Part 10

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Matthew POV

It was hard. This was hard. He couldn't keep his eyes from her face. His jaw clenched in frustration. His mind went blank. This beauty was living in this dump! Feeling a warm hand clasp over his, he tear his eyes away from her face to look down, at her son Hayden. Son. Everything was taking so long for him to absorb. 

"Come on!" Hayden pulled him with him. Chocolate caramel eyes stared at him as he passed. There proximity was making his emotions crazy. His mind was correct. This really was real and she- she was the blond haired stripper. Anyone would be fooled, but there was one thing she failed to disguise, that was her greatest mistake. Her eyes. Those eyes were a window to her soul, and that soul of her's were beautiful just as she was. 

Why would she hide this though? If that was her job... Was she ashamed? Matthew's mind erupt with questions but he could not muster up a word. For the moment, his entire body refused to listen to his commands.  

He was pulled into a room. The child let his hand go and pulled out a big card board box out from under his bed. The bed looked like it would fall apart any moment. But the blue superhero bedsheets were new. taking his attention away from the child for a moment, his eyes roamed around this unknown room. The walls were recently painted but still showed its age and the floor was a dirty brown rug. Matthew could not prevent himself from frowning deeply. Turning his attention back to Hayden, he looked on as he unpacked the boxes' contents. 

This was not an environment for a child to be living. Walking to the other side of the bed he sat next to Hayden. My God. This bed was bearly big enough for them both! Hayden, oblivious to what Matthew was thinking, began pushing toys and comic books at him, speaking excitedly with a bring smile on his face.

Matthew looked at him tilting his head to the side, Hayden's voice sounding far away as he was deep in thought. How could a child be this happy living in these conditions?

Admirable but sad. So very sad. 


A long time had passed and Matthew soon realized that Hayden was quite the chatter box. He spoke continuously, which gave Matthew a hard time trying to keep up. All he could understand was Hayden was crazy in love with superheros and he wanted to be a 'Men in black' agent when he grew up. This made him smile. Hayden was so sweet and his dreams so pure that it hurt to know that when he grew older he would learn that these are just fake and dreams. Nothing tangible. 

He couldn't help but wonder where Hayden's father was. 

"Hayden." He called out and Hayden turned to him.

"Where is your father?" He asked curiously. 

Hayden's eyes saddened and this alarmed Matthew. Why did he ask that! Oh God! Hayden opened his mouth to answer.

"He's in heaven." 

"Oh." Matthew was at a lost for words. His dad dies and now him and his mom was struggling. This explained a lot. 

"It's not that bad, he is happy and looking down at me." Hayden smiled. Matthew narrowed his eyes in shock. My God. Was this child the way he was because he had no father? Was he living in his own world to make him forget the pains of this world? 

Just then he heard Hayden's mother call, she appeared with two mugs in her hands. Handing one to Hayden, she warned him to be careful and then she made her way towards him. Gazing at her, he hesitantly took the mug from her offered hand, accidently grazing her fingers. She pulled away quickly as if his touch burned. She quickly made her way towards the door, turning once to look at her son and then she was out the door. 

He didn't quite know how he felt at that moment.... Never had he believed in God. This was the reason why. 

Where was God when people like this needed him? 

Where are you God?


Looking down at the mug in his hands, he saw five little mashmellows bouncing ontop of the creamy drink. 

This angered him.

He abruptly stood and looked at Hayden. "Hayden I have to go. "

Before Hayden could respond, he swung the door open and walked out.

"Wait why!?" Hayden ran after him. In his peripheral vision he say his mom stand from the couch and stared at the commotion in horror. He knew that her child's voice must have startled her. 

Turning towards the front door, he swung it open and slammed it after him. Walking swiftly down the large corridor, down the steps towards his car.

He got into the car and slammed the door causing the car to shake. He was suffocating! Tugging is black tie and black suit jacket off he threw them on the passenger seat. He then loosened the first three buttons of his shirt and leaned his head on the steering wheel, trying to calm his racing heart. 

A knocking from his glass caused him to jerk upright. Looking over he saw Hayden's mother with an upset look on her face. Sighing he reached over and opened the door for her. She bent into view.

"Care explaining what happened?" She spoke as though she was accusing him.

This angered him even more. 

"Care explaining why you and your son is living in this dump!?" He yelled back. Her eyes widen in shock at his outburst. Stepping back she whispered. "Please leave." She closed the door and walked away. 

Matthew stared at her back dumbfounded. He knew he was wrong to storm out like that and maybe the way he lashed out but he didn't expect for her to back off so easily. He looked on as she disappeared into the apartment building out of sight. Now even Hayden might hate him. Some superhero he was....  

Starting the engine, he sped away into the darkness until all that was left of his existence was a fog like smoke which shifted in the cold wind like traveling ghosts. 


Hailey stepped out of the darkness and looked at his car as he drove away. A single tear rolling down her pink cheeks...


Hey guys. How are you all doing? This chapter was a bit sketchy but I do hope you enjoy. 

Don't forget to vote and comment. 

Also... A very special birthday greeting goes out to one of the most loved persons in my life- my brother Rakesh. May your day and life be filled with peace and happiness... I love you till the ends of earth and back. 

Thanks for reading. 



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