Faith's pov
It had been two days since I told my uncle about my relationship with Rose and he hasn't picked up any of my calls or text, I'm starting to get a bit worried as he has never been like this. Maybe I had finally gone a step too far this time even for him, but It was out of my controle at present. I had had to hope that I still had a job to go back to after my full recovery. I was up in the bedroom when I heard voice's in the kitching, It was only me and Drake home so I wasn't sure who else he was talking to. Id managed to convince Rose to go out shopping and have a girly day with Hayley, since she hasn't wanted to leave my side since I got out of hospital. Walking towards the kitching I started to recognise the voice as Andy's, not wanting to disturb them and hear what they had to say I moved over to the wall and just listened to the conversation.
''Andy why are you so against this? once this all goes through and Rose gets on the team she will no longer be under Faiths coaching and it won't matter that there in a relationship. They have managed to keep it secret so far what's a few more weeks/month tops?''
''But if it does get out it will not just destroy the club but both there chances, Rose won't be accepted to compete and Faith wont find a coaching job anywhere. Never mind the face someone could report her to the cops and she would be charged with god knows what. Your telling me you fine with that are you? Because I won't take that chance.'' I couldn't stand there and listen anymore with them both talking about my life, I knew what I was getting into and took full responsibility of it all. As soon as I walked in Andy backed away from me.
''I can hear evering thing you both are saying, thank you for trying to talk to him Drake but we both know it's no use. So what are you going to do now then?'' my face said it all loud and clear that I was not in the mood for my uncles sad idear's of 'fixing a problem'. I had savings so if I had to be out of work for a little while it wouldn't matter to much but the thought of having to find a permanent job scared me a bit, I loved what I did and the people I worked with but my love for Rose was so much stronger. It took him a while before he spoke, still not looking me in the eyes though.
''Well you can't be her coach that's for sure, I'll continue instead until your fit to return. Fingers crossed by then she will have been reconsidered for the team and there won't be a problem, but if I get a sniff that there are rumors about you two. Your out Faith and I won't be helping you get out of this mess, understood?'' All I could do was nod my understanding and wait for him to leave before breaking down into a terrible mess, It couldn't of been the nicest this Drake had ever seen. Though he just picked me off the floor and carried me into the living room where he held me in reassurance until I fell asleep. I'd really fucked up this time round.
I must of been out for the count since next time I woke I was still on the sofa but Rose was the person I was cuddled up to instead or poor Drake. She must of felt that I had woke as she brushed my hair out of my face and kissed me on my head.
''Hello sleepy head how are you feeling? do you need anything?''
''No I'm fine thanks, what time is it? how was shopping today?'' Rose told me all about what she had been up to with all the nice stuff she got (including something for us since I broke my little silver bullet from over use on her almost every night). It was almost dinner time and I could smell something amazing coming from the kitching, making my tummy grumble. Drake was cooking shepherds pie, I wasn't sure what he did but it always tasted amazing. Clair had to work late so we sat down to dinner, Myself and Drake having a beer with it but Rose stuck to her water (even though she was 18 she still felt weird drinking in front of her parents). Over dinner I apologised for falling asleep on Drake and told Rose what had happened with Andy while she was out. I never wanted to keep anything from her again, which is ironic as I still hadn't told her about the internal injuries that would surely come up in court. I will get round to it just not tonight as I was still sleepy and couldn't wait to get back into bed, Where I could hold her in my arms and just think about all the day's we will have together.
''WE DID IT, GIRLS GET DOWN HER WE DID IT'' Clair was shouting the house down with her excitement, I woke Rose and we got dressed to head down into the kitching. Clair was dancing around making breakfast while Drake was at the table reading something that wasn't his normal paper. Rose asked what was going on while I sat at the table and started drinking my morning coffee.
''By the looks of it Rose has been given a place on the GB team, the panel have looked over all the evidence and the fact that Emma has not been seen or heard from has made in clear to them she was the one stopping you from getting on the team. As of now you are no longer part of the club but part of team GB.'' Dad had finished telling us the news and put the letter on the table while standing and embracing Rose in the biggest hug while telling her how proud they all were. Well least that was one less thing to worry about, it was just my court case if they could ever arrest her. Rose came over and hugged me from behind with her head on my shoulder and a kiss to my head, I was so happy for her but I knew she would have to work a lot harder which would leave us less time together. I didn't mind as I felt deep down she needed to do this and I will be there every step of the way helping where I could.
''So does this mean that coach Andy won't have to fire Faith and we can finally stop hiding our relationship?'' You could hear the hope in her voice at the idea of not having to sneak around and me being able to go back to work, but I wasn't so sure if my uncle would have me back. Its something I would need to go and speak to him about, Maybe today would be a good day for me to visit him at the club. I could ride in with Rose and make my own way back, but back to where? I still had my own place that I was paying bills for but I hadn't stepped back in there since I came out of hospital. As much as I was loving staying her and being with Rose all the time, once her new training started there would be days where she would like her own space and she wont have that with me still here. I will talk to them all about it tonight at dinner but first Andy was at the top of my list. We all ended up going in one car since today Rose would be meeting at the club with her new coach, Clair and Drake wanted to meet them as well as speak to Andy. Rose looked a little nervous in the car ride but I just held her hand and stroked it with my thumb in small figure of eight, trying to calm her down. Once inside Andy was standing talking to another guy who was wearing the official GB tracksuit, he was id say as tall as Drake (so easily 6ft or more) with blond short hair and from the back looked to be well built. They must of heard us come in as they stopped talking while we approached.
''Rose this is Mr Fox, he is going to be your new coach. We were just talking about you and Mr Fox has agreed to keeping your training here but there will be times you will have to go to head office''
''Rose please just call me coach or jason'' They all stood there talking while I just waited until I could get my uncle to himself. Rose bless her did try to get me into the talking but I just pointed out that it didn't matter what I suggested anymore as I was no longer her coach, Jason did ask if I would talk with him later on what I found helped getting the best out of her performance which I was happy to agree to. I took this moment to ask if Andy would talk to me in his office which he didn't refuse thankfully.
''So what is it you want Faith, I have a club to run.''
''Well I was hoping we could talk about me returning to work? I know before you had concerns but now Rose is on the team and no longer a part of this club, does that not change anything?'' He stayed quiet and just stared at me, normally I could work out what he was thinking but today I sore nothing.
''Please let me come back, I love my job and you know i'm good at it. Hate me all you want..''
''Faith I don't hate you.... I just wish you would of come to me and told me what was going on. Yes I was angry but I was also worried about you getting in trouble for it all. I want to know two things and I want the truth'' All I could do was nod a yes, What could he really want to know that I hadn't already told him.
''When did you two start this... relationship? and are you going to go public now she is not under your guidance?''

In love with coach (GxG)
RomanceRose has moved from her home town to a new location on the understanding that it's for this amazing swimming club that makes people into professionals. But what she hadn't hope to find was someone that would distract her not just from her goal, but...