Out in public

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Last night we had agreed to turn up to training in Faiths car, making it more clear that we were together. Once Faith parked up in her space just outside the center, we just sat there for a few minuets. 

''Are you ready for this? There is no turning back after this, and I will be with you every step of the way'' 

''I'm sure about this, I want to stop hiding how I feel about you Faith. We should go or Jason will have me doing double.'' A few of the other coaches and pupils walked past looking in on us, but for the first time I wasn't on edge thinking my fiancee was going to be arrested for dating me. We got out the car and grabbed our bags from the boot, once closed I made the move to hold her hand while we walked into the centre. As expected people were looking but the smile that was on my face would not budge, wasn't till we reached the changing room that Faith pulled me to the side. She had to go into the coaches changing room and get ready instead of the main one for everyone else, I already didn't want to let go but it was only till after training then we would be meeting up with Hayley and Leo for lunch. Faith started to lean in and I met her half way for a quick peck on the lips, not wanting it to seem like we were putting on a show. 

''Can't you to keep it together till your in your own room, like a pair of love struck kids'' Hayley scared the life out of me, but all I could manage was a laugh and a small wave to Faith as I was being dragged into the changing room. She wanted all the details but I wasn't going to say anything here as there were ears all around so agreed to spill all over lunch, making sure she was still up for it and of course she way. I made a point today of packing the costume Faith had begged me not to wear unless it was for her eyes only, just cause I wanted to see her reaction not that it was public about us being together. We made our way onto poolside and took our places at the deep end of the lanes, Hayley was in the one next to me today so we were able to keep chatting untill the coaches joined. I could feel eyes on me from behind but it was Hayleys face that gave away who it was walking over to me, I just kept doing my stretches till hot breath touched my ear.

''Though I said never to wear that costume it training again, it's for my eyes only Rose. I'll have to teach you a lesson later now.'' My pussy was going mad with want and need from her words but all I could do was stand there and watch her with them very short shorts start sending the kids in to swim, hearing Jason clear his through brought me back to the now and that I was supposed to be in the water at this moment. He proper beasted me for it with tumble turns and race starts for the majority of the time, I must of only managed around 40 lengths instead of my normal 80. It didn't help that all I could think about was what Faith would be doing to me later as punishment, not that there was much she could do to punish me as just her touch alone would have me coming undone. Still had to get through lunch first, unless that was were she had thought about tormenting me. Jason had pulled me out the water to go over the upcoming heats and how in a few weeks we would have to go to the GB pool for a training session to make sure I was keeping up with the others, it would mean i'd have to go up the day before and stay over night. Something I really wasn't looking forward to as Faith would not be able to come, since she had her own job and responsibilities.We will need to talk about it tonight along with the issue of living arrangements since we were engaged, not that I wanted to move out as I did like living at home but couldn't expect Faith to move in with us now could I. Grabbing the rest of my gear and saying bye to him, I noticed almost everyone had gone into the changing room except Hayley who was waiting for me a Jessica. She was trying so hard to flirt with my women that I found it kind of sad, but still not impressed with it at all. Faith must of sensed my anger before I could say a word, giving me a kiss on the cheek and letting me know she would wait in reception while I showered and changed. Jessica's face dropped to sheer hatred for me at that point, I could just imagine how much worse it would be if she knew we wasn't just dating. Trying my hardest not to smile and make things worse, nodding my agreement and walking the rest of the way with Hayley to our lockers. 

''Hayley this is going to sound wrong but do you mind sharing a shower with me? I have a strange feeling Jess may try something after that'' The one good thing about my best friend was that she was so comfortable about her body that she didn't mind being naked in front of me, plus I knew Faith well enough that if I said to her about it all she would understand completely. We didn't take long in the shower or getting dressed since we were both starving, of course we had picked clothes that showed off our assets and applied a little bit of makeup but left our hair down. We were going on a double date so had to look our best. Once out the locker room we sore Leo and Faith talking with Andy, it wasn't untill we were all standing together making small talk and getting ready to leave when Jessica made her scene. 

''Coach Andy are you aware that one of your coaches is in a relationship with a pupil? is that not a violation and should be reported to the IOS?'' 

''Why yes Jessica if that was the case but if your referring to Faith and Rose then you are mistaken. Rose is 18 so is classed as an adult and she no longer is part of this club, she now swims for team GB. The only reason she is still hear is because it is to far for her to travel and I have arranged for her to stay here. Where as Faith is a coach for this club and is nothing to do with Roses training, plus she did come to me about there relationship before others knew and I am happy for them to both be here. Now if you have finished making a fool of yourself, id suggest you go home and stop your childish behavior. Your a great swimmer but your attitude lets you down Jess.''  Everyone that was in reception had heard the whole thing, only plus side was that no one could judge our relationship since Andy had laid it all out for them. We all left and made our way to the diner where myself and Faith sat one side while Hayley and Leo were the other side, poor Leo didn't look comfortable but I could work out if it was because he was surrounded by women or the fact that his coach was the other side of the table. Faith made quick work of getting him to relax and the rest of lunch was great. Of course Hayley wasn't letting me get away without telling her all the details about the outcome of the trial and how Faith proposed, I didn't feel comfortable talking about it all in front of her but anything I left out Faith made a point of filling in. Even the fact she forgot Emma's clothes were in her wardrobe and how bad she felt about it though my helping to bag them all up made her feel better about it. Hayley was more Emma's size and since we still had the bag of clothes in the car I said she could have them to look through since it seemed a shame to throw away good clothes, there were some really expensive bits in there that I knew for a fact she had made Faith pay out for it. The topic of the wedding did come up but I made a point of getting in first and saying it wouldn't be for a while as I had lots happening with the team, thankfully when I looked at my baby I could see she was happy with what I had said and wasn't upset with the fact I didn't want to get married soon. We all said bye to each other then Faith drove me back to mine. 

Mum made dinner and dad have set the table before we got down from my room, it looked all special with fancy glasses and candles. Dad must of seem my face and explained it was to celebrate our engagement since they knew we wouldn't want a big fuss made just yet. While eating I informed them all about me having to go to GB pool and having to stay overnight, everyone including Faith seemed happy about it. It helped me feel a bit better about going and as they pointed out to me that it would only be one night, and I had a phone so could call them all at night if I wasn't too tired to. 

''Also there was something else i'v been thinking about, since where all hear it might be a good time to talk about.''

''What is it princess?'' Both mum and dad nodded waiting for me to continue.

''Well I was wondering what going to happen now with living arrangements? where am I suppose to be living?'' Dad who was sitting to my left grabbed my hand and held it tight while Faith who was on my right put her arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the head. 

''Baby listen, I would never tell you what to do. Yes we are engaged and one day we will be living together in our own place, but if you want to still stay here i'm fine with that. To much bad stuff has happened at my place and to be honest I have been thinking of selling up and finding somewhere else to start anew.''      

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