The verdict is in

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Faith's pov

The trial had been going on now for over 3 weeks, with every inch of my life and what had happened between us being told to all. I felt so bad for Rose's parents, they had to hear it all. Even the part when the doctor went into detail about my injury's and the way that Emma used a object like a cheese grater to rape me (I remembered and he wasn't wrong as it was a zester she had used. I must of passed out from the pain). I was sitting in between Clair and Drake on this day and had them both hold my hands. Feeling like the most worthless thing alive, yet they were still happy for me to being out with there only child. Rose had been so good through it all, she never asked again to come and I was grateful. There were nights when all I wanted was to be in her arms yet there were also nights when isolation was needed, unfortunately I had also started the bad habit of having at least one drink a night, weather that be a beer of glass of wine when at there house. Something I would need to stop as soon as I could but not likely while this trial was still going. My lawyer had informed me this morning as we turned up that the judge had heard enough and would be asking the jury to go and deliberate this morning, how long they would take is another matter. My only saving grace was that my case wasn't public enough to get into the local news as the idea of having reporters to cope with brought me out in a sweat. 

My lawyer was right and since he sent them away before lunch, we were all sitting in the cafe around the corner just waiting. Myself with uncle Andy, Clair and Drake. I had thought about letting Rose come today but instead we promised to call as soon as we knew anything. All our phones were on the table and every time one went off we all jumped to see what it was, must of sat there for not even an hour when we got the call to all go back. I must of been on auto drive as I don't remember walking back into the court room and taking my place up front, while the others sat in the row of seats behind me. Drakes words from our drive this morning going round in my head 'No matter what happens you are part of our family now and we will be there for you all the way'. Why couldn't my own parents be like that with me, ever since I came out as gay they distanced themselves from me. Never mind all the stupid stunts I pulled to just try and get their attention, Andy was the only one that still wanted to know me and treated me like his own. All standing for the judge as he came in the room, Emma didn't look happy at all today. I probably would of felt bad for her if it hadn't been me she had attacked, wondering if there was a mistake. But not today, instead I still felt anger and hate towards her and forever would after what she has done to me. After all being seated and the jury being led into their seats, the world moved slow to me. Holding my breath just incase they changed their minds, a note went between the two before anything was really said. 

''The jury have come to a conclusion, Miss Gloster please stand'' And as if it was being shouted at her Emma was on her feet in a horrible red jumpsuit with cuffs bounding her hands in front of her. 

''Today you are here on the charges of Rape, GBH, ABH and assault with a weapon. Along with another charge of blackmail, how do you plead?'' Her lawyer still thinking she had a chance answered not guilty to all, Bit stupid in my mine with all that was against her but I didn't mind and it would mean if she went down it would be a lot longer. 

''Miss Gloster the jury find you GUILTY on all accounts, you will be sentenced to 25 years in prison. I also have in my hand a request for a restraining order from the defendant, if you ever do leave prison you are not permitted to be within a 25 meter radius of the defendant or her home for the rest of your life. case closed'' BANG went the hammer. I was in compleat shock, it had really happened and I was free to live my life without fear. Rose was safe and we could be happy without wondering if Emma would pop up at any point. All I wanted to do now was run to Rose and hold her in my arms, laying in bed and talking about our future. Drake insisted that we all go out for a meal tonight as a way to celebrate, of course we would be picking up Rose first as there was no way I would leave her out of this. It wouldn't look odd since in the last few weeks we had met up again and gone out on 'dates', people at the club were talking and asking questions about us. But I have come to the point where I don't care but still had to be careful for Rose and her chance on the team. Andy was following in his car and parking it there house then we would all be going in one car, i'd called Rose with the good news and what the plan was for the night which she seemed happy about. We pulled up 20 minuets later with Rose standing at the door waiting for us, wow she looked amazing. Don't get me wrong she was always amazing to me but I had never had the pleasure of seeing her all dressed up. She was in a pair of black heels matched with a short black skirt and a tight fitted corset style top and a funky little bag on one shoulder, makeup was flawless but not so much that it stood out for the wrong reasons. I couldn't take my eyes off her or wipe the smile from my face, I hadn't even reliced i'd got out the car and was making my way over to her with arms wide  for her to walk into. Once in range our lips found each other and kissed like there way no tomorrow untill we were called to get in the car. 

We ended up at this place that I had heard was amazing as it wasn't just a restaurant, it turned into a club after all the food was finished. Somehow Clair had managed to get a reservation and our table was one of the permanent booths so we wouldn't have to move later on. Andy had ordered a bottle of prosecco for us all to have with dinner, and omw the food was out of this world. Non of this stupid small two bites and its gone food, it filled us all up very well. Rose was only sitting next to me yet I couldn't get close enough or stop touching her in one way or another. We hadn't noticed that the dance floor had been cleared and there was now music playing with the lights dimming. We ordered more drinks and talked for a little bit, I could see Rose looking over at the dance floor and I could feel her legs moving under the table. 

''Would you like to go and dance with me?'' Grabbing her hand and shuffling out the booth, her parents and Andy seemed happy to let us go while they stayed there talking.  The music was at a good beat that we could dance (not that I could really dance anything more then the side step or move my hips but I didn't want to stop her having fun). I don't know how long we had been dancing for, the music had changed to one that was a little bit slower but not what you would class as a slow dance. Rose was having the time of her life, dancing away but when a guy tried muscling in I was not having it. She must of noticed and moved closer to me, wanting to make it clear she wasn't interested by kissing me. Our first ever public kiss and it still made my heart race, I deepened it while wrapping my arms around and pulling her closer into me. Her hands were buried into my hair, not coming up untill we both needed air. Rose had a cheeky grin on her face like she was planing something but I couldn't work out what just yet, still wanting to dance she started grinding her hips into mine in time with the beat. My chest to her back with my hands on her hips and my mouth by her ear and kissing the soft flesh that I knew was her weak spot. Her hands were all over me like she was claiming me yet all I could feel way her ass rubbing me and turning me on so much, I was struggling to keep my cool but tonight I would be having my way with her. Tonight was our night and the night that if anyone sore us we would say we were now in a relationship.   

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