The big question

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Rose pov

Last night was amazing, celebrating Faiths win over the witch and the big thing of us being out together in public. We even got to dance close together and when that guy didn't get the idea, I went in for the kiss. I asked her if we could stay at her place instead of going back to mine, since tonight I wanted to try and pleasure her in anyway she would let me ( since of late she has always insisted on only pleasuring me, because of her injuries). But last night I wasn't taking no for an answer, as soon as dad dropped us off and we got in the house I jumped. Pinning Faith to the door with my body and lips on hers, while she fumbled to lock the door. 

''Rose baby, we have all night. what is the hurry?'' Faith had pulled me off and was walking me over to her kitching, getting a bottle of wine out the fridge and poring us both a glass. Not that we really needed any more alcohol from the meal and dancing, but I still took it from Faith as i'm eager to get her up to bed. 

''I want to make a toast to you Rose, since the very first moment I sore you. You have stolen my heart, every morning I wake you are the first thing I think about. Every night as I close my eyes you are the last thing that goes through my mind, I never want to spend another day without you. Its you that has changed me for the better, I love you so much and today has marked the beginning of our life together.'' I was starting to tear up with everything she was saying, not really understanding why she was saying all this now when it was just the two of us. It could all wait untill the morning, now I just wanted to be in her arms. Faith was now standing in front of me taking a sip of her drink and putting it down on the counter, along with mine that I hadn't touched. My tummy started feeling like butterflies had nested in there, Faith had to remind me to breath as I was holding my breath without knowing. 

''Rose we have gone through a lot this past year, yet here you are with me. so... er.... what i'm trying to say is... will you marry me?'' It took a few seconds to work out what was happening but when I finally cottoned on I couldn't keep the smile off my face and agreed with a kiss, arms round her shoulders and pulling her in closer. 

''Faith what about my parents? I don't know how there going to be at this news. I should call them and...'' 

''They already know kind off, I asked them after we got the verdict and that I would be asking you at some point tonight. I just couldn't wait any longer, call them now or in the morning at it is late. So stop worrying my princess and soon to be queen, just enjoy tonight. I am sorry I hadn't had time to get you a ring but I know you have been wearing the other one I got you anyway.''  She was true, since my birthday I had been wearing the ring she got me on that finger to show her that I truly am hers. Calling my parents could wait as they already had an idea, instead I finished my glass of wine in one go and whispered in her ear exactly what I wanted to do. Then holding her hand lead the way to the bedroom, before getting to sit on the bed while I gave her a little show. So many first happened last night to the point that all I remember was being in what felt like a constant orgasum, even when it came to me pleasuring her. Faith was finally comfortable enough to let me lick her out and fuck her with my tongue (which let me find out how amazing she tasted). We fell asleep in each other's arms and only woke today at the sound of my phone going off, not sure where I put it we both ended up looking and laughing at the fact I was running around butt naked which she found very funny. After looking all over I realised it was still in my bag that was on the night stand, fishing it out there was a missed call from Hayley and a few text from her as well since I forgot the let her know the verdict. It was only 8am which was late for us and we had missed training, jason was going to bust my butt for it tomorrow but I didn't mind as the memories of last night came flooding my mine. I had to call my mum and let her know the good news, but it could wait till I had some clothes on. Faith had already got dressed in jeans and a white fitted t-shirt, I knew I had something similar that I left here a while ago. Going into the wardrobe for them I wasn't expecting to find items that must of belonged to the witch still in there, It shocked me so much I hadn't hear Faith walking up behind me and run her arms around me till she asked what I would like for breakfast. 

''Er Faith are they's her clothes in here?''

''Oh shit i'm so sorry baby I forgot they were in here, since I was staying at yours and I don't use this side. Ill clear them all out today and you can have it for your stuff instead?''  

''It's fine hun, If you want I can help bag them up? we can take them to a clothes bank or charity shop. Were a team now and we should be doing it as such, but do you know where the jeans and top I left hear went?'' Faith had put them in her side of the wardrobe, leaving me to get dressed while she got a black bag for the clothes. It didn't take long to do and if it wasn't for the fact they belonged to the witch I would of liked some of them, plus she had a bigger ass and tits then me so none of the clothes fitted (her shoes on the other hand did and I happily kept some of them). We went down for breakfast and I made the call to mum, she picked up after the second ring. I had to smile as she didn't give anything away on why I was calling untill I said I had some news. Then she put me on speaker so dad could hear as well, Faith was now next to me holding my hand and rubbing my back up and down in support.  

''Dad, Mum, err.. not sure how to say it but I want you both to be the first to know that Faith asked me to marry her and I have said yes. Are you both happy about this?'' I have a feeling the scream of joy from mum ment she was happy, but Dad still hadn't said anything yet. I was getting worried as he's opinion means everything to me. 

''Dad please say something, your scaring me''

''Im sorry darling I don't mean to scare you. Congratulations to you both, when will you be back home?'' I said we would be over once we had finished breakfast, since I still wasn't happy with the sound of his voice and Faith also could see I wasn't convinced by my dads words. Finishing of our food and grabbing everything we needed, including the bag of clothes as I really didn't want them in the house longer than what they had to be. Faith drove us over to my place, holding my hand the whole time and helping me out the car and through the front door. They must be in the kitching since the living room was empty, walking through the doorway mum almost knocked me over with the hug she was giving me. Dad was still sitting at the table untill I looked over to him and sore him standing, I could never tell what was going on in that mind of his as he was soo good at hiding everything. Mum went back to whatever she was doing and I moved towards dad. 

''Rose come here'' I ran the last few steps and buried myself into him, my safe place. 

''Rose look at me please, i'm sorry I scared you. I am really happy for you, it just shook me that your not my little girl anymore. You have grown into a amazing women with so much ahead of you. Im proud of you and I hope you will let me walk you down the aisle when the day comes?'' 

''Of course daddy, I wouldn't want anyone else but you. I love you so much, your the only man I want in my life'' Of course after my talk with dad, all mum wanted to do was talk about the wedding that I hoped wouldn't be any time soon. We had the whole of our lives together so the wedding could wait, Faith agreed that it wouldn't be for a while. But what would have to be talked about soon is our living arrangements, now we were engaged I didn't want another night were we had to sleep apart.  What I really needed to do was call Hayley and let her know the good news but didn't want all the questions so texted her instead. 

Hey hun, sorry been busy. lots has gone on, Faith won in court so witch is doing time. But bigger news is im engaged to Faith. she asked me last night. so happy right now, lots to do so will talk to you after training tomorrow. Btw we will be turning up together and stepping it up on pool side, were fed up of the games now. xxx 

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