Part 3

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"Mommy look!" Hayden hopped into the kitchen, holding a piece of paper as Hailey was preparing dinner.

"What is it honey?" Hailey stopped what she was doing and turned towards him.

He held up his hand and she took the piece of paper from it. It was the drawing he told her about. It had three people drawn on it. A small child in the middle, one the left side of the child stood a woman and the right side of the child stood a man. Behind them was a big house. Hailey looked at her son and smiled. "It's beautiful honey."

He took it from her and said "This is me and you and batman!" His eyes lit up with excitement.

Hailey laughed at her son's happiness. He truly had an admirable imagination.

"How do you know batman's identity?" Hailey asked almost teasingly.

"I know his identity because he told me!" Hayden shouted cheerfully! "He saved me from evil goons!"

"Oh.. I guess I should thank him then huh?" Hailey asked. her eyes mirroring her son's joy.

"Maybe but he said I should not tell anyone his identity." Hayden answered, crumpling his eyebrows and he taught about it.

"Hmm well maybe you should tell him to come with his cape and disguise. That way I would not see his identity."

"Oh yes mommy! You are a genius! " Hayden jumped in one spot. "I will tell him to come."

He ran off into his room, taking the picture with him and slamming the door behind him.

Hailey laughed loudly. Her son truly had a wild imagination....


Earlier That Day

Hayden's eyes roamed at line after line. He was reading one of his favourite Batman comics when suddenly it was torn from his tiny fingers and flung to to ground.

"Hey!" Hayden protested as he dashed towards it but was stopped by three figures which blocked his way. Looking up at them he realized that they were the school's bullies. Ryan, Jake and Smith. They were the meanest and baddest kids who did all the wrong things. Everyone who was smart stayed away from them but that did not stop them from bullying kids. They pushed Hayden back onto his seat roughly.

Jake reached down and picked the comic from the floor as Ryan and Smith blocked Hayden from getting to him.

"Jake give me back my comic!" Hayden shouted. His eyes began to tear up as he knew what Jake was about to do.

"Gonna cry little baby?" Ryan and Smith mocked.

"Jake please give me back my comic." Hayden pleaded as he wiped away a stray tear. As his hands stretched forward he heard a tear. Looking at the book he realized Jake had torn one of the pages off.

"No! " Hayden cried. "Jake please! I will give you anything you want!"

This stopped Jake mid way from tearing another page off. "Anything I want eh?"

"Yes anything. Just give me back my comic."

Jake smiled, dropping the comic to the floor. "Give me your money. "

"I don't have any money." Hayden whispered.

"No money? You are lying. Hold him!" Jake ordered Ryan and Smith. When they had done so, Jake approached and started digging through his backpack, scattering his books on the floor as he searched. When he found non he looked at Hayden and began to searched his pockets. Finding nothing again his anger blazed.

"Where did you hide your money!" Jake shouted.

"I have no money...." Hayden's head hung low.

"No money? Are you poor or something?" The three boys laughed.

"No!" Hayden lied. He didn't want to be made fun off because he did not have as much money as the rest of the children here.

"Well let me give you something so that you would remember me by." Jake said dangerously low as he formed his hands into fists. Hayden closed his eyes, he knew what was about to happen.

Suddenly Ryan and Smith let his arms go with a jerk as if someone had yanked them off him and their voices were heard at a far distance. Hayden opened his eyes slowly and hesitantly until they were wide open. He gasped at what he saw.

With all the strength he could muster, he whispered. "Batman?"

The tall man with the black coat turned upon hearing Hayden's timid voice with a question expression on his face.


An important announcement:

I would be updating this story once a week. Every Monday or Tuesday to be exact. So don't be disappointed with the length of the story.... 

Are you guys enjoying the story so far? Let me know. 



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