Part 33

22 7 1

Hailey POV

"Daddy, can I speak to you?" Hailey asked, taking cautious footsteps into the living room where he father sat on his arm chair. It had been so long since they had been in the same room together, all she wanted to do was run into his arms and never let go...but she couldn't. 

Baby steps Hailey, baby steps....

Not receiving an answer she moved closer until she stood before him.

He looked up at her with a scolding face. For a split second she felt like she was a simple peasant standing in front of a king. 


"Adam." Her father interrupted, standing abruptly,his tall frame towering over her. 

"Dad?" Hailey reached out to him but he moved away quickly from her, as if her touch would burn him. Her eyes flashed with hurt. Why was he being so cold?

"Did you not hear what I said? Call me Adam." Her father insisted.

"Dad please..." A tear rolled down her face. Seeing him act like this towards her ripped her heart into pieces. They were so close, two side of a coin and now.... everything has changed.

"Please what?!" He raised his voice. Behind him, she heard a chair being dragged on the floor. Looking towards it, she saw Matthew making his way towards them. The moment their eyes met, he ceased his movement. 

She turned her attention back towards her father. "What do you expect me to say? Can't we just talk? I have not seen you in years..." More tears made it's way down Hailey's cheeks. They just refused to stop.

"You say that like we are at fault. We never told you to leave..." Her father narrowed his eyes on her.

"Yes... it's true, you never told me to leave, but you never stopped me when I did either." Hailey looked back at him. 

All of a sudden he burst out laughing. Was he laughing at her? Her face twisted in hurt and confusion.

"What do you want from us child? Do you want me to hug you and welcome you with open arms? Do you want me to forget everything...?" 

"No father. I did not expect anything from you or mom. I just thought that...." 

"You thought what? That we have forgiven you!?" Her father's voice raised again.

Hailey stagger back a bit before finding her balance again. 

"I-I thought that time would heal us. Maybe you would realise that...I'm sorry for all that I have done." She whispered. "I'm sorry for breaking your heart, you and mom both deserve so much more than an ungrateful daughter like me." Hailey looked away, wiping her tears away.

" Daughter.... who is my daughter?" Her father raised an eyebrow at her. "I have no daughter."

As if the ground shifted beneath her, Hailey's knees wobbled. Losing balance, she dropped to the floor. Words were having a hard time finding it's way out of her mouth. She felt numb. All she could do was cry, she had no strength to look at the man who she once looked up to. 

Suddenly warm hands clasped over her cheeks, forcing her to look up. When she did, she found herself looking into worried blue orbs. 

"Hailey. Hailey are you okay?" She heard a faint voice ask.... the voice belonging to  Matthew.

She opened her mouth to say something.... anything but nothing came out. All she heard was sobs. Loud and painful. 

She open and closed her mouth, gasping for breath. Finding the courage to speak she whispered

"Take me home."


Matthew POV

That was all he needed to hear. His mind snapped into action. Bringing one hand below her knees and another behind her, he lifted her into his arms and walked towards the kitchen. Gradually her hands rose and wrapped itself around his neck, her head nuzzling his neck. 

She smelt like sweet roses and felt warm as a summer's day...

Looking over at Hayden, he found the boy staring with alarmed eyes at his mother. 

"Hayden come." He ordered. Hayden jumped to his feet and ran towards them. Keeping his eyes on his mother, he opened the door for Matthew. The three of them exited the house, leaving Grace in the kitchen and Hailey's father, who had disappeared when Matthew had entered the room.

He cared less about them at the moment. All he wanted was to follow the wishes of the woman he held in his arms, by getting her out of here.

Placing her into the backseat of the car, he pried her hands of him and looked at her. She looked so broken and fragile. This was the first time he had seen her like this and to say it hurts like hell would be the understatement of the century. Hayden was already sitting on the other side of her, holding her hands, his worried look matched Matthew's. 

Reaching out Matthew wiped away the tears from her face. He was not going to let things be.... 

Turning his gaze upon the house he inhaled deeply. He was going to let them know what crappy parents they are and make it clear to them that the moment they drive away, they would never see Hailey and Hayden's faces again.

"Hayden please look after your mom, I would be right back." 

He began moving towards the house when he stopped abruptly. Looking down at his right hand he saw Hailey's hands holding onto it causing him to turn towards her once more.

"Please...please don't go. Let's just leave." She pleaded, her eyes starting a new wave of tears.

Gently removing her hands from his, he held it in his. "I need to do this. I would not be long..." He tried his best to give her an encouraging smile as he backed away once more.

He had a promise to keep to a certain little boy. He was not going to break it...


Grace POV

"Why did you do that! Could you not pretend to accept her just for now!" Grace shouted at her stubborn husband. The hard headed man stood leaning on the opposite side of the kitchen counter with his hands folded on his chest and looking directly at her.

"Pretend? You want me to pretend?" His face broke into laughter. "I believe that is your field of expertise." 

"Adam!" She shouted again. 

Abruptly they heard someone clear their throat. Both of them turned at the same time, finding Matthew staring daggers at them.

"So I see all this was just an act?" Matthew asked, venom flowing from each word.


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