Part 37

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Hailey POV

All the hairs on Hailey back stood, as if it had felt something cold. Considering the words that came out of Scarlet's mouth, she might as well have the entire north pole dropped onto her. 

Her eyes opened wide, as they began filling with tears.


They say time heals all wounds but somehow, as time passed her wounds only grew wider...

"Scarlet-" Matthew began, his voice rough and uneven , but Hailey's voice cut him off.

"No. He would not be joining us...." The words came out agonizingly slow as if it was ripping its way through her throat and out her mouth. Hailey moved towards Matthew, tearing Hayden out of his arms and onto her own. Without looking up, she stepped away, beginning to walk away.

"Hailey wait." Matthew's hand held onto her arm, stopping her. Moving in front of her again he placed his hand beneath her chin, urging her to look at him. As she did, a warm tear ran down her face, then two, then three. They would not stop!

Meeting his gaze she was at a lost for words, all she wanted to do was run away. Run away from this place. From the woman who shattered her world within a few minutes of meeting her. Run away from the man standing in front of her, wanting nothing more than to have his arms around her again. 

His eyes gazed upon her with worry. Silently shaking his head, he moved his hands to her face, wiping her tears away. The moment his hands touched her, she sucked in a deep breath. Closing her eyes she fought back her tears. She needed to be strong. This conversation was bound to happen eventually right? After all, people would be wondering who was Hayden's father and why he was not with them.

Yes.A matter of time. 

Forcing all thoughts out of her head, her eyes flew open as she felt Matthew's hand cupping her cheeks. Why was he still touching her?!

Taking a step back, pain flashed in his eyes and his hands dropped to his side. 

Be strong. 

Inhaling deeply she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Good night." She spun on her heels and walked away before any word was said again....


Matthew POV

"What the hall Scar!" Matthew yelled as soon as Hailey was out of air shot. 

"What?" Scarlet asked innocently. "I was just asking a question....How was I supposed to know that he dumped her?"

Anger flashed in Matthew's eyes. Scarlet had always been one to snoop and play mean jokes but this time she went to far.... 

"How do you know she was dumped? Don't talk about thing you don't know...." Matthew spoke through clenched teeth. His jaw so tight that it was threatening to snap any moment.

"I-I'm sorry Matt, I just assumed-" 

"Assume? Assume! Try finding out first the next time before shattering someone's life!" Matthew interjected, spinning on his heels and walking away, towards the direction Hailey disappeared. 


Scarlet POV

What the hell just happened?

Matthew has never risen his voice towards her before.

As she gazed upon Matthew's retreating form, she knew what she had to do.

That woman and her soon to be orphan child must go....

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