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The next few weeks sped past so quick that my birthday had snuck up on me, what with the appeal ongoing. From what I could tell the witch had found out that it was Faith backing it and things had gone really bad between them both. Coach Andy informed us one morning that she wouldn't be coming in for a few days and he would be working with us until she returned. I had text messages and voicemails asking me to talk and listen to what she had to say but I was still not in the right mind to deal with it all. Both my parents had taken the day off work to spend with me and do whatever I wish, wasn't hard to choose since I had asked to just stay home and have a veg out all day in front of the TV and cuddled up to them both. Hayley sent me a message wishing me happy birthday and that she would pop over later to give me a gift, plus Adam had called to let me know he had to work this morning but he would be over as soon as he could so we could spend some time together before going out with my parents for a meal. The message I hadn't expected was the one I got from Faith first thing this morning and It was the one that got me the most, It must of been sent realy early because when I looked for the time at 6am it was already there. 

Happy birthday princess, I do understand why you wont talk to me and I will keep on saying sorry for the rest of my life if that is what it takes. I love you so much and miss you every day, wish I was there right now next to you so as soon as you woke up I could wish you a happy birthday with a kiss. I want you back in my arms Rose not his, It kills me to see you not happy with him like you were with me. what more can I do to show you what you mean to me? I will happily get down on one knee and ask you to be mine if that is what it would take. please talk to me, i'v sent you a gift that should arrive today and I hope you like it. Love you with everything I am xx

Id started crying half way through reading it, she still wanted to be with me after all the crap that kept getting thrown our way. A big part of me longed to be with her again but was I strong enough to do it I still didn't know. Mum cooked an amazing cheat day breakfast while dad and myself moved things around in the living room for optimal Tv binging. GIfts were given out next as mum couldn't wait any longer, but thankfully they hadn't gone mad this year. Dad had organised an experience day for me to ride in a sports car, while mum got me a matching earrings and necklace set that were in a rose gold setting and ruby stones. They got the biggest hugs for it all and my thanks of course, I was brought up with manners after all. The movie wasn't even half way through when mum got a call from Andy and moved out the room so we could still keep watching, with no word of a lie 5 minutes later the doorbell goes so dad gets up for it. Walking back in I can't see him through the big bunch of red roses with two balloons attached reading 'Happy Birthday'' and the number 18, In his other hand was a brown box with a bow. Putting them on the table next to me so I could get a better look, Adam must of ordered them for me and had them sent over. On opening the card my mouth dropped, It wasn't from him at all as it was Faith that had sent them. My hands started to shake as I opened the box, dad had come to sit next to me and was rubbing my back as he must of see in my face who had sent them and I was grateful for his comfort. Inside the brown box was another smaller box and a note, I opened the smaller box first to find a ring. It was quite basic in look but it was from pandora so lots of money, inside the ring it had written 'for always yours'. It looked like while gold but I couldn't be sure (mum would know). Once I put the ring down I turned the note over to see what she had put, I was expecting another long letter about loving me yet it wasn't. This time just a few lines reading 'This ring is my promise to you Rose, it's a symbol of my eternal love for you. Hope you like it. Wear it and I will know your feeling for me'. I was in tears after reading it for the 3rd time, dad placed it all on the table and pulled me in for a strong hug. 

''Dad I don't know what I should be doing anymore''. I told him everything that had gone on, even about the face that Faith hadn't just kissed Emma that night. How she hadn't gone all the way but didn't say that morning for fear of them not letting her ever be with me age, How I really felt about Adam and how I hated myself for letting it get this bad. I was bracing myself for a shouting match but all he did was kiss me and pulled me closer. 

''Rose all you can do is what feels right to you, no more or less. If Faith is the one you think is best and you will be happy then you have your answer, there will be times you will both fight and that's normal. You may not realize but me and you mum use to fight a lot when we first started out but in the end we worked through it and look where we are today. What she did was wrong but by the sound of it she is paying the price and still wants you back, what I will say is maybe try taking things a bit slower if there is a next time. You do need to finish with Adam and sooner then later, it's not fair on him to keep being dragged along thinking there could be more, understood?''  I agreed with him that I had to talk with Adam sooner then later, Lunch was more important as my tummy was going mad at me for food. We made our way into the kitching were mum was still on the phone, she was sitting at the table with her head in one hand and phone in the other. Dad handed me a bottle of water and we both sat in front of mum while she said bye to whoever it was (could it still of been coach Andy?). 

''That was Andy, he called to update me on the appeal.... Rose i'm not sure how to tell you but its about Faith'' Dad held my hand for support in the way only a parent could. I asked for mum to go on, maybe she had agreed to marry the witch after all. But the gifts wouldn't make sense if that were the case. 

''Well she's in hospital, been in for the last week.....looks like that women she was dating, beat her up pretty bad. It's why she's not been at training, Andy found her at her place fighting for her life. I asked and if you wanted to go see her you can..''

''Now I want to go now, please can we go'' Dad wiped my face dry and agreed we could go strait after I had something to eat and got changed since I was still in my pj shorts. sprinting up to my room I must of got dressed in seconds, I couldn't wait to get to the hospital. Grabbing my phone from my dresser I noticed there was a message from Faith agen.

Hope you like my gift, love you xxx

I was going to message back but thought the surprise would cheer her up more, I even put on makeup and checked my hair a few times before leaving the room. Both mum and dad were at the front door waiting with my lunch in a box to eat on the way, they knew me to well that I wouldn't want to wait around to eat. It then dawned on me about Faiths gift to me, I knew then and there what I wanted. Running into the living room and pulling the ring out of the box and placed it on my left hand, I then joined them in the car. 

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