Worst day ever

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Today has to be the worst day ever, been up since 4.30am putting the rest of the boxes into the car and moving van. Yes that's right it's moving day, so we have to be stuck in a car for almost 2 and a half hours away. It's just lucky that I have my music to listen to and will try have a sleep for most of the ride to our new house.

Sorry let me give a bit of information about myself, my name's Rose. I'm a 16 year old so called average girl, who was in a swim club and was pulled from school apparently because i have a talent for swimming. So i'm now home schooled and so have very few friends, only a handful of girls at my old club.

Were moving to a new town were there suppose to have the best swim club there is in the country, to the point that almost all that go to this club become professional swimmers and more. Also it may have to do with the fact that my mum had a fight with my old coach over me supposedly putting on too much weight, which to be fair to him it was down to my mum in a way as she would once a week let me eat whatever I wanted after practice and he spotted it. So that's why we are relocating, that and my mum and dad have really good jobs and it's given them the opportunity to move but just didn't think it would be this far away.

Half hour later......

''Rose we are here now, wake up''

mum had been rubbing my arm to wake me up, must of fallen asleep on the ride. As I got out of the car I look at what was going to be our new home. WOW!! This house is massive, the driveway itself could easily fit 3 cars on with space. As well walked into the hallway I stopped to look around, it was big enough to swing a cat easley.

''Rose your room is upstairs and the last door on the left''

I ran up the stairs two at a time and turned to walk through the door into what was to be my new room, it was bigger than my old room with a built in wardrobe. Too big for the amount of clothes i had, another door that led to my own bathroom. I was loving it, my room already had a double bed in. I hear a noise and turn around to see my dad putting boxes of mine on the floor and leaving the room. One thing about my dad is that he is a man of few words but always there with a listening ear when you need to talk. Luckily I didn't have much in the way of stuff, TV, Xbox, some books and photos of the girls that I use to talk to now stuck on my wall. My clothes didn't even fill half the wardrobe, but I don't really need lots of clothes as i'm normally live in a swim costume and trackies. I had a few dressed for special occasions and that's really it. So decided to go down and help unpack, as I walked through the kitchen I found mum and dad in a hold and kissing each other (don't get me wrong it's nice they are still that in love but not something I need to see).

*Cough cough* they then realized I was in the doorway and broke apart.

''Hey rose do you fancy eating out tonight? I know a nice place near here'' that means dad want's pizza. I don't really want to go out after a long day of moving but I also can't stand trying to hunt through the boxes and find everything with mum just so she has to cook.

Once we get to the restaurant and ordered our food, mum started talking away to dad who made every effort to be interested but I could see he was as shattered if not more that what I felt. Mum then started talking to me which I try my hardest to respond.

''Rose you are going to love this new club, it's got the best results in the country for swimmers. I've spoken to the head coach and he seems keen to meet you tomorrow, his name is Andy and of course once we have you scandal we can look at getting you a new tutor. Hopefully we can get one that will be able to work around your schedule .....''

Mum continued to talk but I couldn't listen anymore, as you can tell mum gets a bit carried away about it all and can get carried away.

The meal was over so we got back to the car and made our way home, I decided to go straight up to ben when we got in as it had been a long day. Washing myself and changing into my bed clothes before plugging my phone to charge and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, dreaming about what my so called new life may turn out to be?

Hey guys this is my first story on hear so please bear with me on this one it is a slow start but going to pick up very quickly. I know there are spelling mistakes but unfortunately I am dyslexic so I find it hard to spell. I would love to hear about what you think of this story as it goes on.

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