Part 19

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Matthew POV

His heart raced as their eyes connected. His grip on the balcony tightened and his breathing accelerated and became raged. What was wrong with him. She was here. She was finally here. He could not look away. How is it that even at this distance he could feel himself drawn towards her. Hell, if she wanted him to jump down to her, he would not hesitate. 

She held Hayden in her arms, His tiny hands wrapped around her. And hers around him protectively. This must be overwhelming for them.... His mind drifted back to the day he stormed out of their house and life. This was his second chance.... He was not going to risk losing them again....

He looked on as she broke their eye contact and looked at Greg their driver. He took this opportunity to step back into the house. God alone knows that if he could stand there all day staring at her face he would but he needed to take her feeling into consideration as well. He wanted for her to be most comfortable here. And he knew that if she saw him now she would recognize him immediately and most likely walk out of this house and his life forever..... 

Forgive me for hurting you....

Hearing his phone ringing he pushed his hands into his pocket and pulled it out. Looking at the caller identification he realized it was his office and answered in a heartbeat. 

"Mr. Stone we found something!" The voice of his finance manager boomed happily from the phone. That was all Matthew needed to know. He hung up and walked out to his mother's room. 

Knocking softly on her room door he waited for her to answer. 

"Come in!" He heard her call. Pushing the door open he stepped in and closed the door behind him. He smiled brightly at her. She stood in front of him wearing a green gown, the colour of her eyes. She had minimal makeup on and had her hair pulled up into a neat bun. She was breathtaking. 

"I swear your beauty grows with your age mother." He complimented as he reached out and kissed both her cheeks. She smiled politely thanking him.

"Mother, I have to go to the office." He began.


"You know I would stay if I could..." He stopped her from talking and spoke. She nod silently. 

"I would be back as soon as I can. " He hugged her and walked towards the door pulling it open. 

"Oh and your guests are here." He smiled brightly at her.

"You mean your... what is the word?....your enchantress ? " She burst out laughing, he rolled his eyes and closed the door. 

He shook his head smiling to himself. His mother would drive him crazy if she could... His own personal cupid. 

He walked into his room, and got dressed quickly. He could already hear his mother talking to Hailey while he dressed. This made his heart flutter. He could not wait to speak to her himself or hear her laugh. He wondered when was the last time she actually laughed and meant it.

Pulling his black coat over his black suit he opened his door cautiously, being careful not to be seen. This was so silly! He was in his own house for crying out loud! And here he was sneaking around! He tiptoed to the hidden staircase near his room and smiled to himself. He was happy he build this. He did so because he didn't want to wake his mother late in the night when he came home, now look at what he was doing with it.... never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would use it as a form of escaping . Making his way through the library and the kitchen, he now heard voices upstairs. Perfect. 

He walked out swiftly, opening the door and closing it behind him as fast as he could. Hopefully no one noticed. Hopefully. 

Hopping into his silver Ferrari, he sped off on the dirt road and then onto the street towards his work. 

Pushing all thoughts of what was happening at home he now focused on his job. 

Finally things were turning around and they were getting answers. If his finance department did really find a way to trace his money, he would surely give the whole team a bonus this month.

A smile sneaked onto his face. Soon things would be sorted out and everything would be fine again...

He wanted nothing more than to be home at this moment.... and soon he would be.


"Mr. Stone!" The finance manager called out the moment he stepped into his office. 

"Yes , give me all the information." He went straight to work, wasting no time.

"Well sir, we traced the money to a foreign account specifically London sir. However the account is under a fake name. "

"And what name would that be?"

"Zack sir, Zack Lockwood. "

Matthew stood abruptly from his chair with wide opened eyes. No that could not be. There must be some mistake. There was only one person who would use that fake name....

"Are you certain of this?" He asked, his voice threateningly low and dangerous.

"Y-yes sir I am." Nodded the finance manager warily.

That was all Matthew needed to know..... 

"Schedule the first flight to London for me."  Matthew called at his assistant angrily. Remembering she was still not at work he punched his desk in anger. Where the hell was she? 

Matthew then looked at the finance manager who looked like he was about to faint under his stare. 

Taking a few calming breaths he pinched the bridge of his nose and sigh. "Could you please schedule my flight? " He asked.

"Y-yes sir, right away sir." The finance manager exited the office quickly without another word.

Matthew turned towards the window and growled low and dangerously. 

"Wherever you are you bastard, I am coming for you!"


Merry Christmas lovelies! 

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