living hell

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I was sitting in my car in the carpark, Hayley had just climbed in. I just sat there, looking at the centre.

"Talk to me Rose, what's happened?" I told her everything that happened this morning and how my dad when mad at Faith and the chose I had to make. Hayley just let me get it all while holding my hand, I was crying now letting out all my emotions. 

"Rose what do you want to do? Are you going to play along and let your girlfriend pay the dating game with the witch, or are you gonna call time and wait till you 18 and see if you both can get back together?" I still want sure but I knew we needed to go in or we would be late, as we walked in I sore Jessica coming out of the coaches office. Just what I didn't need, she had come back with a face that showed she wasn't happy about something. I kept my head down and dumped my bag and shoes in the locker then my tracksuit followed. Goggles in had we made our way out and took place on poolside. Faith had changed into her coach gear and tamed her hair but that was all, she looked so sad but there was nothing I could do. Our sets were on the board set out, Hayley dived first and made good time. I took my place ready to go when I sore Emma had made her way over and was now standing next to Faith talking and touching her arm. My blood boiled seeing this, Faith was looking at me with an expression of pain. I couldn't do this right now, I needed to show I'm good enough without any help. My dive was perfect and I pushed myself as hard as I could today, never stopping for a break or drink.

When we had finished ahead of the other, myself and Hayley sat on the side to catch our breath. I felt better for the swim until a shadow appeared over us. 

"If you still want to be on the team you'r ganna have to do better than that. Your turns are ruff and your backstroke is weak. Do it again now." Emma the witch was demanding me to go again, there was only 5 minutes left of training. I could make it but it would be tight, I was tempted to say no and walk off but my chances would be so slim if I did. Biting my lip I got back in and went again. Hayley sat on the side for me, Faith was standing with the other coaches but I could see she was watching me. Pushing all I had left I managed to do it bang on time, climbed out and grabbed my towel from Hayley. As we went back to the showers, she was telling me about what Emma was doing and her grin on her face the whole time. It sounds like she has already chosen me as the target to her torment but I don't know why, unless she knows Faith has feelings for me.

After practice we made plans that I would spend a night over her place that weekend, as her parents were going away for their anniversary. I questioned it as I would of thought she would spend the time with Leo, but it turns out he has a job at the weekends so all he would be doing is popping in for dinner then going again. All fine by me as I felt like I needed something to do, keep my mind of other problems. plus I have never been to her place before so all good. We parted ways at our cars and I went back home, Wasn't until I pulled up I sore Adam standing there. I'm sure I didn't have tutoring today as i'v done all my exams and won't know if i'v passed them until a few months. 

''Hi Adam is there a problem? I didnt think we had a tutoring today and im really not feeling up to it if we have..''

''No you don't have a tutoring today, I er..I just wanted to come over and let you know that i'm a full teacher now. Meaning if you wished to go on and study anything else im happy to help.'' That was so nice of him but he could of just called or texted me, then something Faith had said a while ago came into my head. She had a feeling that he liked me and wanted more then just to help, until now I hadn't taken any notice but after this morning I was still hurting. I invited him in and made us both drinks, I had been thinking of studying more as we all know swimmers don't last long if they go all the way and I would need a backup plan. So I started asking about other subjects and what would be best for the futcher, all the boring stuff that parents normally do ( starting to sound like my mum). After that I invited him to chill with me for a bit as we watched a crap film, I don't even remember what the thing was called. By the time the film was over it had gotten late and my parents would be getting home soon, We cleaned up our mess and took out glasses to the kitchen. I knew he was behind me but as I turned back round he was there, His face not even an inch away from mine. He was going for a kiss, I immediately went to stop but i'd never kissed a man before. His lips were soft but strong, he never pushed me further just kissed. Adams strong arms came round my waist and pulled me that bit closer, I wasn't sure what to do as this felt so nice but it felt wrong as I love Faith. Did I still love her after what she had told me this morning, was I really going to go ahead and be just as bad, be the one that is pathetic and acts like a child. Or was I going to be the bigger person? was there even an us when it comes to Faith now, I really didn't know. She hadn't said were over but at the same time she did say I could have time to think about what I wanted. His kiss was becoming stronger and more passinut until I hear the front door open. It was my mum calling out for me, I moved away from Adam just the second before she entered the kitching. 

''Oh hi Adam I didn't realise you would be here, I though Rose had finished all the work?''

''Yes Mrs Carter she has, I was in the arier and just wanted to say i'm now a full teacher and if she wished to go on and study any more subjects I would be happy to help. We all know pro swimmers don't have a long career, having something to fall back on would be good for her'' Mum id agree but the face I was getting said other things, I had a feeling I had been busted for the kiss but she didn't say anything until Adam had left. 

''Rose i know Faith has hurt you but is this really that way to go? getting back at her by doing the same thing or worse?'' I made a drink and sat at the breakfast bar while mum dotted around in the kitching. 

''Mum I didn't plan this and I still don't know if there is anything with Faith anymore, I love her so much but can I live with what has happened. Maybe we should go our own ways until im 18 then see what happens.'' Mum didn't say anything and just left it at that, she was disappointed with me but no where near as much as I was myself. The one person I wanted to talk to the most at this point was the one that had hurt me and I wasn't even sure if I could contacted her incase Emma was there again. Needing to do something I headed to my room and locked the door, not waiting to be disturbed I got my phone and sent a text to Faith. 

  Are you alone? need to talk. Iv done something stupid.

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