Part 52

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Hailey POV

The world could be coming to an end around her but still she would not notice. With eyes focusing on the operation room, she inhaled and exhaled sharply, finding it hard to breathe. She didn't know how long she had been sitting here or how much she had cried... somehow she felt that was all she was able to do. All was left was to wait...wait till this nightmare comes to an end and hope when the sun rises, the nightmare does not ruin it.

"Hey." A male voice greeted cautiously, making her look up, finding Alex looking down at her. 

"Hi." she responded weakly, unable to stop the breaking of her voice.

If Alex noticed that, he said nothing making her feel grateful towards him. He moved to the seat next to her's, making himself comfortable. 

"Where is Merry?" He asked after a moment of looking around and not finding her.

It took everything in Hailey not to lament at his simple innocent question. Why did Merry give her such a huge burden to keep? How could she begin to tell someone when she herself could not believe what was happening ?....

As if feeling her hesitation, Alex reached across clapping his hands over hers and squeeze lightly. Hailey inhaled deeply, feeling thankful she had someone here with her....even if that someone had no clue what was going on... 

And so they sat silently through the hours that rolled by painfully slow, consumed by their own thoughts.

The red light above the operation room suddenly went off, signaling that the operation was complete. Hailey's eyes widened, she wanted so much to run towards the room but her feet stayed where they were.... 

She wanted so much to be happy....yet she wanted to scream with all her might at why.

The doctor emerged from the room, making his way towards her. She felt herself and Alex rise from their seats and step towards him as well, each holding their breaths. 

"Miss. Hailey." The doctor gave a small smile. "The surgery went well.... however because he was so would take a while for him to get used to his new heart... The nurses would be carrying him into his room shortly... You may see him then." 

"Thank you doctor." Hailey forced a smile, letting out the breath she didn't know she was holding. The doctor nod before walking away. As he did so, Hailey looked at his back thinking...

There goes the man who saved the man she love, yet killed that man's mother. He is no god...yet he had to pretend to be today....a burden he would have to carry for as long as he lived....

"Look." ALex said, making her look toward the operation room again, just in time to see them rolling Matthew out of it. He lay still and almost lifeless on the bed, making Hailey's heart jump with consternation. 

"Are you ready...?" Alex asked, looking at her. 

Hailey nod. "As ready as I would ever be." With that they began making their way towards Matthew's room.


One Week Later 

 Hailey POV

Matthew's eyes fluttered open, sighing softly as the light momentarily blinded him. 

"Hey." Hailey smiled down at him, from his bedside. 

Upon seeing her, Matthew's face instantly brightened. "Hi beautiful." 

This caused Hailey to blush. "Somebody call god because he is missing an angel." He said again making her blush deeped. 

"Such a romantic." She teased, her eyes sparkling with happiness. How could someone that just woke up from sleep for almost an entire week be so full of life? 

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