Part 17

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The glass door with gold trimming opened up for them to come in by a maid. Hailey smiled politely at her as she stepped in. She roamed the room with wide eyes. This is Merry's home? This looked like a house out of a fairy tale book. This made Hailey wonder once again about the stranger Merry. Who exactly was she? 

Her eyes roamed up the grand staircase to find that very woman smiling back at her, dressed in a green flower dress. 

"Finally you are here my dear!" Merry called out with open arms as she made her way down to Hailey. Hailey was speechless. All she could do was smile and nod like a crazy person. 

"Oh how precious!" Merry gleamed as her eyes dropped onto Hailey's sleeping son. She rushed forward and looked at him closely. 

"What is his name?" She asked.

"H-Hayden madam." Hailey answered shyly. Why was her heart racing so much. It felt like a whole zoo was inside her. 

"Oh how beautiful... just like his mother." Merry complimented. Hailey blush deepened.

Merry then spun on her heels and looked at both the maid and driver. "Please show Hailey to their rooms." She asked happily. They took her bags and motioned her to follow them up the grand staircase.

"Hailey my dear! Dinner will be at seven." Merry called to Hailey from the bottom of the stairs.


Hailey's eyes roamed the walls as they passed, there hung many portraits of the family, most of which had Merry and a tall man with black hair and blue eyes and a small boy standing in front of them-  a splitting image of the man.

Walking closer to the picture she looked at it slowly. She knew his face.... But from where?...

"Madam?" Hailey turned upon hearing the maid's voice behind her. 

"Who is this?" Hailey asked, pointing to the man and the little boy, trying again to remember that face. 

"Oh that is Mr.Sone and his son Mat-" The maid began to answer before she was abruptly cut of.

"Fiona could you please help me in the kitchen?" Merry called from somewhere downstairs.

"Please excuse me Madam." Dipping her head low, she left quickly towards Merry's direction.

His name was Mat something.... Hailey sighed. She must be mistaken. She knew no one who's name was Mat or even started with Mat, but that face..Where had she seen that face?... 

Just then Hailey heard the front door being opened. She peeked out just in time to see a tall man walking out the door and closing it behind him. Was he the man that was looking at them from the balcony? Why did he not greet her with Merry?

 Shaking that thought away, she walked over to where the driver waited patiently, they continued down the long spotless corridor silently. 


Greg the driver passed by many doors until he stopped by the last door and opened it. Stepping into the room, he placed all of Hailey's luggage on the ground near the bed and exited the room, stopping by the door. 

"This is Hayden's room madam. If you would please follow me I would show you to your room..." He smiled. Hailey's heart raced at his word. She couldn't leave her child here, in an unknown place and unknown room. Simply thinking about Hayden panicking when he woke made her tremble. 

"If it's not to much trouble, I would like to stay with my son." Hailey said, anxiously, waiting for his answer.

"Very well madam, I would inform Mrs. Stone." Greg nod politely and walked away. 


Hailey turned after looking at Greg as he left and looked at the room. A huge bed occupied the center of the room where a window sat. Their was a dresser and a door near it. On the other side stood another door. Turning her attention back to the bed she walked towards it bending slowly and resting Hayden's body as soft as she could onto the silk sheets . She straighten and inhaled deeply. Hayden was becoming so heavy! 

Upon hearing a sound out the window she walked there and peeked out just in time to see a silver Ferrari speeding away down the dirt path and out onto the street. 

Who was this mysterious man? Her heart beat quicken at the thought as a smile tugged at the ends of her lips. 

She turned away, walking to the door next to the dresser. Opening it she glanced inside and stopped suddenly as her breath got caught in her throat. It was a walk in closet. Stepping into it, automatic white lights came on making her jump. Her eyes drifted at everything, it was to much for her eyes to take in at once. From dresses and pants to tops and jewelry and footwear. Everything looked designer wear. She turned her attention to the other wall and to her astonishment there were cloths for Hayden as well. Everything just like the other side. Shirts, pants and sneakers. 

Her eyebrows knotted together. If Merry just met her son, how would she know to buy all of this?

Something was not adding up here.

Hailey reached out and touched the cloths with her fingers gently, afraid if she did it to  rough that the cloths might shatter and that she would wake up from her fairy tale dream.

Feeling  it's material in her hands she sighed. 

Why was this woman helping her so much?

Did she want something from her? 

Hailey knew she had nothing to offer the woman in return so what exactly was the woman's intentions?

"Hailey madam?" a woman called from the door, Hailey walked out swiftly and greeted her. 


"Hello madam, my name is Kelly, Mrs. Stone sent me to inform you that dinner is ready and asked me to help you get dressed." The young maid smiled sweetly, she looked like she was in her early twenties just as herself.

Hailey looked at the girl strangely. Why would Merry send her to help her dress.... she could dress herself.

"Oh- it's okay, I can ready myself, please inform Mer- Mrs. Stone I would be down shortly." Hailey smiled as the maid exited the room, closing the door with a soft 'click' behind her.

From a driver receiving her to a gorgeous house, room and clothes now to a maid helping her, Hailey felt over clustered. She raised her hands to her head, feeling a headache coming. Things were happening and changing so fast. Never did she think things would be like this... Yes she appreciated everything Merry did but she could not help but be afraid of the thoughts that spun in her mind. 

What does she want in return? 

She tried to be happy, but how could she?

The life she lived, everyone wanted something. It was only a matter of time before the beauty turns into the beast in this fairy tale....

Her eyes drifted to her son lying on the bed still fast asleep. Had she made the wrong decision? Was she putting her baby in harm's way?


This chapter did not end in a happy note, sadly. But to my readers who are upset and confused about Hailey's reaction. Try putting yourself in her shoes. If someone gives you everything you ever dreamed of and didn't ask for anything in return, would it not seem strange to you?

Most importantly she is now a mother so she needed to protect her child.

Hope that clears up any doubts. :)



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