Part 44

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Syler POV

His eyes followed Hailey as she danced in the arms of the ever so enchanted Matthew. His friend was not so blind after all, however he was still a fool, for showing not only him but also everyone at the office that he was in love with the maid. A sly smile crawled upon his face, he could use this to his advantage.

Turning he whispered into the ear of woman standing beside him. "It's show time." 


Hailey POV

Was this how cinderella felt? Dressing up into a beautiful gown, pretending to be someone she was not, in the arms of someone who looked at her as if she was exactly the person she was at this moment?

She raised her eyes, looking deeply into Matthew's. From the moment they arrived, Matthew had not let her out of his grasp. He was either touching her lower back or her waist or her hands. 

He introduced her to faces that she knew that were important but for the life of her, she could not remember much about. The moment Matthew's gaze landed on her, her entire body felt on fire. Did this man know what he was doing to her?


Matthew POV

The woman dancing in his arms was simply mesmerizing. With her light brown gown, that covered from her chest to her feet, which matched her eyes and hair, leaving her neck bear for him to continuously glimpse at. Each time he did so, his mouth immediately dried. Oh how he would love to kiss the tender spot behind her ear and hear her breath hitch in the throat.  

She smiled shyly at him, her cheeks reddening as she blushed. 

"You look beautiful." He whispered into her ear, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent in the process.

""Thank you." She blushed. 

Before he could stop himself, the words he held back for so long came rushing out between them. 

"I like you Hailey." He confessed looking her directly in the eyes, waiting for her reaction. She abruptly stopped moving and for a few minutes, as they both gazed at each other, it was as if time stood still for them and moved faster around them, making everyone and everything just a blur that surrounded them. 

He could not believe his ears. The woman who gazed at him with those beautiful hazel eyes was the most hard headed, blood boiling woman he's ever met. She was the only woman who could just walk into his life and change it so much. Fighting his feeling was useless. He loved her. 

"I don't know how and I don't know why but I like you Hailey. I like everything about you."

Hailey's face stayed blank, emotionless. "I-I" She stammered.

"I know." Matthew said softly, taking a step back and allowing their hands to fall to their sides. "Things are difficult at the moment, but I just wanted you to know." His eyes sparkled with uncontrollable emotions. 

Turning on his heels he began stepping away, stopping abruptly when he felt her grasp his right hand. Turning around to look at her, she stepped forward until she was a few inches away from his face. "I like you to." 

That was all he needed to hear. She made him the happiest man in the world. Dipping his head, he connected their lips. First his motion was soft and tender but gradually it became swift and demanding. His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her to him, deepening their kiss. 

A soft moan escaped her lips as her hands circled around his neck, pulling herself closer to him as well. 

How long had he waited for this? How long had he been waiting for her? It felt like forever, but having her it all worth it. He loved this woman. 


Syler POV

What the fuck!

How dere he touch my woman! 

His jaw clenched, and his hands balled into cuffs as he looked at the scene unfolding in front of him. In front of every god damn body!

In that instant he was reminded why he hated Matthew so much which only added fuel to the fire that was burning within. 

Matthew was going to pay. He was going to pay dearly. He was going to make him regret ever hearing the name of the woman he held in his arms at that moment. 

He was going to fucking regret ever being born. 


Matthew POV

He forced himself to pull away from her. Looking down at her tenderly, he could see her lips already slightly swollen. Oh how he could kiss this woman for the rest of eternity but he needed to gain control. He was surrounded by his employees hence he needed to be professional. Raising his eyes he scanned around them to see if anyone was looking at them when suddenly his eyes landed on a blond haired woman wearing a baby blue gown, looking directly at him. 

That face he could spot anywhere. The face he could never forget. The face of the woman who broke his heart so many years ago. Cat. 

Stepping back out of Hailey's arms unconsciously, he began moving towards her. 

"M-Matthew?" He heard Hailey calling after him, but he paid no heed. He needed to find out what the hell she was doing here. The faster he settled his past where it belong, with her long gone, the faster he could get back to his future with Hailey....

Cat spun on her heels and began walking away, disappearing behind a wall. Matthew quickened his steps. 

He was not going to let her get away, not this time at least....


Hailey POV

What the hell? 

She was having a hard time understanding what was happening. One minute Matthew was loving and caring and the next he just left her without an explanation? 

What was wrong?

"May I have a dance?" A voice asked behind her, bring her out of her thoughts. Turning she found herself staring into the face of the man she hoped to never see again. Syler.

Looking around her, she could sense eyes on them. Placing a fake smile on her face, she accepted his offered hands. 

The moment he grasped her hand, he yanked her towards him, causing her to crash into his body with such force that she fliched with pain. What the hell!

Before she could balance herself, he had already wrapped his arms firmly around her and moving to the beat of the music. Hailey felt like a puppet, being controlled by the man standing before her. 

"I am happy you liked the dress I sent you." 

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