Part 40

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Hailey POV

"He would be down in a bit." Hailey smiled at Syler, finding him exactly in the same spot she left him. Did he not hear when she said to make himself comfortable? 

"Thank you." He smiled, however it did not reach his eyes. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked into the kitchen. Standing in front of the sink, she filled a glass of water. Bringing it to her lips she let the cool liquid slide into her mouth and down her throat, cooling her racing heart. She really needed to get a grip on herself when around Matthew. 

Upon hearing Matthew's voice, she moved towards the table and sat down, taking more sips. 

For some reason she felt as if she knew Syler's face, but could not pinpoint where.

Taking another sip she could not help but wonder about it...

Hearing footsteps coming her way she stood abruptly, causing the chair to tip over, thankfully she caught it before it hit the floor. 

Calm down Hailey...

Just as she steadied the chair, Matthew walked into the kitchen, beaming brighter than the moon in a dark night. He was dressed in a crisp black tux and a sliver tie. His black hair was gelled back into a perfect mold. The moment his eyes met hers he stopped. 

"I am leaving for the office...." He said, his voice unsteady. Was he okay?

For a moment she found it hard to breathe as his eyes skimmed around her face. Did he have any idea how he made her melt under his gaze? Suddenly she felt her knees buckle, making her tighten her grip in the chair. 

"Have a great day..." She muttered breathlessly. Smiling she hoped he did not notice it.

He nod, spinning on his heels and walking out of sight. She did so herself and placed her now empty glass in the sink, taking a deep calming breath. 

Hearing footsteps behind her she spun around, thinking it was Matthew. Her smiled slowly faded as she saw who stood there instead. Syler. Forcing a smile to hide the disappointment she spoke.

"Did you forget something?" She asked, hoping to help him find whatever it was if that was the case.

His eyes surveyed her body for a second before returning to her face. She could've sworn as his eyes passed over each part of her body she could feel it turning numb under his gaze. 

He step forward, making her gasp. She raised her hands, holding the counter behind her so tightly that her knuckles turned white. What did he want? And where was Matthew?

Standing in front of her, he leaned forward so that he could whisper into her ear. 

"Tell me, what is the difference between a stripper and a prostitute?" 

Her blood ran cold as his breath fanned her face. Recognition flowed back into her mind. He was the drunk friend that came with Matthew the first night they met.

"I-I" She stammered. Her throat constricting as she began cold sweating. 

"I will tell you." He continued. Moving closer to her so that his lips barely grazed her ear. "Strippers have a better taste in cloths..." He jerked back, a smirk playing on his face. 

Her eyes narrowed. What did he want from her? He moved his body closer to hers, placing both hands behind her on the counter, pressing their bodies together. 

Her eyes snapped shut, as a tear rolled down her cheek. 

"Nice to meet you again gorgeous."  He whispered, pressing a tender kiss to her cheek, his voice sounding husky and dangerous.

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