Faiths house

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Faith's pov

I couldn't sleep, it was already 2.30am and all I could think about was seeing Rose again, everything from the last few days has been spinning in my mind. What was going on with me, I don't know. She's the only girl I had ever been like this with, in my career as a coach I had never acted this way with any of the girls in the club before. I had tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't, so I decided to get dressed and head down to the pool early instead as I had to do something. In a way it was lucky that my uncle was the manager of the club so I had a key and could go in whenever I wanted. I should of been an olympic swimmer but I chose a woman instead, it took all my chances away and in the end my ex hated me swimming. She reckoned it came between us and our time together, so I threw the towel in and gave up my dream altogether. Of Course that didn't end well and Andy was nice enough to help me out by giving me a job as a coach in his club. By the time I got to the pool it was 3.30am, I unlocked the door and walked into the building. Turning off the alarm I made my to the changing room, shoved my gear in the locker and made my way to the pool. I hadn't turned any light on, just the pool lights that illuminated the water. It looked so pretty this time of the morning, would love for Rose to see the place like this. Err my thoughts were back on her again, I needed to get a grip of myself. I put my hair back in a bun and slowly climbed onto the diving block. Taking my position and just went for it, the water hitting my face was nice and refreshing. It wasn't cold but not to hot as the same time, I must of been in the pool for a while when the next thing I know is my name being called. Looking up i see my uncle calling to me.

''Faith how long have you been here? You know I don't mind but your steaming, what's going on?'' I was out of breath and hadn't realized how long I had been there already. My uncle knew me well and obviously I hadn't been myself for him to notice. He was a good man, helping me through the break up with my ex.

''Hey uncle, yer sorry I couldn't sleep so thought i'd do a bit more swimming today. I must've got here about half 3'' looking at Andy's watch and seeing that it was now 4.45am. Wow have I been swimming for over an hour already. It was time to get out and grab my towel from the bench.

''I'll see you in my office in 10 minutes Faith''

I knew what that meant, one of two things it could be. One i'm in trouble or two he wants a serious talk about something. I bet it's the talking which I really don't want as my head is still over the place. The only way around it would be to lie and I hated lying to him, but it would be worse if I told him the truth of it all. I had a quick shower then got changed, as I walked out I caught a sight of Jessica. Now there was a kid with a screw loose or two, she has been one of the clubs best swimmers over the years without a doubt. But ever since i've been working here I got the impression that she liked me in more ways than just as a coach, I mean Jess would come very close to kissing me on the cheek or brushing pass me to use the shower I just came out off. A few times she caught me off guard and tried inviting me out on dates with her, but I always declined. Thought since Rose started here and became a threat to Jessica's reputation, my feelings on the girl have changed to hate for her because of the way she has been trying to intimidate Rose. once again Jessica tries to get my attention but I just walk past without a second glance.

I knocked on the office door and hear my uncle call me in, he looks tires today more that normal. I take my normal seat in front of his desk and just wait for him to talk.

''Faith i've noticed that you seem distracted the last few weeks, is everything ok?''  I nod but don't say anything.

''What am I going to do with you I don't know, but as much as I am your boss i'm also your uncle first and you can talk to me. Please Faith I want to help but I can't if you don't open up to me''

''I'm sorry uncle.... It's just im finding it hard to focus. Also i'v met someone and I have strong feelings for them, i've never felt like this before. I'm trying to get a grip of myself, i'll do better I promise.''  I felt better for telling someone about my love for Rose but also I had to be careful not to say her name. Andy knew I was a hopeless romantic, he just shook his head at me.

''Faith i'm glad you have met someone, I will not ask for details as it's your personal business. But for me please take it slow and don't do anything stupid this time. There is more to life then spending every minute with that person.'' I was dismissed at that point and I knew what Andy was on about, he was referring to all the stupid mistakes I had made with the ex. That would not be happening this time. I checked my phone and sore I had a text, opening it and sore it was from Rose. she had agreed to come over to mine tonight and talk, I knew Rose and Hayley wouldn't be at training today so I left early to clean my home and cook dinner for us tonight.

It was now 5.30pm and I knew Rose would be here in half hour, I couldn't wait. I had made a light dinner, nothing that left a lot of cleaning up. Id managed to tidy up the house from top to bottom and was now in my room looking for something to wear, i'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about tonight but I am. I decide to be casual as I don't want to give the wrong idea if our talk goes in a different direction. So I pop on a pair of ripped tight jeans, my boots and a vest top with a lace panel on the back and enuff of a low front to show some of my breast. I had finished popping on my make up and brushing my hair when the doorbell goes, I must of run down the stairs two at a time as I was opening the front door in a matter of minutes. There was Rose in all her glory, she had gone for the same look thought it looked so much better on her, tight black jeans with boots and baggy jumper. She had little to no makeup on but she didn't need it as her face was flawless to me. Inviting her in we made our way to the kitchen bar where i've set up dinner, pouring myself some wine I ask what she would like to drink and of course she wanted wine as well. I had thought wine may not be a good idea for tonight as the last time we drank together it had ended with us in bed, but one glass should be fine with our meal. I placed dinner on the table and took my place across from Rose as we started eating.

''How was your day Rose? Did you go car shopping today?''  I just wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss those perfect lips but I had to be patient as this may not go the way I was hoping.

''It's been good, I got a car and they let me drive it tonight so I will only have the one glass tonight thank you, I need to be responsible with my car''  I have to say that was very sensible of her, for such a young person she knew what she was doing. I nod and agree with her, I knew it wasn't a brand new car as it would be silly to spend all that money on something she may dent or worse for a first car.

''That's fine I understand hun, hope your food is ok? I wasn't sure what you like to eat''

''It's lovely Faith thank you'' we finish eating and take our glasses over to the sofa, I sit first and surprisingly Rose sits next to me with our legs touching. I still feel nerves but then L catch a glimpse of the bracelet I got her, it looks so nice on her slender wrist.

''Rose it's time we start talking...'' Just as I say this, Rose leans in grabbing my face in her hands and gives me the most intense kiss we have ever had. 

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