Faith's past

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Faiths pov

Id cleaned the house and was now cleaning my bike gear waiting for Rose when there was a knock at my door, looking through the keyhole I sore she was the other side with her hood up waiting for me to open the door. Of course I couldn't get it oppen quick enough to get her in my arms again, I know it was only this morning but it had felt like a lifetime after the day we had today. I pulled her closer, holding her face in my hands and leaning in for a kiss that I knew would lead deeper and deeper if we didn't controle ourselves. It was Rose that pulled away and made her way over to the kitchen cupboard looking for glasses, I didn't like her drinking but I wasn't looking forward to our talk and maybe having one glass would help. Rose pored the wine then handed me a glass, leaning up against the counter she just stood there looking at me. I hated this feeling, we always could talk freely but this didn't feel right so I was the one to speak first. 

''What do you want to know Rose? Just say and I will tell you all, i'm not hiding anything from you.'' 

''How long were you both together? how did you meet? the normal stuff really, did she look like that when you were dating? i want to know all so i'm prepared for next time'' Of course she would want to know all, as this was going to take a while I led us into the front room and sat on the sofa, Rose didn't come sit next to me but instead across on the arm chair so she could look at me while I talked. Good thing as she looked so sexy I don't think i could of kept my hands off if she was next to me, but now was not the time to be thinking like this. I needed to give her what she wanted, answers. 

''Well I met her the same way you did today, she was a scouts assistant. I had been spotted at a gala and once id done my bit to show what I was like she followed me into the changing rooms and asked me out, She hasn't changed much over the years really just a few extra lines around the eyes and looks like shes gone back to the gym agen. We were together for over 5 years, my longest relationship to date. Things started going wrong very soon after, she wasn't happy with me training all the time and spending weekends away for competitions and tryouts, so she gave me the option of her or swimming. I was stupid enough to think she was the one and packed in my life long dream, soon I had lost all my friends as they didn't like what she was turning me into. Even my family didn't want to be around me with her, one day she hit me because she sore me talking to another woman while waiting for her to try on clothes in a changing room. That's when I woke up and sore what was really going on and how she had isolated me from everyone....So I walked out the shop, drove home and packed a bag then just left. I had nothing but thankfully my uncle reached out to me and gave me a job at the club. If you haven't worked it out Andy is my uncal Rose. So that's everything you need to know hun.'' Rose didn't say a thing, she just sat there with her glass in both hands looking to the ground. I couldn't take the silence any more, so I put my glass on the coffee table and made my way over to her. Taking her glass and doing the same i knelt on the floor between her legs and held her head in my hands, wanting to look in her watery eyes searching for anything that would show what she was thinking. 

''Faith i'm sorry for acting like a child, but when I was on poolside and worked out that to two had been together I came over so angry. She's a Jessica rabbit wannabe and I will never look like her, my breast will never be that big and I will never be that tall or beautifull. Id understand if you wanted that...''

''I will never want that Rose, I want you and only you. Emma is not a nice person and she enjoys getting to people. whatever she said to you today you must let it go over your head hun, if she thinks she knows your weakness she will use that against you. My love please trust what i'm saying, I don't want to see you hurt just for her enjoyment.'' We didn't talk anymore about her thankfully as I still found it painful to talk about, so we did the one thing I knew she wanted more then anything. I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom, leaving the light off as there was enough light coming in through the window to see all I needed to see. Our hands were everywhere trying frantically to remove any item of clothing that would come off, her tongue was tasting my mouth deeply while i moved us into the middle of my bed and positioned myself on top. 

''Have you ever used any toys on yourself Rose?'' she moved her head indicating no to me, which gave me an idea to make things that bit more interesting tonight. Rose made a noise of protest when I left the bed to go into my set of draws and pull out a vibrating bullet and a strap on with a 8 inch dildo for her and a 6 inch that inserted into myself. Rose wasn't sure when I put them on the bed next to her but once I showed her the bullet and how good it felt she was happy for me to use it all over her body. Starting with her nipples I sucked on the right while I put the bullet on her left, within seconds she was moaning my name and asking for more while trying to rub her pussy along my thigh. I wanted to take this slow but it had been over a month since we had been together last and the urge was so strong I couldn't wait myself. Moving down her body to her hairless pussy I started licking her clit and inserting the bullet vibrating into her tight hole, Her hands found my head and were holding me in place while her hips gyrated against my face. Rose tasted so sweet I never got enough of sucking her out but tonight I wanted more, I wanted almighty orgasmic screams from my princess. I kept sucking her clit but put the bullet down so I could fasten the strap on into place, Rose sore what i was doing and all she asked for was lube so it wouldn't hurt. Lucky I had some in my bedside unit, Handing it to her I watched as she generously put it in her hands then rub the dildo up and down a few times before laying back down. 

''I'm going to go slow to start with so you get use to it but I don't know how much longer I can last so this will be quick, just tell me stop if it hurts to much hun.'' She nodded yes then layed still while I lined up, she was so wet now and I started pushing the cock into her pussy a little bit at a time. Rose took it like a trooper bearing in mind it was her first time, I lent down to kiss her as I moved in and out of her getting faster and faster. We were panting and moaning so loud i'm shore the whole block could hear but it wasn't enough i wanted the climax's that I could feel her getting closer to. Her pussy was so wet I heard every thrust, then her legs clamped tighter around my hips and she let out a moan that sounded more like a roar setting my orgasum of aswell, I was so spent that I fell down onto the bed bringing her onto her side with the dildo still inside her. We just layed there trying to catch our breath for a while, I had a smile on my face that I couldn't of got rid off even if i wanted to, my little princess was a naughty girl under all her innocents and I loved it. 

''Faith can I ask you something? what do your tattoos mean?'' I had forgot all about them but I didn't mind telling her their stories ( strength and wisdom). After laying there for another 5 minuets rose went to move until she realised she was still impaled on my strapon, just hearing her moan as she moved off it turned me back on but i thought better of it as we had done enough for tonight and i'm sure she had to be home soon.   

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