Part 2

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The street buzzed and boomed with passersby. This was a normal day in New York. Everyone rushing here, there and everywhere. Like crazy ants on a mission. Some rushing to get to work, some rushing to get home and some... simply rushing. Yes, everyone had something to do or somewhere to be.

Matthew stepped out of his black limousine and made his way towards the glass doors of his office. His movement was swift and soundless. His eyes never straying or unfocused by the world around him. His hands clasp around the silver door handle and pushed it. The glass door swung open- open to the world he was more concerned with, the world he was most focused with- the world of business. His world. His eyes roamed the interior of the first floor. All chatter ceased immediately from the people inside. Their faces not attempting to hide their surprise. This reaction was not unexpected. After all Matthew has not visited this branch of his office in quite some time and his plan to see their work ethic clearly was a success. Scanning each individual's face and their groups he realized that instead of having hard working professional men and women present, he had slackers who took their job as a joke and a way to get easy money. He knew he had his work cut out for him and was not about to waste anymore valuable time.

"Meeting at 9am sharp in the conference room. Anyone missing is fired immediately."

His words rang through the silence and as if coming out of a trance, his workers scattered. Each going back to their desks and getting back to work. Matthew scanned the floor for any other changes he would like to make, seeing none he ventured towards the elevator and pushed the button to the second floor.

Today was a day of great change...


"Hey girl." Hearing a voice behind her, Hailey spun around to find her friend Mia smiling behind her. Turning back to the mirror, she finished wiping of the last of the makeup of her face.

"Hi Mia." She replied.

"You were late again." This was not a question but a statement.

"Yes..." Hailey answered worriedly. "Does Vick know?"

This made Mia laugh. "Honey the guy does not know where his own arse is at the moment."

Hailey smiled, her worry beginning to drift away. She knew Vick was a drunkard.

"-just make sure it does not happen again." Mai continued. And just like that Hailey's worry came back.

"I will try."

"Girl you know I love you and would do anything for you but there is also so much I can do. I got Vick to forgive you once but if customers complain again then I would not be able to do anything...." Mia looked saddened. This was the truth Hailey had to face.

"You know I need this job. Where else would I go? I need the money..." Hailey looked at her friend through tear filled eyes.

"Girl I don't know, but what I do know is you need to be careful and most importantly make sure no one anything to complain about." Mia smiled encouragingly and patted her shoulder. "See you tomorrow okay." She walked away, her red heels clicking as she made her way towards the stage as her shift began.

Hailey, wanting to stay here no longer than she should, pushed her "costume" into her bag and exited through the back of the building, making sure no one saw her. If anyone one saw her here and Hayden's school found out she was afraid what they might do.


"Mommy!" Hayden's voice happily cried out as he threw himself into his mother's arms.

"Hi sweetheart. How was school?" She asked as she took his book bag and lunch bag from him.

"It was great! Guess what! I drew a picture for you!" He hopped cheerfully in front of her as they made their way home.

"Really? Oh I would love to see that!" Hailey spoke to him excitedly.

Passing near an ice cream parlor, Hayden suddenly ran up to it. His delighted eyes roamed at the different flavours.

"Come on Hayden, let's go." Hailey called.

"Mommy please can I get one?"

"No honey, maybe another day." Hailey's eyes saddened. She knew she had only a few dollars in her pocket and she needed to spend it wisely.

"Mommy please!" Hayden begged. He was to young to understand that they were struggling.

"No honey, next week okay." Hailey knew she would get paid within a week so maybe then she would be able to buy what he liked.

"Please mommy! I would not ask for anything else!" Hayden's eyes filled with tears. Hailey knew if she bought this she would have to sacrifice something else... But one look into her child's face, she found herself digging into her pocket and paying for the ice cream.

"Didn't you want one mom?" Hayden asked as he licked his chocolate ice cream contentedly.

"No honey, I didn't want any." Hailey's answer was short. Of course she would have loved to buy one for herself but the price was to much.... Looking at her son's happy face made her feel better. She wished that one day she could buy all that he wished for and not have to worry about the cost....

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