Part 4

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Matthew's eyes stayed on the little boy's tender face. He called him "Batman?" Letting go of the boy's hand still cuffed in his palm, he looked as the three gathered in the distance and stared in fright at him. Ignoring them he turned his focus back onto the crying child. Before he could muster up a response to the child's statement, the child lunged forward and wrapped his tiny arms around his legs. His body trembled but his face lit up brighter than the sun as he gazed up at him.

Matthew, gazing down at the boy found himself lost for words- a first. The child gave one big toothy smile and tightened his hug.

An idea popped into his head. Bending down to face the child, he held the child's hand in his so that the child would let go of his legs. Offering a kind smile he asked "Hi, what is your name?"

"Hayden!" the child's smile brightened.

"Hi Hayden, my name is-"

"I know who you are! You are Batman!" Hayden cut him off and hugged him around the neck.

"Uh?" Matthew was becoming more and more confused. Why would this child think he was batman? Quite frankly it made him feel like laughing. Which he held back of course.

"I can't believe this, you are here.... you came to save me!

Hayden's eyes shone like the sun. In all his wildest dreams he never thought that he would really meet one of his favourite hero and here he was in the flesh. He couldn't wait to tell his mother!

Hugging 'Batman' once more he picked up his belongings and ran towards his classroom stopping just before to wave goodbye.

Out of sight, Matthew rise and dusted his pants where he had knelt. Looking where the child had disappeared he whispered to himself "School has become different from when I was a boy... What do they teach these poor children?" Shaking his head he walked back to his limousine and got in.

"What was that about?" His driver asked as he pulled out onto the street.

Not looking at him and out the window, Matthew replied "I have no idea."


The very next day they were back to their same routines. Hailey dropped Hayden to school- earlier this time and hurried to work. So the days went. Like clockwork she picked him up from school and they went home.

A few weeks had passed and Hayden's exams were approaching so the teachers insisted that he stayed an hour after school to study more. Hailey, wanting her son to do the best he can so she soon gave in and decided to make herself busy and work an hour late herself. Although she hated to do that she kept reminding herself that she was doing this to get the money for her son and that it was only for a few weeks.

When the evening came, Hailey spent most of her night helping Hayden study and focus. During the day she missed him dearly." Only a few weeks" She reminded herself.

"Come on girls, show time!" Hearing a brief clap and her boss's voice she shook her thoughts away and stood. Today her costume all black and fitted, showing and defining her curves. Her long blond wig fell elegantly down her shoulders and back. Her black heel chicked as she walked out onto the stage.

For the past week the pub was booming with talk about a group of powerful business men that were to visit and that the ladies were to please them whichever way they wished. This made Hailey's blood crawl. She knew that their were ladies here who went the extra step but she wasn't. If the day came and she was asked to do something which she was not comfortable with she would simply ask another if they would. which she was sure they would- doing extra meant extra money...

Sadly that day was today, she would have been fooling herself if she was not afraid or nervous. Placing her hands on the cold silver pole, she look beyond the crowd. Not wanting to make eyes contact with anyone. The music began to play, slow and seductive.

She moved and leaned in every direction, her hands trailing over her body in a flirtatious way that she knew enticed and bewitched her audience. She bent to the floor and lay her back, looking at the ceiling as she continued to dance. Smiling and pretending to enjoy herself. Deep down she knew that this job was just a means to make money and nothing else. She was not here to make friends- she was here simply because the money was good.... Her cloths were just her costume. Her dance was just a routine.... The only thought in her mind was her son. It was the thought of him that kept her strong when she did this.


Soon the song came to an end and she exited the stage, the audience booming with whistling and cheering. Back stage she changed again, into a red outfit and waited for everyone to finish their performance before the whole group went out into the crowd and mingled with the audience.


Hearing a knock on the door Matthew looked up for his desk. The entire morning he had locked himself inside, busy signing contracts and papers which were left undone and unorganized. He wondered why he was wasting money paying his assistant to do this when she didn't and he had to waste his time now....

Angry and frustrated he looked at the person who entered.

"Hey man." It was Syler. He was Matthew's business partner and friend for over ten years.

Dropping his pen, Matthew passed his hands over his face and into his hair. Leaning back onto his chair he answered. "Hey."

"Still at it I see." Syler noted looking at the piles on paper on his friend's desk.

"Yeah, remind he to fire Brianna when she returns to work from god knows where." Matthew said through grinding teeth. Syler could clearly see his friend was under stress and he knew just what to do.

"Lets go out for a bit." He offered. Matthew looked at his friend and then at the pile of papers.

Sighing he said "I can't. I have to get this done."

"I am sure this would be waiting when you get back. Don't worry." Syler attempt to make a joke went in vain. Matthew stared at him impassively.

When Matthew didn't respond Syler sighed. "Oh come on man, a break would help."

Matthew knew that his friend meant well and decided that he was right. Pushing his chair back, He stood and pulled his coat of the chair's back rest. He didn't fail to see his friend's broad smile before he hid it again.

"Where to?" Matthew asked as they waited for the elevator to take them down to the lobby.

"Strip club!" Syler almost exploded with joy as he looked at his friend's placid face. He knew Matthew never liked these things but sometimes a man's best medicine is a woman's touch.....


Surprise surprise! Today i decided to treat you all early lol....

OMG! I can't believe I wrote the last line!

Forgive me my young readers!


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