Court part 2

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Faith's pov

Well yesterday took a lot more composior then I thought, Seeing Emma in the stand like she had done no wrong. Thankfully Clair and Drake were with me as I would of probably beat the crap out of her, if I could of gotten close enough. The first day was all about why we were here, and all the other rubbish that goes with it. Before we went in my lawer had gone over everything that was likely to be brought up, including my relationship with Emma in the past and why I left. Plus the fact that Emma has made a statement about the way I faver some of my pupils, just what I don't need when finally were able to stop hiding from everyone. Thankfully I didn't have to go in every day so today waking up with Rose still asleep in my arms was enough to chase the bad memories, today was also the day that I started back to work since the attack. After breakfast Rose's parents both left for work while Rose and I got ready for training, still a bit too soon to be turning up together I opted for going in on my bike and she could drive in. 

The first day went well, everyone was happy to have me back. Even Jessica who hadn't lost her boldness made a point of trying to hug me, just lucky I was standing with the rest of the coaches or I could be pulled for being inappropriate with a pupil. From the corner of my eye I could see Rose was not happy at all about the hug, which made me chuckle to myself and helped get me through the rest of the training. Once it was over and all the pupils were out of the pool, the coaches would stand around and talk about any of the kids changing lanes. Rose was still training when we first grouped but now she was out and oh boy had I forgot how amazing she looked in her costume, it high cut at the hip with a racer back but cut low enough to only just cover that sexy firm ass of hers. Even her breast seem to be getting bigger every day and they were only just being contained, looks like I may have to speak to her about it tonight as I don't want everyone to see the goods that I get to enjoy. Rose made her way over and touched my arm to get my attention from the talking, her new coach was standing behind her obviously not sure what is going on. 

''It's great to see you back coach er... I mean Faith. I do hope your all ok and back to full health now?''

''Thank you Rose it's good to be back, I'm good and I take it congrats are in order, hope being on the Team is working out for you?''  We only stood on poolside for a short while talking about her new training with the guy I now knew as Jason. As we said our goodbyes Rose once again touched me on the arm then left, she was making it quite obvious about her attanchmen but I was glad because it made things that much easier for us. If I could of got away with it I would be following her into the shower and giving her a good spank for tormenting me, another time instead as by the looks of it her coach was still standing next to me and wanting to talk with me. 

''Faith I hope you realise that Rose has got a crush on you, she made it clear yesterday morning to me, shame as she's such a beautiful girl for it all to go to waist on a woman. Don't get me wrong i'm not against it at all but I know a lot of men would love to have a woman like her.'' 

''Well I had a feeling she did think fondly of me but as she was my pupil I couldn't do anything about it. Now is different since she is no longer part of this club, If she wish to experiment I wouldn't say no. A man would never be able to handle a woman like that, least us women can appreciate it all. Of course no offence to men, plus this is all just talk now. What is it they say, speaking my thought out loud.'' Jason's face was a pitcher but after the comment about it being a shame Rose was lesbian, it got me so angry that I felt we needed to step it up a knot and get us public soon. Its people like him that give us the bad names, and make others feel like were doing something wrong. Falling in love with a person it natural and if that happens to be the same sex then that's what happens. Changing into my bike gear I mounted up and made my way home, i'd forgot to look at my phone before leaving so it was going mad the whole way.  As soon as I got my helmet and glove of my phone came out, there was a few messages but the only one I really wanted to read was from Rose.  

I hope it wasn't to much today at the centre? can you let me know please as I don't want to get you in any trouble? xx

Faith are you ok? xx 

Faith why are you not responding? have I upset you? talk to me or text me so I know your ok xx

I had to call her and let her know what had gone on, just reading her text pulled at my heart that she thought she had done something wrong. I didn't want her to ever feel like she was anything but amazing to me. She picked up after the second ring asking if I was ok and what had happened, once I got a work in and explained everything I could hear the breath she must of been holding finally rush out. I said how I want to move forward and after the next session we would go grab a bite to eat and be seen out together, it didn't take a lot to twist her arm untill it came to her costume which I pointed out didn't cover much and how I was the only one to see her in it from now on ( making her laugh and probably pout at me). We said our good night as I needed sleep for court in the morning, my uncle was coming with me tomorrow and from what I could tell they were going to start going over the evidence. 

''Am I correct in thinking that you and the prosecuted use to be in a relationship a few years back?'' Agreeing to what my lawyer was asking along with every other question that had come before me. Emma was in her little box and she was not in a good mood today for some reason, maybe because it was finally sinking in that she was in trouble now. Her looks and charm couldn't get her out of it this time, only the over priced waist of a man that was defending her and so far was doing a bad job when he had turned up 10 minuets late this morning. 

''Can you explain why you left the first time round for the court please''

''I wasn't happy anymore. Emma had become so jealous that on a simple shopping trip out, whilst she was trying clothes on I had started making conversation with another women. She stepped out of the changing room shouting at me for trying to cheat on her while she was in the changing room and hit me. It was then that I finally decided to leave which I did that day.''

''If that was the case then why did you get back with her this past year?''

''Emma wouldn't take no for an answer and I had hoped the time that had passed may of helped change and trust me more, but I was very wrong. To a point she begged me to give up my job again as she wasn't happy with how well I got on with the kids at the swim club I work at.''  After another growling half hour of questions the judge called a recess untill after lunch, unfortunately that is when I would be put back in the witness box and have the defence team bombard me with there questions. I sent a quick text to Rose letting her know how I was getting on and hoping she was ok, of course she replied so quick I hadn't put my phone away yet. 

I'm sorry to hear your not having a good day baby, Im ok just at home wishing I could be there with you to help. Do you want leave meeting up tonight as sounds like you need a good night sleep? I will understand, love you xxx

She is amazing and seems to know all the right things to say, as much as I do want to see her tonight I know i'm going to be in a mood all night and its not fair to take it out on her. I would be seeing her in the morning at training and of course taking her out on a 'date' after. I quickly replied yes to her suggestion and put my phone away as I was now walking with Andy to a little cafe for lunch as I needed something in my stomach since breakfast and me where not friends this morning.  

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