Part 27

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Alex POV

He gazed at the woman in awe. Finding it hard to believe that she could break into such an arduous security system such as the Stone's.

Merry had brought him to meet this so called woman, Hailey, but she was soon called away so he decided to get this over with and leave. But as he waited his eyes landed on her open computer screen. He never liked the idea of going through people's personal things but one of the header caught his attention which influenced him to do just that-snoop.

Stone's surveillance

The header read. He walked closer to the device, noticing that other headers were opened as well. Skimming through them quickly he realised that they were unimportant. Some pages were of available property or apartments for sale or rent and some were of music and cloths. He rolled his eyes. Women.

All his attention went into the page of the Stone's. Revealing it, he could see people walking around in the party outside, some with people who were walking inside and some on the maids and bottlers preparing meals. There was everything. She was looking at them all, without them even knowing. Who was this woman?

He heard the bathroom door unlock and opening revealing a beautiful brown haired woman. She froze where she stood as her eyes met his. Either from fright of seeing an unknown man in her room or of being caught, he had no clue. He hoped it was the latter.

He stood turning the screen towards her, watching her closely to see if she was someone who was a danger to them all. She showed no emotion of betrayal, however she did show fright.

"Tell me, are you in the habit of breaking into people's surveillance cameras?" He asked. Looking closely at her.

"N-no." She stammered. 

His face unmoved by her words, his eyes looked directly into hers.

"How did you do this?" He asked. He himself had tried to do this when he first visited Matthew, out of fun and had not succeeded. It made him upset and a bit jealous that she could and he couldn't.

"I-It's not that hard actually...all you need to do is figure out the password."

"I see..." Alex's mind was blown by the simplicity of her answer. This woman was as clueless as a stone in a hot day. She had no idea what she just accomplished.

Suddenly an idea popped into his head. He could use her. Matthew's team was a waste of valuable time. She however could be a great addition. A fresh set of eyes...if you must.

" Tell you what, if you help me with something, I would not tell anyone about this." He motioned at the computer.

"H-help you with what?" She stammered. Fright written all over her face.

"Lend me your services. Temporarily of course." He explained.

"You what me to work for you?" She raise a confused, questioning brow.

"Yes. "

"I-I already have a job. I am Merry's assistant."

"Merry assistant?" ALex raised a brow of his own. Why would Merry need an assistant? She must be up to something...he laughed silently.

"I would talk to her, don't worry about it."

She nod silently.

"So do we have a deal?" Alex extended his hand towards her.

She hesitantly stretched her hand and placed it in his.

"Y-yes, I suppose we do." They shook hands, sealing their agreement.

"Great. I will be back in a few minutes. Oh by the way, my name is Alex. Nice to meet you Hailey." he smiled as he exited her room, not failing to miss her opened mouthed shock face.


Hailey POV

He knows who she is? All along he knew her! For some reason this made her upset, she felt like a fool.

He soon reappeared with a folder and handed it to her.

"I need you to help me find this woman. Her name is Catlane Samantha Williams. Cat for short." Alex said briefly.

Taking the file, Hailey opened it and quickly looked at it. In a nutshell it was all information which surrounded this woman, Cat.

She nod her understanding.

Alex smiled, his perfect set of teeth showing brightly. " Get to work. I need any information I can as soon as possible. Oh and this agreement must stay between us." He said. Leaving her to her thoughts.

Hailey looked as the door close and sighed. Why was she getting herself more and more involved with these people!?


Matthew POV

"What is a gorgeous woman such as yourself doing all by yourself?" Matthew whispered into the woman's ear, making her jump and spin around to face him. 

A sly smile appeared on his face. 

"I was wondering when you were going to notice me." The woman responded, meeting his gaze. 

"I noticed you the moment I arrived. Fear not." He bent and kissed her softly on the cheeks.

" Oh is that so?" She raised a brow at him.

"Of course. How could I not? You are one of the most beautiful woman here." 

"One of. Whom is the other?" Her eyes twinkled with delight.

"Oh just someone. Not important. What is important is that I am with you..." He spoke flirtatiously.

"That is correct.... however." 

"However?" Matthew asked.

"However i don't think we could work out..."

"And why is that?" Matthew inquired.

"Well you see...-" 

"Miss Stone!" A voice distracted her, causing her to incomplete her answer. Looking over she saw Kelly motioning frantically for her attention.

"We will continue this later son." She laughed hugging him. "Oh and I need to talk to you about something important." She called as she walked away. 

Matthew laughed. "Ok mother." 


Hailey POV

Her eyes inspected the documents, detailing all the important factors regarding finding the woman.

The documents stated that she stole two million dollars from Matthew Stone and disappeared without a trace. 

Wait what? Her eyes stared at the name once again.

"Matthew Stone?" she asked loudly. She met a Matthew earlier. Stone? Merry Stone....was this Merry's son! 

Abruptly the photo from the wall she saw the first day she was here came back to her memory. Matthew Stone! She knew she knew him....He was Mr. Grumpy also know as batman!

She sprang up from her bed happily, doing a happy dance. She solved this mystery! 

Soon as more memory flowed into her head, her smile gradually faded... 

Remembering his words made her frown. Why should she help this man? He hurt her and her son that day... 

Looking around she sighed. 

But he also give us a home.... 

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