new start

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It's 5am and i'm awake, I know it's too early to be up at this time of morning but it's what i'm use to. By now I would normally be having a shower, eating breakfast and getting dressed to go club practice but as it's my first day I only have to meet the coach, and talk about training times and days. So I decided to lay in bed for a while longer and stare into nothingness instead, wondering what the new club is going to be like. What's my new coaches are like, will they be nice or strict. Who my new tutor is and if I will be able to get on with them, etc.

Finally I get up and head for a shower, you would think really the amount of time I spend in the water I would hate getting wet. But I love it. After getting out, drying off and try finding something to wear that isn't a costume and trackies. Eventually I find a pair of denim shorts and tank top with one of my fave bands on (Avenged Sevenfold). Not forgetting shoes I choose a pair of tan boots, leaving my hair down to dry. Then I move to my dresser and apply some eyeliner (only thing I ever really wear), and make my way down stairs.

Mums already up in the kitchen making the tea and dad's lunch, while dad is at the table reading his morning paper. The radio is on low in the background, I can only just make out the song that playing. I know the tune but can't think of the name of it at that moment. I walk over to pick my cup up that mum has popped on the side for me, she knew I could be grumpy in the morning without my tea. Taking my seat I look over the bits of the paper dad had finished with.

''Rose we are meeting coach Andy at 8.30 so can you make sure you are ready to leave by 7.55, it should only take 25 minutes to get there but we don't want to be late. Plus I will have to try and find a parking space''

Mum had come to sit next to dad at the table now with the rest of the breakfast she had made fresh that morning, which I didn't know how she managed it as we had no food last night when we moved in.

''I'm ready to go whenever mum, my bag is by the front door ready and waiting for us''.

It was time to leave now, so after I put my cup and plate in the sink then went to meet mum in her car. Belted up I pop my headphones in to hear my music and watch all the traffic as we made our way . To be fair it didn't take long to arrive, once out of the car mum took the lead and I followed her into the building. Within minutes of entering the door mum was greeted by a tall well built older man, with flecks of white in his brown hair. He does have a nice smile and the most stunning green eyes. Now don't get me wrong he was nice looking but i've never really noticed being attracted to men, which i've just put down to being dedicated to my sport.

'' Hello im coach Andy, I manage this club and the swimmers here. You must be Claire and Rose, please follow me into my office so we can have a little chat''

Coach Andy's office was full of awards, pitchers of him and all the professional swimmers he helped make over the years. His coach jacket hanging behind him on the wall, laptop on the desk open. You could see the pool behind him with divers and swimmers already doing their drills.

'' So claire on the phone you told me that rose was at another club and why she has left that club to be here instead. Well in my eyes it's there loss and hopefully our gain. Here at Phoenix Rise our training sessions are every morning except Sundays, and we start at 5.30am till 8.30 then again 3.30pm till 7. We expect you to attend all sessions, unless illness or other commitments that have been arranged beforehand. You will have a coach that will work with you on a closer scale, plus you will have to swap numbers with her so if there is a problem you can let her know. Sorry i feel like i've talked for ages, is there any questions? ..... Well let me show you around and introduce you to your coach''

As we walked around the building I noticed they had a steam and sauna room, As much as I wasn't a fan of the heat it was nice to go in after practice of the night before weigh in. There are shower cubicle and for some reason there were seats in them too. We walked onto poolside, mum was chatting away to Andy while I just looked around. At the deep end there was a young woman standing with a clipboard, you could tell she was watching another swimmer. She was stunning, long black hair that when not tied back would easily reach her lower back. Her eyes as blue as the ocean during a storm, and her legs went on for what felt like forever. After staring for what seemed to be ages I managed to bring myself back into the conversation that was going on in front of me.

'' Faith here may seem young but we have had our best swimmers from her over the years, I think she will be able to help Rose out only if that's ok with you of course Rose?'' Coach Andy finished and everyone looked at me then.

''Er...yer... shore sounds great'' I felt like an idiot just then choking on my words. I don't understand why i'm getting so nerves over this women, she is only my coach. After she had spoke to my mum about what we will be covering over the next few weeks. I must've zoned out again as the next thing i hear is Andy asking me if i was able to get in the pool and show them my stroke style. I nod and make my way to the changing rooms, once ready I walk back out to the pool. Mum and Andy were sitting to the side waiting, then I notice Faith walking towards me with her clipboard.

''Are you ready to start then Rose? There is a lane over here you can use today'' We make our way to the lane and I found myself admiring this women in front of me.

''If you could just get in and do a 2 length warm up, then we will start on your front crawl for speed and technique'' I took my starting position and dived in, getting into my swim zone. I hadn't been swimming for about two weeks so my joints felt a little stiff but still I completed my warm up in no time. Soon I was doing a set on my front and was now standing at the shallow end waiting for Faith to come and talk to me.

'' Thank you Rose that will be all for today, I have seen enough. Your strokes are good and speed is great, still a little room for improvement. Hope to see you tomorrow for training''

After getting dry and changed to meet up with mum, we made our way home, for some reason I was shattered. Mum left me to it while she was looking for my new tutor and starting to make some calls.


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