Part 12

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Hey guys, Just want to say that this chapter is dedicated to my mom, one of the strongest person I know. And to all the kids with single parents... I am with you. I grew up in a broken home myself but hey, after every sunset there is always a sunrise. My prays and love are always with you!

Matthew POV

"Son do you know what time it is?" My mom yawned on the line as she whinned.

"Sorry to wake you so early mom but its urgent."he smile at her laziness.

"Urgent! Are you okay?" Her voice deepened with panic, sleep long forgotten.

"Yes mom, relax will you." He rolled his eyes. Mother's and their protective instincts.

"Oh?" Her answer was short, hinting that he should explain.

"Well I need your help. Can you visit me today?" he asked hopefully.

"Today? Honey you know I'm not in the city."

" Mom please I can't even begin to stress how important and urgent this is. "

"Ok ok, I will see what I can do. But first what is going on."

"Well-" Matthew continued to tell her everything and his plan to help as she listened attentively on the other end.

"So go there first?" His mother asked making sure that was what he wanted.

"Yes mom."


"Thanks mom! " He shouted excitedly.

"Don't thank me yet, you have to give me something in return for cutting my vacation short." Her voice said mischievously at him.

Rolling his eyes again he said his goodbyes and ended the call.

"See you soon mom. Oh don't forget my gift!" he yelled before ending the call but not to fast because he had enough time to hear her groan loudly at him. He chuckled at his phone.

After making a few more calls, he placed it back onto his nightstand and went back to sleep.


Hailey POV

A sleep deprived night followed by a slow day was nothing less than awful. Haiden was already in school and she was sitting in the dressing room getting ready for her shift. Her mind drifted back to the last night. Sighing she fought the memory away. How could a stranger break everything that she spent so much time building?

Her boss walked in slowly as she peeked up at him.

"Hailey we need to talk." Oh oh, this didn't sound good.

"I am going to have to let you go...." He trailed of. His eyes looking everywhere but at her.

"Wh-why?!" Hailey stood so fast that her seat leaned back and fell to the ground making a loud sound.

"Well times are getting hard and I need to cut back my cost." Her boss continued, finding his shoe more interesting than her face.

"Vick look at me! That is not a good enough reason god damn it! I never said no! I did everything you asked! Look at me!" Hailey screamed at him as tears began to flow. Her heart was breaking for a second time in less than twenty four hours.

"I don't know what else to say Hailey, I'm sorry. " Vick turned and walked out of the room, still refusing to look at her.

"Vick please! Please you know I have a son! How am I going to provide for him! I need this job!" She called as she ran after him. She pulled on his shirt, on his hand and arm but he refused to stop walking away. Falling to her knees she screamed out her pain, crying as her body shook uncontrollably. She did not care if the whole club heard.


"I'm sorry Hailey. I don't know why Vick did this." Mia spoke softly as she rubbed Hailey's back to calm her.

"Mia what have I done wrong? I did everything. Everything he asked me to." Hailey began shedding a new set of tears. "What am I going to do now. My son needs the money for school." Hailey looked up at Mia and saw that she was looking back at her with soft apologetic eyes.

"Stop crying Hailey! Pull yourself together! You started over once, you can do it again." Mia spoke encouragingly.

She was right. Hailey nod and got up. Standing on her feet she packed her things and pulled her friend into her arms.

"Take care of yourself honey." Mai whispered, wiping away a stray tear.

Hailey looked around one more time at the room, remembering how her days had passed. She was beginning to warm up to it. Shaking her head she said her goodbyes to the rest of the girls and left.

Opening the exit, she looked as it closed for the last time behind her, she would never come here again.

Walking into the street she saw a black BMW parked on the opposite side of the road. The hair on the back of her neck raised as she thought that there was a person in it watching her. Shaking her head of that silly thought she continued on her way home.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?


The evening came fast. After Hailey reached home, she packed most of their things into boxes ready to move back into her parent's house. It's strange how their whole life could fit into four boxes. Some life. Her parents were not pleased when they heard she was coming back home but where else could she go. She didn't have a choice.

"A new start would do us good." She whispered as she finished sealing the last box writing the word 'clothes' on it.

Hearing a ringing noise she jumped, it was her doorbell. Who could it be? Hayden was not done with school and no one ever visited.

Opening the door slightly she peeked out to find a beautiful woman smiling at her. Her expensive looking clothes and jewelry made her seem out of place in their rundown apartment.

Opening the door a bit wider Hailey smiled back at her.

"Hello can I help you?" Hailey asked kindly.

The woman stayed silent, looking at her face closely. Oh god she must look like a mess, she had forgotten she had been crying. Her eyes must be blood red and swollen by now.

The woman then smiled, exposing beautiful white teeth. "No dear, but I can help you."


Wow Wow! Lol Thoughts anyone?




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