Part 18

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"Hayden, please stay near me okay." Hailey whispered to Hayden as they made their way down to dinner. Reaching the bottom of the stairs she looked around. Where were they having dinner exactly? 

"Hailey over here!" Merry called out to Hailey.

Turning Hailey followed her voice until she entered a large room with a big rectangular table in the middle. The table was big enough to fit at least twenty five people. A glistening diamond chandelier hang from the ceiling. 

" Oh I see you are awake handsome, I am Merry." Merry's voice greeted Hayden who hid behind his mother's legs. Merry looked at him saddened but looked up at Hailey and smiled, pushing the disappointment away.

"I am happy you joined me." Merry continued.

Hailey smiled and they sat down at a random chair. Hayden hands clasped tightly in her's.

 Merry could not help but stare at their entwined fingers. She thought back to the time when she and Mat had been like this. Inseparable. Times surely have changed.

"Bring the first course please." Merry called to the maids and they all scattered reappearing and setting hot dishes in front of them.


After dinner, Merry and Hailey went into another room which had a large circular leather couch and sat talking. 

"My dear, I knew you just arrived but tomorrow is my birthday and I was intending on hosting a ball..." Merry looked at Hailey closely for any objections. She didn't want Hailey to feel uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to attend it would be fine-" Merry started again but Hailey cut her off by placing her hands on top of Merry's hand. 

"No it's fine. "Hailey smiled. Her insides jumping up and down excitedly. She had never been to a ball before. This would be a wonderful experience for both her and her son.

"Are you sure my dear? I could always cancel." Merry asked unsure. 

"No it's fine. I don't want to put you out of your way. It is your birthday, you should celebrate." Hailey's eyes sparkled. Merry actually cared about her opinion? This woman was wonderfully beautiful inside and out! 

A big smile appeared on Merry's face. "Please- inform me if you change your decision." 

Hailey nod and smiled. She looked down at Hayden who was sat closely in front the television watching cartoons. 

"Hayden honey, please move back a bit. Your eyes would hurt if you sit so close to the television." she called out to her son. He obey immediately without taking his eyes of the television. This made her and Merry giggle at how attentive he was. 

"It must have been difficult." Merry spoke softly, almost to herself. 

Hailey looked at her with a questioning brow raised. "What must have been difficult?"

"Raising a child on your own." Merry answered, looking at her closely.

Hailey shrugged her shoulders. "As much as I would like to say it was I can't.... "

Merry looked at her skeptically, waiting for her to continue. 

Hailey smiled looking at her son again. " Hayden is all I have in this world. Each and everything I do for him is not a chore hence it's not hard or difficult. I guess when you love something nothing you do for them seems impossible...." She finished looking back at Merry to see a stray away tear roll down her eyes. She quickly wiped it away and smiled back at her. 

"That is what being a mother is all about. Doing everything you can for your kids no matter how hard it may seem. A simple smile from them makes it all worth it." Merry finished.

Hailey looked over and noticed they still had their hands clasped together. She pulled away slowly and passed her hands over her head, moving her bangs out of her face. Merry was not what she had thought at first. This woman loved with all of her heart and asked for nothing in return. A strange feeling tugged at Hailey's heart. At that moment she felt like embracing Merry but she held herself back. This woman was still too much of a stranger to get too close to. 

"I know..." Merry spoke again.

Hailey looked up from her clasped hands on her legs. Did Merry hear her? Did she speak out loud?

"Know what?" 

"I know it is hard to trust people." Merry looked at her sadly. "But darling, you can trust me. The moment you entered my house, you became my daughter. Believe me or not. " Merry reached for her hands and squeezed it lightly before rising from her seat. 

"I would see you in the morning my dear. If you need anything during the night please don't hesitate to ask. Sweet dreams..." She turned on her heels and walked out the door and up the staircase. 

Hailey looked at her retreating form and sighed. Oh how she wished she could believe Merry's words....

"Sweet dreams." Hailey whispered.

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