Part 20

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Matthew POV

Dialling his mother's number,Matthew placed the call on loudspeaker and then rested it onto his desk. Gathering his documents and placing them into his black briefcase he waited patiently for her to answer.

"Hello?" Merry finally answered. Her voice sluggish with sleep.

"Yes mom. I am sorry but I would not be coming home tonight or anytime soon i'm afraid."

"W-what...why?" Merry's voice came out panicked, she was fully awake now.

"Something has come up... work related." Matthew chose his words wisely. The less she knew, the less she would have to worry about.

"B-but Mat, it's my birthday tomorrow..." She wined softly, her complains. Matthew could not help but laugh at his mother.

"I know mother, I apologize but I promise I would make it up to you..." He tried to comfort her. She grumbled some more and soon she sighed.

"Fine." He could almost hear the scold in her voice as he could imagine her sitting on her bed with an angry face which resembled a tomato and her hands folded tightly on her chest like a child who was denied sweets on halloween.

He soft giggle escaped from his lips and soon the entire room echoed with his laughter.

"Oh mother, how is it that I could be in the foulest of moods and simply hearing your voice cheers me up?" He tilted his head slightly in wonder at his question.

"Hmmm it's because... I am the best mother in the world?" She asked innocently. Her voice filled with playfulness.

"That you are mother, no doubt about it." He smiled sweetly, adoring his mother.

"So where exactly would this important business of yours would be taking place?" He could practically hear her roll her eyes at him, making him laugh softly again.


"Oh- well call when you land okay. And be safe for me please Mat. Also... for the love of God would you please eat something! You know that I know when you don't eat."

"Yes mother...." He rolled his eyes at how silly she was being. "Weirdo."

"I heard that young man!" Marry growled.

"But I was saying it for you to hear mother...." He smirked, like a cat who got away from stealing milk.

"I swear Mat, on of these days-"

"Mother?" Matthew cut her of. He was ready to leave and wanted to know one last thing before he hang up.

"Yes darling?" He knew she sensed something was off about him.

"How is Hailey and Hayden?" He voiced his concern hesitantly. He silently prayed that they were fine.

"They are... coping my dear. " Merry sighed.

"They are having difficulty?" Matthew raised a worried brow, reaching for his phone he placed the call of the speaker and held the phone closely to his ear..

"Yes but we have to understand that this is a big step they have taken and it would take a while for them to become comfortable. Fear not my child, I would see to it that they are most comfortable and happy here...." Merry spoke enthusiastically, calming his nerves a little.

Hearing a knock on the door, he looked forward seeing another employee, with blond hair and dark eyes looking back at him. Matthew nod, giving his approval for him to enter the room. The man walked swiftly into the room, handing Matthew a sticky note with something written on it and exited just as fast. Glancing at the paper he read the note.

Your flight to London is ready for departure.

"Mat are you still there?" Merry called, her voice filled with concern.

Matthew shook his head out of his dazz and cleared his throat.

"Yes mother, sorry. I have to go now... I will call as soon as my flight has landed. Take care of yourself mother...."

"Take care my son."

Matthew smiled, pulling the phone from his ear and ending the call. Glancing down at his desk, making sure he packed all that he needed, he grabbed his briefcase and coat and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Walking to the elevator, he pressed the button with the capital 'H' on it, signally 'helipad'. He waited patiently on till he heard the familiar 'ding' and the door opening. Walking out, onto the roof, his body was immediately greeted with wind pushing at his body. He brought a hand up protecting his eyes from dust as he squinted them, looking forwards towards the loud sound. Not far away he could see the the source of this disturbance, the helicopter stood with its rotor blades rotating at a slow enough speed for the small craft to be steedly siting await. He would see the pilot sitting in the cockpit checking and double checking the various buttons controlling it. A figure rushed forward- it was the finance manager. He held out a helmet for him towards him. Taking it Matthew pushed it onto his head and bent slightly making his way closer to the craft.

Entering, he pulled the mouthpiece closer to his mouth and listen as the pilot spoke.

"Good night Mr. Stone, My name is Stan, Stan Nelson and I honored to be your pilot. Strap on tightly, the wind is picking up. It is going to be a bumpy ride."

Matthew nod his understanding as he followed the pilot's orders. He held on to his seat as the craft slowly began to levitate off the ground. He looked out, to see the finance manager looking up at them and waving. Matthew waved back, his eyes stayed on the man until he soon became nothing but a blur.


Hi guys! Ok so I know this was a bit boring but little do you know that you are about to be introduced to the real rich and powerful Matthew Stone! (wink wink)

The next chapters....hopefully would show his true self. The reason why his employees wilt under his dark stare and most importantly why no one dared to question his actions....

Who would face him when his dark side is rekindled and is ready for revenge?!

Drum roll please!



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