Dad's return

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Mum got a phone call from the hospital early this morning, saying that dad could come home today. It was still dark outside so we cleaned the house and got everything ready for his return, then mum took me to training. As soon as I got in the changing room Haley jumped on me. I hadn't managed to talk to her in ages with everything that had been going on at home, bless her though she is the type of girl that would text asking how I was and if I needed anything at all. I really liked her by now and thought I should invite her over at some point for a girly night. We finished getting ready and made our way onto poolside. Faith was standing at the end waiting for us, I could still feel her kiss from the night before on my lips and I notices a smile pulling at the corner of my mouth which I couldn't stop. Hayley of course wanted to know why I had a grin on my face, which of course I couldn't tell her the truth. So I made a little white lie, telling her my dad was coming home today (which wasn't a lie but not the real reason of my smile).

After training I got dressed and waited outside for mum as normal, she had texted my already to say she was on her way. Hayley stood with me like normal and we were just chatting about anything really, a few of the coaches were leaving as we talked and of course Faith was one of them. She was walking towards us when my mum pulled up, I looked into the car and sore my dad in the passenger seat.

''OMG DAD!!!'' I opened the car door and gave him the biggest hug I could still remembering not to squeeze to hard. Hayley came over and wished my dad better soon, as they were talking I sore mum had got out the car to talk to Faith.

''Coach Faith, can you come over here for a minute?'' Dad had asked. Now he was a guy that you never said no to as I came to realize over the years.

''I wanted to personally thank you for taking care of my daughter while I have been in hospital, you did us a big favour and for that you are always welcome at our home'' I looked at Faith and she was smiling but it wasn't the full smile I had seen that night she was with me.

''Thank you sir, it was no problem at all and I do hope that you are feeling better now and make a full recovery soon, Rose has told me you all have car shopping still to do so hope that goes well too'' I had forgot about car shopping because of everything that has gone on in the last few days. We all got back into mums car and made our way home, I helped dad out of the car and into the house. Making him comfy on the sofa in the living room, my poor dad would have to make this his bed for the next few days as he couldn't walk up the stairs (good thing we have a downstairs bathroom). Of Course Adam was round again today so I could catch up on my work, he and dad spoke about something but I couldn't hear and just the body language from dad could tell me that he didn't like the man. Everything was kind of back to normal now, putting my books away I sore my phone light on indicating I had a message.

Rose, hope your all ok and your dad has settled back in. with everything that has been going on i forgot to give you your birthday present. I'm just round the corner if you want it now? Woow Faith got me something, I was so excited to get a message from her I legged it down stairs and found mum in the kitching.

''Hey mum I want to pop to the shops, do you want anything while i'm there?''  Mum gave me a small list of bits she knew dad would want, I headed out and round the corner. I sore Faiths car straight away and made a beeline for it, opening the door and sliding into the front seat. She looked happy to see me with the biggest grin on her face, her hair was down and she was wearing those short shorts agen that I loved.

''Hey glad you came.... Here this is for you''  I opened the bag and inside was a small box, lifting the box out and moving the bag I looked at it for a minute. It looked expensive to me, I open the lid and inside is a charm bracelet with a few charms already on it. I look closely and it's made by pandora, I know that stuff isn't cheap. There is a musical note, swimmer and a heart shaped locket. This was too much from Faith, it must've cost a fortune. I look over at her trying to read anything I could about what she was thinking, as she was still looking at me.

''Do you like it then?'' I was lost for words, it was a beautiful and all i could do was hold it in my hands.

''Faith this is too much.... It must of cost you a lot. I can't accept it..''

''Yes you can and you will, my feelings for you have not changed and they will always be the same Rose. If things were different and we could be together, I would buy you gifts every day because I could...'sigh' but I can't so please just take it. I want you to'' Oh my she really did have feelings for me, I didn't know what to say so instead I handed the bracelet to Faith then held my arm out as a sign that I wanted her to put it on for me. After she finished doing the bracelet up I leant in and gave her a kiss on the cheek to show my thanks and feelings for her, saying goodbye I step out of the car and walked to the shop remembering mums list. I couldn't help feeling bad that I didn't stay longer with Faith in the car but I knew I had to get back home soon for dinner.

It was getting late now after us all eating dinner in the living room so dad didn't have to move, I thought I would go up to bed early so him and mum could get some well needed rest. Laying down on my bed I looked at my new bracelet a lot closer, I saw the very small writing on each charm. They were dates, on the swimmer was the day I started at the club, the music note was when she first came to my house and the locket was the night we spent together in my bed. I was amazed she had gone to this length just for me, but what were my feelings for her? I would have to think about it soon but since I have never had a partner or even been with anyone else I wasn't sure what I should or shouldn't be feeling. I thought about everything she had said to me a few days ago, she will wait for me. Even if I wanted to sleep with other people, but even just thinking about it made me feel sick. So I grab my phone and type a quick message to Faith, wondering if she is still awake. Of Course I get a reply straight away.

Hey hun, yer im still awake. I'm not that old to be in bed before 11 cheeky. What's the matter? Xx

Ooo two kisses, I smile at this with the biggest smile I could.

I just wanted to say thank you for my present, I found the dates on them all. I love it so much i'm going to look after it and put it in a safe place. You really didn't have to do this for me, i've been doing a lot of thinking.... I really like you and I wouldn't want to do anything like we did with anyone else. I just don't want to get you into trouble.. I hadn't realized I had sent her an essay but I couldn't help watching my phone for a reply, it felt like forever but she did reply which gave me butterflies in my tummy to read it.

I'm glad you like it that much... Rose you know that I have fallen for you but I don't want my feelings to hold you back from having a life, you're still young and things change. I will always be here for you if you need anything, would you like to go out one night so we can talk face to face? Or you can come to mine instead if you don't want to go out. But I do think we really need to talk about this. It's getting late Rose so good night princess and sweet dreams xx It was late so I texted back night and got under the covers to sleep, of course Faiths face was all that I could dream about. 

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