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Faith's pov

Hospital really wasn't a lot of fun to be in, maybe if your single and just wanted some fun with all the eye candy around in the uniform. But not for me as my heart was else were right now and would always be, I will show Rose that I am 100% committed to her now and forever as soon as I was out of here. It had already been over a week but the doctors still didn't want me going home on my own, especially since Emma still had a key to my place and the cops still couldn't find her anywhere. Uncle Andy made me call the cops as soon as I came round from surgery to report Emma and what she had been doing, what he didn't know was that she had been beating me for the last 6 months it had just got worse since the appeal had come from the club about her not being fair in her choosing. Unfortunately to her it meant that I had spoke out and in turn the beating got worse, the last one had left me in such a bad way that I passed out and woke in the ambulance with Andy holding my hand. I really knew how to pick them, Emma the control freek and Rose who I had hurt so much that I wasn't sure if we could ever get past it but I hoped we could.  The boredom was so bad that I had managed to convince Andy to bring in my ipod just so I had something to listen to that wasn't monitors bleeping, plugging in the buds and hitting play I layed back and closed my eyes to just relax. A touch to my hand disturbed me but not enough to open my eyes as it was probably a nurse taking my obs, though the hand never moved away. Maybe it was Andy but he should be at training now, opening my eyes to see who it was I got the biggest surprise of my life. Rose was sitting on the edge of my bed with her hand in mine, looking over at the door I just made out some shadows that must be her parents wanting to give us some privacy. 

''Hey how are you feeling? do you need anything? don't be angry but Andy let it slip to my mum what had happened and I just had to come see you.'' Not wanting to miss another second I pulled her onto me and just held here, it hurt so bad from my cracked ribs but I didn't care as long as I had her in my arms. Rose must of noticed the pain and moved her body so it was on the bed next to me just still close enough I could reach her. All I wanted was to grab her face and kiss her but I thought it would be best if I waited to see how she felt first, plus we were still in the hospital. Was it possible that in the months apart she had become more beautiful then ever before, or was that the meds talking. 

''Rose I have missed you so much, please let me expl...''

''There is no need to keep saying sorry or explain anything, I don't really wish to know as the thought of you doing anything with her make me gag. All you need to do is rest, everything else can come later'' She kissed me then and that was it I craved more then just the kiss, she must of felt it too the way she was now rubbing her body against mine with our nipples hard and touching. Grabbing her left had to kiss it was when I noticed she was wearing the ring I sent her, she accepted my promise. The chessear car couldn't of smiled as big as I was right now, this was my last chance to show her that I was serious about her and I would. 

'knock knock' 

Her parents walked in holding hands, but the looks on there faces didn't give anything away on how they felt about Rose laying in bed with me. She must of felt something as she climbed of to sit in one of the chairs by my bedside. Drake sat in the other with Clair perched on his lap, Rose still held onto my hand like she never wanted to let go again but I really didn't mind. We talked for a while about what had been happening for things to of ended up with me here and I did my best to explain without going into to much detail for Rose ( she didn't need to know Emma wasn't just hitting me, she was also sexuly abusing me to a point I wasn't sure I would ever be able to have another go near me. But Rose was still so inexperienced I could easily mover her on from anything I wasn't comfortable with, plus we were still at a stage were it was all about me making her orgasum thankfuly). Rose got a call from the guy she was seeing and left the room to talk with him, I felt sorry for the guy as on the few times I ever saw him with Rose you could see how much she really meant to her. Least he had looked after her and not been like most men, total assholes who treat good women like as they were dogs. My doctor came it to see how I was and go over my latest test and scan results with me, By the sound of it he was happy with my progress but I still needed lots of rest. The only bad think was that it seemed Emma had damaged a nerve in my shoulder which they weren't sure if it would ever recover (good think when I swam it was mainly breast stroke) and she had also damaged the opening to my cervix and the surrounding muscle so I would never be able to carry a baby if I fell pregnant, and penetrative sex would be very uncomfortable for the long run. Not something you want the parents of you girlfriend to hear but least Rose hadn't come back until after he finished talking.

''Faith I do have to ask, is there anywhere you can stay until she has been arrested? not that I want to get rid of you since your one of the nice patient but I feel you would do better at home now.''

''No sorry doctor, my only family member is my uncle and I won't put any more on him. He has been to good to me already, it's not fair on him. sorry'' It was true just thinking about it, he has done so much for me that I will never be able to repay him.

''Doctor could Faith not stay at our house until she is recovered? It's not like she has to have injections and drips?'' Clair was looking at Drake in pure shock but it was the smile on Rose's face that I couldn't get enough of, I would be living with her and get to hold her every night in my arms. The doctor went over everything I could and couldn't do then left to get my meds and discharge papers ready.

''Drake thank you, but you really don't have to do this. I will understand if you change your min..''

''Faith I would not be offering if I didn't mean it, and by the looks of things you two need some time together to sort things out. My rules still stand, Rose my be 18 as of today but you are both under my roof so no funny business in the bedroom. Not that it will be happening anytime soon the way you are Faith'' He had a big smile on his face while saying the last part that I knew he was only joking but was very true, I would be out of action for anything that wasn't kissed and hugs until my ribs heal. It wasn't important as long as Rose was mine and only mine, I wanted to ask about her call but left it for another time. Once I had my bag of meds and papers we left the hospital and made our way to my place, I didn't want to go back but Clair was right that I would need to get soe bits if I was staying with them. Rose was bigger in the breast area so her tops and bras wouldn't fit, and her legs were shorter then mine by an inch. They all offered to come in with me but I only took Clair up on her offer, I knew what the place would look like and I didn't want Rose to see it. I was right my house had looked like it was broken into, you could see were I had been found by all the leftover equipment the paramedics used. We went to my room were I sat on the bed while Clair collected everything I asked for and put them in my gym bag, toiletries were next and I explained where she would find everything. A thought popped into my head while she was in there, Drake may of said we couldn't have sex under his roof but that didn't mean we still couldn't play. I lent down to the bottom draw of my side table and pulled out the little silver bullet vibrator and placed it in my pocket before she walked back in. Rose will be moaning my name for weeks when I finally use it on her. Once back in the car I made a mental note to get my locks changed soon, Id have to see if Andy or Drake would help me with that. 

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