Part 26

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Hailey POV

Sincerity is one hell of a thing. It can make you do things you would never dream of. In Hailey's case she found herself beside the most handsome man. Dressed in a black and white tuxedo, a bow tie around his neck and his brown hair gelled back into a comfortable mold, a black mask covered his eyes, falling right over his nose. Holding his soft hands while they descended the staircase into the already booming party, she found herself nervous and flustered. Looking over to her side, brown hazel eyes look back at her, a smile playing on his lips.... She smiled sweetly back at him.

Her mind once again amazed of his beauty. She knew in years to come he would be one hell of a heart breaker. She smiled at her thoughts. What was really to come? No one really can only hope and pray for the best.

Reaching the bottom of the staircase, they made their way through the front door into the porch. They both gasped audibly as their eyes gazed over the celebration before them. White tents were scattered everywhere, a group of musicians stood at the middle and couples danced and moved to its beat. Waiters walked around offering finger foods and drinks. Women looked beautiful and elegant in their long gowns and matching masks and men looked so handsome and mysterious in their tuxedos and masks as well. Why had Merry suddenly insisted that this was a masked ball?

"Hailey!" She heard a voice call from her right. Turning she found herself face to face with that very woman.

"Merry." Hailey walked towards her.

"Oh you both look so beautiful." Merry complimented.

"Thank you. So do you." Hailey smiled shyly at Merry, dressed in a white and red gown with a sliver mask on. Her green blue eyes shining with delight beneath.

"Come let me introduce you..."


Matthew POV

A woman dressed in a simple black straped gown with a sliver beaded line on her waist passed beside him. She smiled shyly and nod at their group as she passed. He tried his best to focus on the group's conversation but he couldn't. His eyes followed her wherever she went. Like a magician she hypnotized his senses.

Meeting and greeting their guests with smiles and handshakes.

She walked towards the bar, accepting a glass of water. She smiled kindly at the bartender and siped the clear liquid. He looked as she sighed contentedly as she looked to her left at the group of children, something she was doing often.

The moment she had entered the party, and he first laid his eyes upon her, he had not yet breathed freely.

Maybe it was the perfect moment to make himself known...

He excused himself from the group and walked towards her.


Hailey POV

She felt overwhelmed. Merry had introduced her to so many people and faces that she had no time to remember their names.

Taking another sip of the cool water, she commanded herself to stay calm. She felt so out of place... at lease Hayden was having fun. She gazed happily in his direction. Sometime during the night he had made friends and had been with them since then... She felt a prick of jealousy as she realized that her son had more people and social skills than her.

Giggling inwardly as she took another sip. Maybe it was time to call it a night.

"You are not from around here are you?" She jumped, surprised at the voice she heard. She looked beside her to see a tall lean man standing there with a drink in his hands. He smiled sweetly at her.

Looking into his eyes she inhaled sharply. Those eyes. A sea of blue smiled back at her. They looked so familiar...

"N-no I am not." She answered timidly. Who was this man? Her eyes roamed his face. Sharp cheek bones, pink lips, fair skinned....

She could not shake the feeling that she saw him before, even with his mask on, his features were dangerously attractive.

He smiled at her as if he knew something she didn't. Warning signals went off in her head. This man was not what he seemed.

"Please excuse me...." Hailey whispered, resting her glass back onto the bar and turning to leave.

"Matthew." He spoke. Low and cautiously.

She turned to him. "Excuse me?"

"My's Matthew."

She nod and walked away. She didn't know much about these rich people but one thing she knew for sure was she didn't want them to know anything about her....

Maybe leaving was really for the best.

Informing Merry and Hayden that she was going up to her room she left, feeling secure of the fact that Kelly would look after her son.

Reaching her room, she quickly dressed in a more comfortable wear and sat on her bed with the laptop in front of her. Turning it on she waited patiently for screen flashed on.

She opened a page on the internet and searched for available homes or apartments around her money range.


An hour later she walked to her bathroom, stretching her legs and emptying her bladder at the same time.

The moment she sat on the seat she heard a knock on her room door.

"Hailey can I come in?" She heard Merry call.

"Yes, I will be out in a bit." She called back.

Finishing as fast as she could she exited the bathroom to only find a man sitting on her bed with her computer in front of him. His eyes were focused on the screen. She panicked. Shit!.

She knew that he must have seen what she was doing... Was she in trouble.?

Seeing her the man looked at her and back at the screen. His face serious.

Standing he turned the computer to face her.

"Tell me, are you in the habit of breaking into people's surveillance cameras?"

"N-no." She stammered. Panicked at what he might do with this information.

His face unmoved by her words, his eyes looked directly into hers.

"How did you do this?" He asked.

"I-It's not that hard actually...all you need to do is figure out the password." Why was she telling him this?!

"I see..." He said, looking as if he was deep in thought.


Hey guys! So who do you think is this man?

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