Understanding Adam

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'Knock Knock' my door was already opening as I turned round to see my dad standing in the doorway of my room.

''Ok dad i'll be down in five minutes''

I hoped mum was ok? I know she has been doing a lot over the last few weeks with the move and her new job, plus my training. I showered , dressed and grabbed some toast before heading out. Dad had a to go cup of Tea for me waiting in the car.

''Have you got enough money for the bus home Rose? Oh and your mum said don't forget Adam is coming today''

''Yer dad I got bus money and I know i'll be home in time for Adam, take care dad. I love you, have a good day at work'' he gave me a kiss on the head and said bye as I got out the car. I made my way in to sit on the chairs at the viewing gallery, since dad had to drop me off early and I was still early for training. I noticed at that point someone was already in the pool. No one should of been in the pool yet and it wasn't a club swimmer as they were to good. On closer inspection I noticed those long legs and dark hair. It was Faith swimming, she was amazing the way she just glided through the water with ease. I couldn't look away, instead I found myself admiring her perfect body. The way her arms were long and elegant but powerful at the same time, her bum was just right size and very firm. When she climbed out I could properly look at her and OMG!!! Her breast were perfect, not to big but not to small. How had i not noticed them before (probably because she always had her coach jumper on in training),

'Cough cough'  I jumped and turned round to find the girl from the shower incident a few weeks ago standing there.

''So you're still here I see, shame since you're working so hard. But I can tell you now you won't be here for much longer. I am the best swimmer at this club and that is how it's going to stay, no matter how much training you do you will never be as good as me.''  boy this girl was so up her own ass it was funny, I just let it slide and made my way to the changing room to slowly get ready. I turned to walk into a cubicle when I bumped into someone again (I really should look where i'm going more). Then I realized it was a wet Faith standing in front of me, wow she looked even better standing in front of me. At the corner of my view I could see a bit of ink she had on her hip that was half covered by her costume, I wondered what it was and if she had any more. Just then my train of thought was interrupted by her voice.

''Rose I wasn't expecting you, I don't mean to be rude but why are you here so early?''

''Oh sorry I didn't see you.... Er mums not well so dad dropped me off today''

''Well good, means you can start earlier today then, just let me get dressed and we will go out and start training''

We both walked away to change in different cubicles of our own. Faith must of finished before me as I didn't see her when I was putting my bag in a locker. I walked onto the poolside and Faith was standing at the deep end with her clipboard in hand, she was wearing short shorts with her coach jumper and flip flops. I must've zoned out again as the next thing I noticed was the mean girl barging me which almost knocked me into the pool.

''JESSICA! I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY YOU BARGED ROSE FOR NO REASON EXCEPT TO BE NASTY! I have had enough of your attitude for the last few months. I have every right to talk to coach Andy and have you suspended for a month, you are not queen bee in this club. We don't work like that'' OMW could Faith shout when she wanted, hope I never get on the wrong side of her. The girl just stood there like it was nothing, looked at me then continued to her station and dived in.

''Are you ok Rose? Do you still want to train this morning? I will understand''

''I'm fine coach I just want to get started, normal warm up?''

I got a nod and dived in to start, the rest of the training was fine with no other problems. After training was finished I got changed and got the bus home. Once home I made my way to my room to get my bag ready again for tonight's training, then make my way to mums room to check on her. She was asleep still so I left her to it.

'Knock knock' it was the front door, I ran down stairs so it didn't wake mum. Opening the door I find Adam standing there looking at me.

''Hi Rose I know i'm a few minutes early, hope you don't mind?'' Adam was wearing a nice pair of jeans and black slim fit top today with tan colour boots. He is a good looking man, with a friendly smile. He held out his hand to shake, wow they were big hands. We walk to the kitchen as it had a table we could sit and work at, I offered him a drink and something to eat before getting started.

''So Rose were was you at before the move to here? Just so I know what we need to work on''  I explained all I had been doing then he grabbed some books out of his bag and placed them in front of me, asking were I would like to start. We must of been working for a good hours or more before Adam noticed the time.

''Wow look at the time, we got a lot done today but i'd like you to write up an essay on the work we have been doing today and I want it done by our next session, at least three pages long please so I can tell how you work under pressure. Judging by your work today you will fly through your A level's''

I packed up all my things and showed Adam to the door, he walked out then quickly turned back round.

''Rose can we swap numbers? Just incase one of us can't make a session or if you have any questions about the essays''  I gave him my number and he typed his into my phone, bent down and kissed me on the cheek before turning and making his way into his car and driving off. I thought it was odd him giving me a kiss but brushed it off, he was very attractive and to be honest I had never had a crush on any guy or even kisses a guy before so this was all new to me. It did bring a smile to my face. I went to my room and got a head start on the essays he had asked me to do.

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