We're do we go from here?

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It was morning, I could tell by the light coming through my windows. The bed moved next to me and everything from last night came rushing back to me. We were naked from the waist up, I rolled over to see a pair of wide blue eyes looking at me. Nothing was said between us, we just layed there staring at each other. I broke our stare to look at the time, it was 9am. We were late for training. I jumped up and started looking for my top.

''Rose what's the matter?''

'' We're really late for training Faith, we have to hurry. Won't you get in trouble for not being there?''  Faith grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the bed, holding me tight so I couldn't get back up. She wasn't rushing like me, she was so calm.

''Rose it's ok, I called Andy already giving him an update about your dad and that you mum asked me to stay with you to make sure your ok while she is at the hospital. Were not going in today Rose. I want to make sure your ok for today, we had a fair bit of drink last night.''  My phone buzzed interrupting us and making me jump, it was a text from mum letting me know she would be back for dinner tonight and reminding me about Adam coming today. I'd completely forgot about it, that gave me a reason to jump out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. Turning the shower on I stepped under the warm water, I could hear footsteps coming into the bedroom.

''Rose is there a problem? I just had your mum call me asking how you are and she said your tutor is coming today, are you sure you're up for it all today?''

''I'll be fine thank you, just need to clean up before mum gets home later is all,''  I knew she was still standing in the doorway, I could feel her eyes on my back.

''Can I join you in the shower? Saves time a water''  WOW Faith wanted to shower with me, I nod yes but i'm starting to get butterflies in my tummy just at the thought of her naked body next to me. I move over so she could get in and handed her the shower gel and shampoo, thankfully nothing happened just a few stolen glances with the odd bump into each other. We finished up and made our way back into my room. Faith changed into her clothes from yesterday and I walked into my wardrobe and got dressed into my tight jeans, boots and a v neck top. Making our way to the kitching Faith started making tea for us both and I sat at the breakfast bar watching her.

''Rose I think we need to talk about last night while we are alone, I don't mean this in a nasty way to hurt you but it can't happen again. I'm your coach and still in a position of trust, we can't tell anyone about this.'' I knew what she meant and as she was talking I could see the fear of losing her job over it all, but deep down a hurt feeling about the fact it may never happen again as I was still drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

'' I know Faith, it won't happen again i'm sorry..''  as I was talking she moved round the breakfast bar to hug me tight.

''...but can I ask you something?'' Faith nodded and looked me straight in the eyes this time.

''I've never done anything like that before as you may of seen, is it different when with a guy? I mean do you get the same feelings?''

''Rose have you never done anything with a guy except kiss then?''

''Well no i've never done anything with anyone, man or women before. You're my first''

I could see the shock on her face at the understanding.

''Well I can only say from my own experiences, I didn't like it at all it felt wrong to me. There was no spark, but that may not be the case for you hun. Now it's my turn to ask you a question. How did you feel last night when we were in bed?''  I was confused by this question but as I thought about it I could feel a smile creeping onto my face.

''I liked it, a lot... I didn't want it to end, it felt amazing...... I er I felt like I new what to do without realizing it.''  Faith had a big smile on her face at my response, like something I had said made things better between us.

'Ding Dong' It was the front door, Adam must be here already. I made my way to the door and opened it for him, he still looked as handsome as always but today there was no smile.

''Hi Rose, i've spoken to your mum and she told me about yesterday. Are you sure you want to study today?'' I waved him in a walked back to the kitching. Faith and Adam started talking so I popped upstairs to get my books, on returning Faith was making drinks for us.

''Faith are you staying today?''

I didn't want her to go but i knew she must of had things she needed to do.

''Only if you want me to Rose, if not I can come back later and wait with you till Claire comes home?''

''Please stay, I still don't want to be alone.''  Faith knew what I meant by that so she nodded and made herself busy while Adam and me got to work on my test results and upcoming essays. Faith was pottering around in the kitchen making lunch for us all, I found myself wondering what she would be like as a mum. She was so good at taking care of people, every so often she would look over at us and I could tell she wasn't happy about something. A few hours passed by and we were now packing up for the day, I showed Adam out and took my books back up to my room. I placed them on my desk and turned to go back down stairs when I sore Faith standing there looking amazing.

''Do you realize Adam is flirting with you?''  What! No he wasn't, why would she say something like that. He's just doing his job and being friendly.

''Rose listen to me, he is trying it on with you. He sits so close, touching you for no reason and he's wearing all the right clothes to be on the pull..ca''

''Faith it sounds to me you are jealous of him, he isn't trying it on with me and even if he was i'm not interested. End of!''  I could tell my little outburst startled her, but how she is talking and reacting with me is not helping me get my feelings strait. If she is jealous i'd like her to just come out and say it.

''Im .... Sorry.. I er shouldn't of shouted like that. I'm trying to sort my feelings out and you're not helping me, you say last night was a mistake yet you're  jealous because a guy shows me attention. Its one or the other Faith not both, I feel like i'm drawn to you in some way but I don't even know how you feel about me or if i'm just a one time thing with you. So help me out here, if not then just leave me alone for a bit please''  where that come from I do not know but I felt a lot better getting it off my chest, it felt like all the stress just went away. I could see in her eyes the internal battle she was having over something but it wasn't my place to ask. I walked over to my bed and just sat there staring at my hands, not really sure what to do next. Faith came and stood in front of me, tilting my head back to see her face.

'' Hun i'm sorry to, I didn't mean to sound so jealous. But I am and that's something I can't help, I really like your Rose. Too much in fact that I didn't want to leave you alone with Adam just incase he tried it on with you, but I have to be careful because of my job. I want to be with you Rose, but the last thing I want is for you not to be happy. This is why i'm willing to leave you alone and have some time to think and explore your sexuality. Just please promise me you will be safe, no more drinking and I will always be at the end of the phone if you need me''  Faith kissed me one last time on the lips then made her way back down stairs. 

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