Not what i was expecting

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Dad was in the kitchen when we finally got out of bed and made our way down for breakfast, mum must of had an early meeting as she had left tea in the pot and two plates of food in the oven for us. Faith made the tea and I put the plates on the table then retrieved the cutlery for us, dad had his head in the morning paper. He was in a pair of black jeans and a tight t-shirt and boots, if you didn't know him you would say he was in his late twenties and worked out every day. He had always looked after his figure as I can never remember him being any different. We had sat down and were making our way through the food when he finally put the paper down and talked to us.

''Rose i've got a doctors appointment for you it's in an hour so you best eat up and go get ready''

''What about Faith, can she come aswel dad?''  for a split second he stopped whatever he was going to say and try to rethink it, I knew what he was going to say but I didn't like the idea of not having her with me, incase they had to do test or examine me. Dad wouldn't be able to stay as he's a guy (even though he's my dad), and to be fair I wouldn't want him there as it would be embarrassing.

''Rose I have no problem with Faith coming but I think it's going to cause some problems when they ask what your relationship with Faith is, as she is your coach remember. A coach wouldn't come to the doctors with you, that's my only concern''

''Your dad is right Rose, we don't want people asking questions. It's just great that your parents are understanding and letting us be together, but everyone else is not so understanding and would want to see me in prison for what we are doing. I can't bear to take that risk with you. I'll be at home and you can text or call when you have finished then i'll come back round if you want?'' Faith had a point and she was right, I couldn't bare to be without her ever. I finished my food which I noticed them both looking at to see I was telling the truth then made my way to my room, I was already dressed but I just needed to grab my phone and sort out my hair and face. Since dating I had been making an effort of putting makeup on and styling my hair a bit more, wanting to still look sexy for my women.

Faith left my place the same time as us and dad drove to the doctors as I still didn't know the way by myself, luckily we didn't have to wait long before getting called in. The doctor was a woman in her late thirties, tall and slender with short blond hair and a pair of glasses perched on the end of her nose. She seemed friendly and was happy to listen to my dad's concern while explaining why he had brought me today instead of my mum, I think he was also a little embarrassed as well as me. The doctor asked me a few questions then pointed to the table in the corner so she could examine me, I was lucky enough she didn't want me to get undressed. I lifted my top up so she could feel my ribs, hips, tummy and around the side on my torso. I was then measured for height and weight, which were typed into her computer.

''Well unfortunately your height and weight are a big concern of mine as your clinically anorexic, but from what you have been telling me your eating and what you're eating as well should be more that enough to keep the weight on you. I want to do a few blood test as it could be something as silly as you have overactive thyroids which can easily be treated. We won't know till we get the results'' She took the blood and put a plaster over to stop the bleeding then we were allowed to go. Dad called mum as soon as we left to let her know what had gone on and I texted Faith.

I'm out the doctors now, dads just on the phone to mum then we will be leaving. Could i come to your instead please?

We had not been completely alone together for ages and I missed it, plus it would give us a place we could make out and maybe more if I was lucky. A plan popped into my head, to go home and changed into some of that underwear Hayley made me buy then go round and give Faith a little show. Finally dad got off the phone and drove us home, when we got in the house he made another call and it wasn't until I hear what he was saying that I knew it was Coach Andy explaining why I wasn't at practice today. Faith still hadn't replied to me, I still made my way up to my room and dug out the clothing. Not really sure what to wear I went for the red and black lace bra with thong and stockings (since the thong had the suspender straps attached thought there was no point not using them). I put the clothes I already had on with a different top to help make my boobs look amazing and a jumper so dad could not see. Faith finally replied to me so I read quickly as I couldn't wait to see her.

Rose of course you can come over, just don't get your hopes up. I've told you i'm not pushing you into anything, don't want you feeling you have to. Love you babe, see you soon xx

Wish i could make her see she wasn't pushing at all, if anything it was her that didn't want to do anything. Looks like i'll just have to persuade her into it instead. I ran back downstairs and found dad in the living room, he was watching tv and doing some work on his laptop. I thought I best ask if I could go out instead of just going as I knew he would be worried.

''Dad would you mind if I went over to Faith's house please? I think it's unfair to expect her to always come over here when she has lesson plans to do. promise I won't be too long and i'll be back before dinner'' I could see in his eyes that he knew what I really meant and wanted but then reality hit that it's a woman i'm going to see and he finally agreed as long as I texted him when I got there and when leaving to come home.

Her house wasn't far at all, only a 10 minute drive but it still felt to long for me. I pulled up on her driveway, got out and locked the car before making my way to her door. I managed to knock once and she already had the door open and let me in, I didn't mind as it meant I was closer to her but I knew why she did it. As soon as the door was shut and locked behind me I jumped her, kissing those plump lips and holding that warm body closer to mine. Her hands started to snake round my waist until she suddenly stopped and pulled away from me,

''Can i get you a drink or something to eat at all?''

''No i'm ok thanks hun, are you ok thought? What's with the pulling away?''

''Nothing I just thought you may want a drink, i'm fine promise'' not sure if it was just me but Faith felt off today, not her normal self. If this was a few weeks back she couldn't take her hands off me, but now it's like she didn't even want to touch me anymore. Maybe it was a mistake to come here in the first place, maybe I was getting my hopes up but I wanted to know why the sudden change. With that thought I decided that maybe I should go home again, so I turned and made my way to the door. Id grabbed the handle when just then Faith had noticed and rushed over to stop me.

''Why are you going already Rose? Is there a problem?'' I couldn't stop myself and ended up bursting out what I had been thinking, feeling more and more selfish the turther I went on.

''I think I made a mistake coming here today, you have made it very clear what you want from me, it's just a shame i'm wanting more then your willing to give me. So i'll leave, you know where I am if you want me. Bye Faith'' I tried to open the door but she must of had her whole body weight against it and I couldn't get out.

''Rose you're not going anywhere until you properly talk to me, I didn't ask you to come over and I haven't promised you anything for coming to mine. Yet you come to my home, jump me as soon as you come in then get the hump with me for stopping you and offering you a drink? What have I done wrong Rose? we won't get anywhere in this relationship if we don't talk to each other so come sit down and talk to me'' I felt like bursting into tears all of a sudden but had to control it or I would never be able to talk.

''Ok I will talk but I want true honesty from you, why is it since the night I was last here you have not touched me in any way but to hold me in our sleep and kiss me hello and goodbye? You won't even make out with me in my room. I'm starting to feel that between the two of us it's you that don't want to go any further, you say you don't want to push me yet i'm here waiting for it. Even eager for it but you are not. So can you tell me why that is?'' Faith looked surprised at my outburst and my bluntness  as she was quiet for a long while. We ended up just sitting on the sofa, not talking or making any contact with each other. I wasn't sure what I should be doing as i've never been in this situation before. I got my phone out and sent dad the text he had asked for as i didnt want him trying to calling or coming round.

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