A storm in the carm

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Rose pov

It had been over a month since we got my test results and the treatment seemed to be working, I was gaining weight (which dad and Faith were very happy about). Training was going great and today was the day that the headhunter was coming in to watch myself and a few others swim, we got to the center later the normal as the coaches didn't want us tiering before he arrived. Faith has been amazing, iv been treated like a princess. I felt bad as she would give me gifts all the time, yet I never knew what to get her in return. She is so hard to get for, the few times I have been at her house i'v never seen anything that really shows what she is interested in. Except her bike and I wouldn't have a clue on that, my parents still wont let me on the back of it. Hayley was bouncing over to talk with me before I had to start swimming, it had been a few days since we talked since we both had partners now. 

''Hi Rose how are you feeling? by the way you are looking great since the meds have been working. Are we still catching a bite at the diner after this?'' We had made the arrangement last night so we could catch up with everything going on. I agreed as I couldn't wait to find out  what had been going on with her and Leo, not that I was into gossip but it had been a while since we had a good chat. Plus it was our cheat day and the cafe did amazing food and shakes. Coach Andy was calling me over with the other two swimmers that had been picked. We were being debrief on what we had to do and a pep talk on doing our best, I'd had a similar talk this morning from my parents and Faith. Speaking of the goddess I loved, Faith had joined us all on poolside and informed coach that they had arrived. I wasn't sure what she meant by them but I could tell she wasn't happy, if anything she was on edge. She kept close to Andy and would look anywhere but at us or the two people making their way over. Mr Berton was the first to reach us with his hand out ready to shake all our hands, behind him was a women I had never seen before. She looked like a model with her long red hair in loose curls, Eyes a shade of dark green with a ring of gold framing them. You could see every curve through the pencil skirt and blouse that looked like it was going to burst open with the size of her breast, the boys standing next to me couldn't keep their mouths shut. While the rest were to busy looking at the Jessica rabbit wanna be I took my chance to look a Faith, She still wouldn't look over to Mr Berton or the women. It was odd the way she was acting, I would try and ask her later once this was all over. Coach Andy introduced us all to our guest's, that's when we found out the woman's name was Emma Gloster. Mr Berton asked for the boy's to go first and me last which didn't bother me too much, it gave me time to watch the new guest. 

Miss Gloster was getting closer and closer to Faith the longer we were on pool side but poor Faith couldn't move away without causing a seen, It was becoming obvious to me that she really didn't want to be here. I was trying to think of a way of helping without showing anything, I was fiddling with my goggles when it came to me.

''Coach Faith my goggles just broke, do you have a spare pair I could use today please. I want to do my best today b..''

''Yer of course Rose i'll just go get them for you''  Once she left to get the goggles I thought i'd make small talk with Emma, try and get a better understanding of what's going on. I wasn't happy that this woman was making my girlfriend uncomfortable, then it dawned on me. Was there history between them at some point, I do hope not as I knew I wouldn't be able to compete with a woman like her. 

''Emma isn't it? may I ask how often do you go round like this in a year then?'' 

''Yes thats my name girl, and to be honest we don't go around that often. there isn't enough talent out there anymore, so be very grateful you were picked out but don't get your hopes up that this will go anywhere. There are only few around that are good enough to be part of team GB. Your coach Faith was one of them but she choose a different path and look where she has ended up now'' My blood was boiling from everything this woman had said to me, I wanted to explode in her face and prove her wrong but luckily Faith had joined us and handed me her goggles. Emma walked over to her boss and Andy to say something but I couldn't make out what it was. All I knew was it would be my turn next and she had managed to get under my skin. 

''Rose what the matter? come on girl now is not the time to be looing your game face. you can do this we all believe in you.''

''I need to know Faith, was you two a thing? yes or no I need to know now'' Her face said it all without her saying a word, I took my tracksuit off and handed it to her then made my way to the diving block giving Coach the nod that I was ready. I wasn't going to let that bitch get to me, this was my moment and I was so determined to show her what I could do. As soon as the whistle went I was off, the feel of the water rushing past my face was something I always loved and I still to this day can't explain why. I gave everything in those 8 lengths with race turns, pushing to the point I could feel my lungs burning but I just kept going. Once out the water I grabbed my towel and bag then made my way to the changing rooms to get dressed. 

Sitting outside the coach's office never felt good but today time was passing so slow, what was probably only 2 minutes felt like 10. The boys got called in one at a time before me and both didn't look good when they came out agen, I was called in but when I walked into the room no one was talking and the only seat left was in between Faith and miss Carson. Andy was standing by the window in his office and Mr Berton was sitting in the chair the other side of the deck. 

''Well Rose it gives me great pleasure to say that we have decided that we want you to come Try out for team GB, now I won't lie it will be the hardest thing you will of ever done but it will be so rewarding. Your coaches both recon you have the right drive for it and from my chat with you dad everything is working out good. We will be in touch soon to let you all know the dates for tryouts, until then keep up the good work and we hope to see you soon.'' WOW I got through to the next round, I could of jumped up and kissed Faith but I had to controle myself. Andy said he had left a message for my parents and I was free to go for the day. I ran out the office, grabbing my bag on the way and got over the the cafe as quick as I could to tell Hayley everything that had gone on ( of course not talking out loud about faith and emma, that would have to wait till we were somewhere private). Our food had arrived when I heard my phone go off, it was a text so I thought id better see if it was mum. When I looked id had 3 messages, 1 from mum telling me how proud she was of me and not to be out to long. the others were from Faith. 

Rose i'm so proud of you today, you swam your best and you deserve this great opportunity. I love you so much xx She must of sent that just after I left the pool but I hadn't heard it going off, her second text was in a different tone. Rose why ain't you replying? what did Emma say to you? please talk to me I need to explain to you what went on. please get back to me xx. I typed out a quick reply asking her if I could come over to talk then put my phone away and went back to my food. Once we were finished I said my goodbye to Hayley and made my way back home, when I got in mum gave me a big hug while dad kissed me on the head. I checked my phone agen to see she had replied with just the one word yes.

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