black car drove up the driveway. The driver got out and walked towards the back door, opening it. 

Matthew's heart beat quicken.

She's here....


So this chapter was a short one. Sorry. But I hope you are happy getting a better look at the relationship Matthew and his mother shares. Also I gave a bit of an insight on Matthew's thoughts....

What do you think about his feelings?

I hope you guys are enjoying. 



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