Meet the tutor

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As I got changed out of my wet clothes I could hear mum talking to Faith, it felt odd hearing my coach's voice in the house. I decided on a pair of skinny jeans and band top with my favorite boots (they had seen better days but were so comfortable). 'Ding Dong' that must be the new tutor, so I made my way down and opened the door for mum. Standing there was a man who looked in his early 20's with short blond hair and light green eyes, he was tall and nice built (not too skinny but not busting with muscles). He was smiling at me with brilliant white teeth, holding his hand out to me.

''Hi im Adam and you must be rose i assume, i'm here to meet Claire?''

He had a deep voice but it was also caring and warm, I lead the way to the living room where mum was still talking to Faith.

'' Oh my i'm so sorry I lost track of time, you must be Adam. I'm Claire and this is Faith, she is Rose's coach. As I said on the phone Rose is a talented swimmer and does long hours training so we need her tutor to be flexible and make sure she will graduate if she were at school. Do you want a drink at all while we talk?''

Adam had asked for a water which I offered to get, I hadn't realized that Faith had followed me into the kitchen until I turned and walked into her.

''Rose why haven't you taken up the extra sessions yet? Your mum is over the moon about how well you are getting on''

''I Told you I didn't want to ask her to take me as she does so much for me already, and i'm sorry but I don't see why you are pushing for me to extend my training. You're my coach not my mum''

I was annoyed that she had been speaking to mum about the extra sessions. I walked past her and back into the living room, handing Adam the glass of water. Mum was in full swing by now of requirements from him and by the looks of things it was going well. Faith had come back in to excuse herself as she had to go, making her way out of the front door. The talking continued for another half hour, Adam seemed nice and new what he was talking about informing us about the subjects I will be covering and the test he has in place for me. During the conversation i found out that he is in the process of becoming a full time teacher, this of course went down well with mum. By the time mum had finished talking with him we had already come up with a plan of the days and times he would come over. I showed Adam to the door and we said our byes.

''So Rose what do you think, will you be able to cope with all this work and get along with Adam?''

''Yer mum it will be fine, and only time will tell about getting on with him but he does seem nice. mum I want to talk to you about the extra sessions i've been offered''

I could see on mums face that look of knowing what I was going to ask or talk about.

'' I know already Rose, coach Andy told me the other day and Faith did bring it up as well tonight. I was going to wait till your dad got home but since this has come up now I might as well tell you. Your dad and I have talked and we both think it's time you take some responsibility so we have agreed to let you drive''

Before mum could finish I jumped on her giving the biggest hug I could.

''Ok ok rose listen to me a minute, you can learn to drive and we will get you a car but it's not going to be a brand new one ok? It's going to be a few years old so if your do ever have a accident it won't be so bad. Then after a year or so if you do well and show how responsible you are we may help you get a better one, understand? But Rose until then you will only be staying later in the evening sessions. So go get washed up and help make the dinner.''

I was so excited I climbed the stairs two at a time, putting my phone on charge, washed up and making my way back to mum. Dinner was normal for my family, dad and mum were talking about the day (mainly mum talking while dad nodded and listened). Of course my dad was explaining the rules of me getting a car which I already knew but still listened. It may be odd but I liked hearing my dad talk, as a kid my dad would read to me at bedtime and I always asked for more, even now I still love to hear him speak. I helped clear up after dinner and excused myself for the night, I wanted to get a head start on my theory test since I will be having lessons very soon. Popping my laptop on and sitting on my bed waiting for it to boot up i hear my phone buzz.

Hey Rose, have your parents told you the good news yet? X'

It was a text from Faith, I was confused by this. How would she know my parents had agreed to let me drive and get a car? Unless mum told her while I was up here getting changed. Nevertheless why was she texting me and asking? Faith was an odd one, i've never had a coach like her but that is what drew me to her I suppose. I replied quickly.

'Yer I get to drive and have a car, how did you know? Im guessing mum said am I correct?'

'Yep your mum did tell me when we were talking about your training, i'm sorry about earlier in the kitching. As you said i'm only your coach but Rose I just want you to know I am also here as a friend if you ever need or walk to talk about it x'

So she was trying to be a friend as well as my coach, that was nice of her but I was a little unsure about being that friendly with here. It was getting late so I texted back saying thanks and night then put my laptop away and got into bed, ready for training and tutoring the day ahead of me.


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