First day

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As normal i'm up early and getting back to my normal routine of early starts and getting ready for club, showering and getting dressed into my costume and trackies. I grab my bag as I make my way down stairs, dumping the bag at the bottom of the stairs. Heading into the kitchen there is only mum so dad must still be getting ready in there room.

''Morning darling, you all set for your first day of training?'' Mum handed me a cup of tea and my cereal.

'' Yer my bag is by the stairs ready mum and thanks'' I take a seat at the counter and eat my breakfast in silence, I can feel the nerves in my stomach but i've never felt like this before. After finishing my food I pop the bowl and cup into the sink and follow mum to her car.

'' I've got two tutors coming over in the next few days Rose, it would be really nice if you could be there as well and see who you would get on better with. Also your birthday is coming up very soon now, is there anything you want? I know you normally ask for new swim gear, which of course we don't mind getting for you but you are going to be 17. Just have a think about it and let me know.'' Yer my birthday was coming up but there has never been anything i've really wanted, i'm focused on my swimming and that's all. I should really be thinking about driving lessons soon, as it's not fair on mum and dad to be waking up really early just to drive me to club and comps. We arrive and I got out of the car, said goodbye to mum and made my way into the centre. Walking to the changing room something catches my eye, looking over to the pool I see a girl climbing out and taking her place again at the diving block. She's about my age in a costume that didn't cover much at all but her diving was perfect, it was so graceful and looked effortless. I continued on my way and found a locker to dump my bag in. Quickly taking my jumper and joggers off then grabbing my water bottle and make my way onto poolside so I wouldn't be late.

As I walk out I end up bumping into another girl that looked like she was in a rush and trying to tie her hair up at the same time, goggles in her mouth and bottle under one arm.

''Oh so sorry i wasn't paying attention''

''No sorry its my bad I was rushing and didn't look, hi by the way i'm Hayley and you must be new? I've not seen you here before. Do you know who your coach is?'' Hayley seemed to talk really fast, but seemed nice. She was the same height as me with short blond hair and light blue eyes, very pretty but still looked so innocent.

''Yer iv got coach Faith'' I answered while holding her goggles and bottle so she could finish putting up the rest of her hair and cap on. Oh bugger I don't have a cap.

'' Ah faith is good, she is nice but stern when she needs to be, come on i'll show you where to go''. As I follow her round the pool I saw there was already people in the pool training, was I already that late and on my first day, not a good way to start. We walked up to the coaches that were standing at the deep end. I could recognise Faith straight away, her hair was wet and tied up in a bun. As Hayley approached Faith she turned round to us, she had a stern face until Hayley said that she found me in the changing room. Faith then looked at me for the first time this morning, I was sure I could see a small smile on her face but it had gone as soon as it came.

''Hayley get in and I want a set of 1600 meters all strokes and with only two minutes break each stroke. Hello Rose, hope you are all set for today? Can I see your other strokes please. Start with a four length warm up then continue with eight lengths backstroke.''

By the look of it Hayley also has Faith as a coach, I don't mind but i've never been good at sharing a lane. I dive in and start to swim, it feels better today as i'm not so stiff in the water unlike yesterday. Surprisingly Hayley never got in my way not even once, after i've done all the lengths I was asked for I sit on the side and wait for Faith to talk to me about my technique. Andy had come down to poolside and was speaking to Faith about something I couldn't make out, so I just waited and look at the other swimmers.

''So what do you think so far? It's not so bad here. Sorry I didn't tell you I had the same coach as you, Do you know anyone around here yet?'' Hayley was taking a sip of her drink and resting her arms on the side near me.

'' I don't know anyone around here, and I didn't have many friends at my old club anyway.''

''Oh ok well do you want to swap numbers later and maybe I could show you around a bit if you wanted to?''

''Yer that would be nice i'd like that, thanks''  I suppose it wouldn't be too bad to have a friend at my new club.


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