Part 7

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As each day passes, Hailey found herself looking at the entrance door of the club.It had been awhile since Mr. Grumpy walked through them. Minutes turned into hours and hours into days and days into months. Three months later, here she stood staring at it again. She tilted her head to the side, with her hands folded on her chest, she wondered what he was doing at this very moment....

She did not know why she felt drawn to him but truth be told that reason was making it harder for her to concentrate on her work...or anything else for that matter.


Matthew dropped the pages he held in his hand upon the desk and sighed in frustration. This was so confusing! Nothing made sense. The accounts did not add up and so far there was two million dollars unaccounted for.

His entire accounts department has practically been living in his office for the past few months trying to figure out where that much money had disappeared to. They all looked up at him when they heard him sigh.

Looking at the head accountant Bill. He asked again for the thousandth time. "Did you find anything?"

And for the thousandth time he shook his head 'No'.

This was baffling. How could his accounting team be so careless and disorganized?

He knew it did not make any sense...they have never been careless. Never. Something was not adding up. Needing some air he looked at them and realized that so did they. He gave them an early lunch, the moment the last person left he got up and walked to the large window. Opening it, a gush of wind blew past, causing his outgrown bangs to be blown back out of his face. Looking down at the people on the sidewalk, he saw a few couples holding hands.

His mind began to drift, drift back months before.To the day Syler had carried him to the club. As much as he tried to resist, he could not stop himself from thinking about the blond haired striper that approached him.

Her body was so tense from being nervous. This memory made him smile. He saw her from a distance. He saw her even before she approached. Her beauty was so alluring that he couldn't keep his eyes of her. He watch on as she attended to other men. The strange thing was... She seemed so out of place there. It was like she didn't belong there for some reason but he soon push that thought away.

She never stood to close or let the men touch her. She entertained from a distance.... Strange.

When she approached him, he was angered by his previous attender and so his anger rose higher. He didn't mean to sound rough but the fact still remains. He hated stripers.

Looking beyond the trees and park near by, he couldn't help but wonder what she was doing at that very moment. Or more importantly who she was doing it on....


The evening came quick. No closer than where they started from that morning. Matthew decided it was time for everyone to quit for today and start fresh tomorrow. He walked out with them and got into his car. Starting the ignition he pulled off onto the street and headed home.

He took a left and then another left. Once again he found himself here. In front of the club.

Destiny was playing a cruel game with him. Since that day he found himself here day after day, looking for any sign of her.

Driving past he looked at the club, wondering if he would get a sight of the blond girl. Suddenly his eyes spotted some movement and he slowed down. In the alleyway, at the side of the club he saw a figure approaching the road. It was the blond girl- he hoped... Wait what?

Pressing his face closer to the glass to see better, his mind exploded into millions of pieces as the girl pulled of the blond wig and pushed it into her bag. Her long brown hair rolling out onto her shoulder and back.

Her face was slightly hidden as she turned the corner and unto the street. He pressed the brakes and stared. Could this be the same girl? No it couldn't... could it?

For the second time today he found himself bewildered and confused.... He looked on as she rounded another corner and out of sight.

Subconsciously, he opened the door and crossed the street, following her. He was careful to keep his distance. The last thing he wanted was for her to notice him following her. He was not a weirdo after all.

Her hands were buried deep into her pants pockets as she quickened her steps. Suddenly she stopped. This alarmed him. Did she spot him? Oh God what if she turned around and noticed him? He also stopped in his tracks and pretended to look at the clothes stores in front of him, stealing glances at her now and again.

He looked on as she walked closer to the glass of a store and look into it in awe. Her eyes sparkled and a small smile slowly made its way onto her lips. But for some reason she abruptly shook her head as if bringing herself out of a trance and frowned at what she was looking at. Her eyebrows furrowed as if she was deep in thought. Shaking her head she spun on her heels and was off again on her way.

Leaving the space to grow between them he slowly began to move towards the glass where she once was. Curiosity got the best of him. As the store came into view, he realized that it was a jewelry store. Soon he himself found himself standing in the same spot looking at the same jewel set she was. It was a simple diamond set, however its design made it seem unique and enchanted it's viewers.

Looking at the direction where she was heading, he realized that she was long gone. Many questions came rushing into his head. Most importantly. Why didn't she buy it if she liked it?

His feet started to move on its own and before he knew it, he found himself inside the store.


Hi guys, Happy Diwali!

I hope you all are enjoying my story so far. Let me know what you all think.

I tried uploading the photo of the jewel but no luck- sorry. If anyone has an idea how to do so please inform me. Thank you :)



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